Hearing this, the scene was quiet for a moment, and then there was a burst of laughter.

"Hahahaha ha ha..."

out of the way? The woman? Are you a director? "

"I'm laughing!"

People are in the middle of the stomach.

Dong guide squinted and stared at Linyang and said, "who are you?"

"I don't mean it? Lin Yang, sister-in-law of Xiaoyu. "

"Linyang? What are you doing? " Dong asked again.

It's not a matter of a team to say that in front of him? display slight skill before an expert?

But at this time, the filial piety director suddenly realized what, clapped the thigh, and exhaled.

"I think of who you are, you are the Linyang who eats soft food? Right? "

As soon as this fell, Su Yu's face was pale at once.

Zhou Yuanyuan and Caiyan seem to remember something and suddenly realize.

"Oh, I remember, your brother-in-law seems to be a idle and idle guy, right? After marriage with your sister, you have always eaten your sister's use of your sister, which is a real waste of the bag, right? " Zhouyuan yuan's mouth rose and said it out loud without any politeness.

"No wonder you didn't introduce your brother-in-law very much, it turned out to be." Caiyan also laughed.

"Yuan Yuan, Xiaoyan, enough." Cao Xiaojiao shouted in a hurry.

Su Yu was in a great distress.

"What kind of big man do I think it turned out to be a waste that only boasted about eating by women." Dong director shook his head and sneered: "you are a waste, I have seen a lot, all day long, I know that you are a bad man, boasting people, you are destined to be the maggots at the bottom of the society, I should not let you into this door!"

"It's right."

"This idiot doesn't thank us Dong guide even, but also said this kind of words, it is just not good or bad!"

The rest of the people also met.

Lin Yang has become a target.

"Don't be angry, Dong guide. His brother-in-law is also a whim." Su Yu was busy laughing with her, and she turned to Lin Yang to make her eyes dark. She said in a low voice: "brother in law, can you not add to me? You... Do you really want to ruin my future? "

"Xiaoyu, did you understand what he said just now? After drinking, accompany him to the room to discuss the details of the film. What does he mean? This drink is just a cover, put it on, these men just want to play with you. " Lin Yang picked up the words directly.

And his words, in a word, were the last cloth of shame to be pulled off.

Cao Xiaojiao and others are embarrassed.

The filial piety director frowned.

As for Dong, there was no response.

Maybe he's been through more of this, right?

But just then, a cold laugh came out.

"Even if we really want to go to bed with them, what does it have to do with your waste?" It is zhouyuanyuan who opened her cavity, she squint at Linyang and said scornfully: "those children in the entertainment circle, who don't know the same? There was no free lunch at the end of the day. Why should someone else, Dong guide, look for us? We don't have a point in our hearts? What happened to the last bed? Dong guide also has the pay, should we eat white food? Why do you resist so much for what I wish? "

Lin Yang was astonished.

But for a moment, it was silent again.

"Or Xiaoyuan is clear about the matter!"

"That's what I said was that little girl was the smartest of these girls."

"I think little girl can think about the female Lord!"

Several people appreciated it.

Dong guide nodded, and the more he liked it, Zhou Yuanyuan was not as beautiful as Su Yu. His purpose of coming here today is for Su Yu.

Actually, from any angle, zhouyuanyuan is right.

Entertainment industry is not a secret for a long time. You love me. You can go to bed with resources. If you don't want to leave, no one will force anyone, you don't want to have people.

Lin Yang did not refute.

Su Yu took a deep breath and put down the glass.

"Well?" Dong director's face sank.

"Dong guide, or... Let's drink next time. I may not be very comfortable today..." Su Yu hesitated and whispered.

"Little lady!"

"You..." br >

Xiaoyu, you should make it clear that once you make a decision, you will not regret it. " Dong leads the cold road.

Su Yu took a deep breath and whispered, "sorry Dong guide, I am really not very comfortable today. Brother-in-law, let's go back..." br >

OK. " Lin Yang nodded.

"This..." filial piety director some anxious, immediately stopped Su Yu: "Xiaoyu, you crazy? You're going to ruin your future? "

"I'm sorry, filial piety director." Su Yu is full of apology.

Filial piety director bit teeth, staring at Linyang way: "waste! You can't use it yourself. You want the little lady to be like you? ""You know what you are thinking. What's more, she may not depend on you if she wants to make a career. I will help her make an appointment." Lin Yang said quietly.

"Just you? Ha ha, don't laugh at me! "

"I'm afraid you can't even shoot a short video."

"Ha ha ha..."

there was a roar of laughter from the box.

But Lin Yang ignored.

Su Yu grabbed Lin Yang's hand and walked outside the box.

"Xiao Yu, wait!"

Cao Xiaojiao also quickly grabbed the bag on the table and chased out.

"Jiaojiao! Where are you going

Cai Yan shouts in a hurry.

But it didn't work. The three were out.

"Xiao Yan, don't worry about them. If they want to leave, come and come, director Dong, I'd like to propose a toast to you!" Zhou Yuanyuan is full of smile, now her smile is more open than before.

In fact, she was eager for Su Yu to leave, because in this way, director Dong's attention would be more focused on her.

However, when she passed with her glass in her hand, Dong directly slapped her in the face.


Zhou Yuanyuan screamed, the wine glass spilled down, covered his face, and looked at Dong director strangely.

"A bunch of bitches! Get me a bottle and blow it! After blowing, the lady is yours Dong was angry and threw the bottle in front of Zhou Yuanyuan.

Cai Yan trembled with fear.

There is at least half a bottle in this wine bottle. If you drink it all, you can't shock on the spot?

But Zhou Yuanyuan couldn't control so much. She stared at the bottle, bit her teeth, and took the bottle and put it into her mouth.


the crowd made a funny laugh.

But Dong Dao's gloomy and angry face didn't get better. He hooked her finger at Cai Yan.

Cai Yan shivered all over the body, or carefully walked past.

"Kneel down!"

Dong's cold channel is to zip his pants.

Cai Yan's face turned pale.

She already understood what director Dong wanted her to do.

"Director Dong, don't..." Cai Yan was about to cry.

"You don't want to be a big star?" Dong asked, squinting.


"hurry up!"

Dong said.

Cai Yan wanted to cry without tears and raised her hand without any measures.

Until then.

The knock on the door rang.

Dong zips up.

"Who's so stupid?"

"Don't worry, director Dong. I'll go to the manager later. Damn it!"

Director Xiao's face was heavy, and he ran to him.

However, when the door opened, director Xiao was stunned.

"General manager Yu? Why are you here? "

"Who is it?" Dong shouts.

"Director Dong, it's Mr. Yu!" The filial piety director quite excited way.

"General manager Yu? Yu Xingwen? " Dong was excited and stood up.

Yu Xingwen is the main investor of his recent big movie. I didn't expect to meet him here.

"Oh? Director Dong? Director filial piety? Are you here, too? What a coincidence Yu Xingwen was also surprised.

"Mr. Yu is here? Come on, come on, sit in. Let's have a good drink today The portly man got up and said with a smile.

Director Dong is also busy, so he comes forward.

"Not in a hurry. I've met you today. I'm sure I'll have a few drinks. But I'll have to wait until I finish drinking with Mr. Lin. Mr. Lin, I'll toast you!" Yu Xingwen said with a smile and came in holding a glass of wine.

But when he entered the box and looked around, he did not see Lin Yang's figure. He was confused: "eh? And Mr. Lin? "

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