Mr. Lin

The people in the box were all misty and looked at each other.

"What, Mr. Lin? Mr. Yu, none of us is Mr. Lin here. " Dong said with a frown.

"No, I saw Mr. Lin come in. How could he be absent?" Yu Xingwen was puzzled.

"Is it Lin Yang, Su Yu's brother-in-law just now?" Director Xiao next to him whispered.

"Fart, don't you say that's a loafer who eats soft food? That kind of waste is always in the eye? It's impossible! " Dong was angry.

Director Xiao was silent.

"What are you talking about?" Yu Xingwen asked strangely.

"Oh, nothing, nothing..." director Dong repeatedly waved his hands and said with a smile, "since Mr. Lin has not been found, let's sit down and have a good drink. There are two new people waiting for you to cultivate."

Dong said in a meaningful way.

The meaning is obvious.

Yu Xingwen heard the sound and looked at the flushed Zhou Yuanyuan and Cai Yan, frowning tightly: "they two... Should still be students?"

"That's not true? The students are young. " Next to the belly of Jane always come up, full of wretched smile way.

"Isn't that good?" Although Yu Xingwen is also a lecherous and knows all these things in the entertainment industry, he always abides by his own bottom line. Moreover, these girls are about the same age as his daughter. How could he do it?

"What? Do you have anything else to worry about? " Dong said with a smile.

"Director Dong, accumulate some virtue." Yu Xingwen said in a light way, turning to Zhou Yuanyuan and Cai Yan: "you two are still young. You don't know the danger outside. Go back quickly. If you want to make a little profit, you will regret it."

With that, Yu Xingwen turned his head and left.

Cai Yan and Zhou Yuanyuan are both stunned.

"Mr. Yu! Mr. Yu Director Xiao called out in a hurry.

But Yu Xingwen did not return.

"What is it?" Equal to Xingwen left, the big bellied man scolded.

"That's to say, it's arrogant to think that you are an investor? Our director Dong wants to attract sponsors. I don't know how many sponsors are sticking to their faces. They really regard themselves as some kind of person! " The filial piety director also scolded a few words.

"No matter what, we should eat and drink! Don't let your spirits down. " Director Dong waved his hand and didn't care.

"Come on, drink!"

The crowd raised their glasses again.

Zhou Yuanyuan was interested, but Cai Yan was pale, hesitated, or decided to leave.

"Where are you going?" Director Xiao frowned and stopped her immediately.

"Director Xiao, i... I'm not very comfortable... I want to go back and have a rest first." Cai Yan hesitated.

"What? Cai Yan, I thought you were a smart girl. I didn't expect you to be so stupid. Go back? If you leave this door, your future will be ruined. Do you want to be like Su Yu and Cao Xiaojiao? " Director Xiao was busy persuading.


"Xiaoyan, don't worry. With me, let's go to our room and have a good chat with director Dong about the drama. In a few years, Su Yu and Xiaojiao will have to look up to us. Then, they will... They will regret to die..." Zhou Yuanyuan, who is drunk here, hugs Cai Yan and is full of wine.

Cai Yan was deeply entangled, but eventually she stayed.




go back to the car of Jiangda.

Su Yu lowered her head and lost her face.

"Xiaojiao, how did you come out?" Lin Yang in the co driver's seat turned his head and asked.

"I... I'm also a little scared..." Cao Xiaojiao whispered.

"It's not worth sacrificing yourself for a small role. Gold always shines." Lin Yang said with a smile, "it's really not possible. I'll help you arrange a role."

"You?" Cao Xiaojiao obviously didn't believe it.

Su Yu sighed and said hoarsely, "brother-in-law, in fact, what you said is quite right. I didn't intend to sacrifice myself for such a female No.2. However, since I have offended director Dong today, I'm afraid that the dream of the performing arts circle... Will be over..."

"Xiaoyu, don't you believe me?"

"Brother in law, I know you want to comfort me, but don't mention this kind of thing... My dad actually doesn't want me to step into the entertainment industry. He wants me to follow him, but I've never been interested in his business. Since things are yellow today, I think I should listen to his opinions." Su Yu was listless.

Cao Xiaojiao is also covered a face, want to cry can not come out.

If they offend such big directors, their future can be said to be gloomy.

Lin Yang did not say a word, thought for a moment, light said: "I will arrange a personal meeting for you, tomorrow at noon!""Brother Lin, who are you?" Asked Cao Xiaojiao.

"I don't know." Lin Yang shook his head.

"What? You don't know? " Cao Xiaojiao was shocked.

Su Yu did not speak.

In fact, she did not put hope in Lin Yang's body at all, she had died from the moment she stepped out of that door.

Lin Yang didn't explain.

Soon, the taxi arrived at the school gate, and the two girls went back to their dormitories listlessly.

Lin Yang returned to Yanghua by car.

On the way, he called ma Hai.


Ma Hai on the other side of the phone is stunned.

"Do you know any directors? I want to arrange for two people to go there, both new people. " Lin Yang road.

"Mr. Lin, I know many directors, but most of them are sponsored by yanghuala. If you really want to get involved in the film and television industry, I can introduce some well-known directors to you." Mahaido.

"More famous directors?"

Lin Yang frowned and asked, "is there any famous Dong Xia?"

"Who is Dong Xia?"


maybe Ma Hai doesn't know the people in the entertainment industry...

"in a word, you can arrange a good person for me. At noon tomorrow, I will ask two people to meet him and talk about some things in detail."

"Those two are..."

"my sister."

"Is that so?" Ma Hai's expression immediately became serious: "if so, Mr. Lin, I suggest that we should not invest in a film."

"About how much?"

"A small cost of several million or tens of millions will do, a bigger one will be 100 million..."

"is a billion dollars enough?"

"One billion, one billion?"

"Well, play."

After collecting all the money, Lin Yang had no idea about money.

"Enough! Enough! I'll contact the domestic first-line directors immediately! "

"You go to be in charge of it. It doesn't matter who the director is. What matters is his thoughts and thoughts, and whether he thinks from my point of view." Lin Yang said quietly.

If Ma Hai thinks about it, he immediately understands something.

"Don't worry, Mr. Lin. it's on me."

"Good." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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