Antian Valkyrie is like a ruthless killing machine, slaughtering all the way.

Neither the Canglan mansion nor the people of Taitian Martial God can resist.

Martial God Taitian supported Canglan Martial God and wanted to escape, but Ye Yan over there rushed over again.

As the woman in red said, he didn't seem to be seriously injured. Although there was a sword hole in his chest and blood gushed out, he seemed to be fine.

Even An Mingyue next to him was speechless.

Ye Yan didn't talk nonsense, and directly rushed towards Martial God Canglan with the bone sword in hand.

Martial God Canglan, who has been poisoned by the evil spirit of the sky, can no longer activate the power of ascension, otherwise he will only die faster.

"Zhuzi! An dare?"

Taitian Martial God was furious, and raised his only remaining arm and blasted it in the air.

Ye Yan's face tightened, and several arms were stretched across his body, acting as a defense.


A huge explosion sounded.

Ye Yan's arm exploded with flesh and blood, as if a c4 exploded in front of him.

But he didn't dare to feel the pain at all, those broken arms could still move, he rushed forward, approaching Taitian, and the sharp bone spurs exposed by the broken arms cut directly towards Taitian.

Tai Tian took a tight breath and immediately let out a roar.

Terrifying majestic power shook from him, intending to force Ye Yan back.

But the next second.


Taitian's only remaining arm was also chopped off by Ye Yan.

Even though Ye Yan was forced to retreat again, his body was covered with cuts and bruises, and he looked extremely ferocious, like a devil, but he laughed out loud.

His purpose has been achieved.

These injuries are nothing at all.

"Master Valkyrie!"

The rest of the people looked at Taitian, whose arms were broken, and cried out in pain.

Martial God Canglan also stared at Taitian powerlessly, with sorrow written all over his face.

Taitian lost his combat power, and Canglan was poisoned.

This means that the two Martial Gods no longer have the power to resist.

"Brother Ye, why don't you just kill them?"

An Mingyue came back to her senses and asked eagerly.

"Killing them is not the ultimate goal, our goal is their physical body!"

Ye Yan smiled faintly: "To transfer their physical bodies, the best time is only when they are alive. Your father and I are both here for the body of the Martial God. Today, it can be realized!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's scalps went numb.

No wonder Antian Martial God and Ye Yan didn't directly attack their vitals. It turned out that they wanted to fuse the bodies of Canglan Martial God and Taitian Martial God into their own bodies!

"I thought I was despicable and vicious enough, vicious and unscrupulous, but compared with you, I am still noble!"

Martial God Cang Lan panted heavily, staring at Ye Yan coldly: "Who taught you to use such perverse methods that violate the laws of nature and human ethics?"

"Why do you need to ask so many questions, just as Lord Antian said, you will not die, you will live forever in our body!"

Ye Yan smiled lightly, but his eyes showed enthusiasm, and walked towards the two of them step by step.

The two remained silent.

The rest of the people were also powerless to resist, and they all curled up beside the two Martial Gods, looking in horror at Ye Yan and Antian Martial God who were walking towards them.

"Taitian, are you willing?"

Martial God Canglan took a deep breath and said hoarsely.

"Willing? How can I be willing? But at this time, we have no power to change."

Taitian Martial God's eyes were full of anger and resentment.

"If that's the case, let's destroy the flesh and prevent them from succeeding!"

Martial God Canglan roared.

"Hahaha, that's exactly what I mean too!"

Taitian Martial God laughed.

The words fell to the ground, and a violent force suddenly emerged from the bodies of the two of them.

Ye Yan's face tightened, and he shouted urgently: "Master Antian, stop them!"

"Don't worry, with me here, they can't blow themselves up!"

Antian Martial God's ice-cold shout resounded, and then an evil wind blew up, and the pitch-black air blew directly towards the two of them.

"No, it's a vagina needle!"

"Stop these needles!"

Taitian Martial God roared.

Everyone hastily raised their swords and frantically swung them in the evil wind.

But to no avail.

In the evil wind, jet-black air needles condensed by black air directly pierced their bodies.

In a short time, the flesh and blood of these people melted into water and disappeared on the spot.

Martial God Canglan and Martial God Taitian were also hit by these needles, their bodies became stiff, and they lost consciousness. They sat on the ground together, unable to move.

"Very good, save the anesthesia!"

Ye Yan smiled faintly, took out a white bone knife from his body, and said hoarsely: "Master Antian, then, we can start!"

After speaking, he walked towards Martial God Canglan.

But in the next second, a pitch-black whirlwind was blowing in front of him.

Ye Yan suddenly stopped his pace, frowned, and looked towards Antian Martial God.

"Us? Who is with you?"

Antian Martial God said expressionlessly.

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