Su Yu and Cao Xiaojiao had a bad night's sleep.

The two girls tossed and turned, unable to sleep.

On the one hand, they are worried about the future; on the other hand, they are afraid of director Dong.

From the moment she walked out of the box door, the second daughter had been dead to the performing arts circle.

After all, this is the case in this circle. People who don't understand the rules will never get into the circle.

Besides this, the second daughter is also afraid of Dong's revenge.

According to the online evaluation of the famous director, there are only three words.

Watch your eyes!

This is a revenge guy!

If anyone offends him, he will use all relations to fight to the end.

If the strength is equal, it will be stiff.

But they're just two students who haven't left the campus yet.

If Dong Xia wants to, they can have a better life?

They were so worried that they stayed up until dawn.

Early in the morning, Lin Yang's message was sent.

"Xiaojiao, my brother-in-law asked me to go with you to the Aegean restaurant in the center of the city to meet someone. Would you like to go?" Su Yu looked at her mobile phone and said.

"Who is it?" Cao Xiaojiao with two black eyes, haggard asked.

"Say it's a director."

"How could it be? Don't you know who your brother-in-law is? Don't be a wild director shooting that color film... "Cao Xiaojiao put her head under the quilt and murmured.

Su Yu was slightly stunned, hesitated and did not speak.

Cao Jiaoxin really told her.

For Lin Yang, it's the director who can't get to know him.

But because of Lin Yang's request, Su Yu couldn't bear to refuse.

"Xiaojiao, why don't you go and have a look? At least it's my brother-in-law's wish. If it's a regular director, isn't it an opportunity?" Su Yu Road.

"Oh, my Su Da beauty. Don't think about it. Who are we offending now, Dong Xia! Director Dong! Even if we get out of the way, do you think we can get along? Do you know which company is behind Dong Xia? Huangyu company!! Dong Xia is one of the leading figures in the entertainment industry. He just needs to say a word, we have no future in our life, so don't think about it. After two years of peace and contentment, we will find someone to marry after graduation and spend the rest of his life with his husband and children... "Cao Xiaojiao said painstakingly.

In fact, she has a little regret.

After all, that's a brilliant future.

She is still very confident in her appearance. If she can really make a debut, even if she can't make a success by acting, she can still make a living with her face. When the time comes, she doesn't want to be famous, but only wants to change her status and marry into a powerful family. She will surely make no loss.

But now, I'm afraid it's the ordinary working family waiting for her.

Cao Xiaojiao hid in the quilt and sighed.

Su Yu didn't care. She immediately got out of bed and dragged Cao Xiaojiao to the bottom of the bed.

"Ah, Yu Yu... What are you doing?" Cao Xiaojiao shouts in a hurry.

"Let's go, Xiaojiao. Let's go with me. If it's not suitable, let's withdraw!" Su Yu pleaded.

"You... Oh, forget it, I lost to you. I left with you last night, and I will go with you today." Cao Xiaojiao has no choice but to get out of bed.

The second daughter took two hours to make up, and then took a taxi to the Aegean restaurant.

Entering the dining room, the second daughter walked to the appointed table.

At the moment, a man in a cap is sitting at the table.

A large number of documents were placed in front of the man, who were looking at them carefully.

As soon as Cao Xiaojiao saw this, she immediately grabbed Su Yu.

"Yu Yu, do you see it? I said it must be the director of unofficial

"How do you know?" Su Yu asked.

"Nonsense, if it's a major domestic director, will he wait for us here in advance? Don't say big directors, even serious little directors, will not come so early. Who are we? The students who haven't graduated, can others give us this face? "


"well, if you have to deal with the past, you can go back and treat it as if you are scraping a meal."

Cao Xiaojiao said, and then took Su Yu to go over.

"You must be Mr. Lin's sister?"

Seeing the second daughter coming, the visitor immediately got up and put out her hand with a smile on her face.

"Did you order?" Cao Xiaojiao was also too lazy to see the man, and did not stretch out his hand.

The man held his hand in the air, quite embarrassed. He took it back and said with a smile, "you can have whatever you want. I'll pay for today's meal."

"I'm not welcome." Cao Xiaojiao eyes shine, immediately picked up the menu and ordered.

Su Yan is also embarrassed and smiles at the man.

However, although the other side is wearing a cap, but it is a little familiar.

"Two ladies, let's talk about this play first..." when someone saw Cao Xiaojiao ordering food all the time, he couldn't help asking carefully."Filming? Yes? You're sure we're both playing? There's no audition yet. " Cao Xiaojiao asked.

"Don't try. Don't try. You fit. Absolutely." People are busy.

"If I see Yu Yu, I will tell you. It's certainly not a serious play." Cao Xiaojiao frowned.

The other party didn't even look at their acting skills. They just looked at their faces and said they didn't need to try. Naturally, the two girls would have fantasies.

Su Yu also frowned, but still asked.

"What kind of play is it, please?"

"In battle tiger, you play female one and female two respectively." The other side pushed the script over.

"War Tiger? 》”

two girls and one Leng.

"Not the color film?" Whispered Cao Jiao Leng.

"What?" The visitor was very surprised.

"Oh, nothing, nothing. I just wanted to ask how much money was invested in the play." Cao Xiaojiao said with a smile.

"The initial budget is one billion." The visitor said with a smile.

Bang Dang!

The sound of the goblet falling to the ground sounded.

People in the restaurant were looking forward.

However, seeing that Su Yu and Cao Xiaojiao are struck by lightning, they stare at each other in a daze.

"Ladies, are you all right?" Come to ask.

"You... You... You just said how much money was invested in the play?" Cao Xiaojiao suddenly stood up, hands on the table and asked aloud.

"One billion. Is there any... Problem? " The visitor asked strangely.

"One billion, one billion?"

Cao Xiaojiao felt that her tongue was knotted.

Su Yu also had a feeling of whirling.

"Why? Are you Director Song Jing

At this time, a voice sounded.

The guests at the next table suddenly came forward to ask.

The visitor gave a bitter smile: "it's me..."

and these two simple words, like thunderbolt again, hit the two girls hard.

The second daughter was anxious to see what the visitor looked like.

"Song Jing... It's really song Jing..."

Cao Xiaojiao whispered twice and almost fainted.

Su Yu's brain is also a blank, staring at Song Jing.

"The man my brother-in-law is looking for... Is it song Jing?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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