Hearing this, Ye Yan narrowed his eyes.

"Master Antian, didn't you agree in advance that we have one statue for each of us? Could it be that you still want to eat the flesh and blood of the two gods of war?"

"I have to tell you that with the current strength of your body, it is impossible to perfectly transplant the flesh and blood of two Valkyrie gods. If you do this, your body will explode on the spot! You'd better think carefully!"

Ye Yan looked calm.

He is not afraid of the Dark Sky Martial God swallowing it alone, because his appetite is not so big and he can't swallow it at all.

Antian Martial God shook his head.

"Don't worry, I'll give you a bite to eat, but I have to pick it out first, you know?"

Ye Yan fixed his eyes and didn't speak again.

Obviously, Dark Sky Martial God should give priority to selecting the best organs and flesh and blood, and those who pick the rest will belong to Ye Yan.

Although Ye Yan was very dissatisfied, he would not object.

Because he knows that the current Dark Sky Martial God is also very difficult for him to deal with.

An Mingyue looked at her father with a complicated face.

She hopes that her father will be strong, but she doesn't know whether the person in front of her is still her father...

"Taitian, didn't you expect that? We, who are called Martial Gods, are regarded as gods by the people of the underground dragon veins, and one day we will be picked and picked by people as pigs..."

Martial God Canglan said with weak strength, his eyes were full of sadness.

"Hateful! Annoying! Abominable!"

Martial God Taitian roared frantically, trying to drive his body to fight back.

But no matter how hard he tried, it was of no avail.

Yin acupuncture has blocked all their acupoints and restrained all Qi channels.

Not to mention whether they can break free, even if they break free, they still cannot escape the palms of Ye Yan and Antian Martial God.

The Canglan Mansion and the strong men under the command of Taitian Martial Gods were all killed by the Antian Martial Gods.

Only a few confidantes were left kneeling in front of Canglan and Taitian, weeping bitterly and looking desperate.

Martial God Canglan looked at the few remaining clansmen beside him, took a deep breath, and then shouted in a weak voice: "Antian, this is the end, I have nothing to say, you want to kill me , that's all your business, but before I die, I have a request, I hope you can agree to me..."


"My clansmen...can you let them go?"

Martial God Canglan said eagerly with a face full of thirst.

However, Antian Martial God shook his head without hesitation.

"Not only will I not let them go, I will also personally go to Longxin City to completely kill the Canglan clan!"

"What did you say?"

Martial God Canglan's eyes were red, and he couldn't sit still.

But it was difficult for his body to move even half a cent.

"Cut the weeds but don't get rid of the roots, and there will be endless troubles. Do you want me to keep your people to seek revenge from me in the future?"

Antian Martial God snorted coldly.

Martial God Canglan's eyes were filled with endless hatred.

But he knew that it was impossible for him to take revenge.


Antian Martial God grabbed a member of the Canglan clan, grabbed his limbs and torso with several arms, and then pulled.

The clansman was immediately dismembered by five horses.

Antian Martial God directly pulled out all his Qi veins from his body, like a paoding dispelling an ox. Although the man's body was shattered, the Qi veins were not damaged at all.

Antian Martial God held his energy veins and walked towards Canglan Martial God step by step.

These qi veins are the key to maintaining the lifeline of Martial God Canglan, just like an infusion tube.

After a while, he will completely dismember Martial God Canglan and not let him die.

Looking at the Antian Martial God walking step by step, both Canglan and Taitian closed their eyes, completely resigned to their fate.

An Mingyue, Ye Yan and others stood aside and watched quietly.

"Let's go!"

The woman in red in the distance glanced at Linghu Yu who had a dull and shocked expression, said something quietly, turned around and wanted to leave.

But at this critical moment, a group of people suddenly walked towards the Antian Martial God over there.


The woman in red froze for a moment and looked sideways.

"It's him?"

An Mingyue also cast her gaze.

Ye Yan was startled for a moment, and then the corner of his mouth turned up: "You actually came to die? It's ridiculous!"

Just listen to an indifferent voice spread:

"An Tian, ​​stop!"

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