Who is song Jing?

I'm afraid the whole Chinese people don't know.

At the age of 16, song Jing had been active in the mainland film industry. It was well-known by his film master Huo Quan. It was known as the future star of cultural and entertainment circles at that time!

In his early twenties, song Jing went abroad and developed in the United States. Although he had some setbacks, he also made a name for himself.

Later, he turned to be a director. His first film invested 20 million yuan, but he got a high box office return of 500 million yuan.

The second one is a well deserved first-line director in China, with a cost of 80 million yuan and a box office of 900 million yuan!

It's just that in recent years, song Jing's works have plummeted.

In the third film, he had a cost of 200 million yuan, but he got a box office income of 300 million yuan. Including the publicity and various expenses, the investors lost their money. But looking at the sign of "Beijing" in Song Jing, there are still many investors in the fourth film. However, as a result, the investment of 100 million yuan for the box office achievement of 130 million yuan.

It's not as simple as losing money. Investors are going to hang themselves.

So far, song Jing is completely out of the performing arts circle.

Even so, song Jing's status and reputation in the performing arts circle can't be underestimated. After all, he is an old man. Even if Dong Xia stands here, he has to shout "brother Jing".

Although song Jing has been in a mess for the past two years, he may cooperate with such well-known directors. For Su Yu and Cao Xiaojiao, it's also heaven's fate, far from reach, and it's the blessing of previous generations.

"Song... Song guide! Hello Hello! I... my name is Cao Xiaojiao... I grew up watching your TV series since I was a child... "Cao Xiaojiao's tongue is knotted and she is incoherent.

Su Yu was at a loss. Looking at Song Jing, she didn't know what to say.

"Are you hungry? Eat first, and then we'll talk about the play Song Jing said with a smile.

In fact, Su Yu and Cao Xiaojiao didn't know that song Jing was more worried than they were at this time.

One billion!

The whole domestic film and television industry, there is no such high cost investment!

Song Jing was very happy to receive such a film.

But... Such a big movie, can't you invite old actors to perform? How did the investor arrange two young girls?

If this is a bad performance, I'm afraid I will retire completely.

This is a big gamble!

It's also a turnaround.

If possible, song Jing would never let these two newborn calves play their own drama.

However, the investors strongly demanded that the two girls play, and song Jing had to compromise.

Song Jing had a bitter smile on his face and no bottom in his heart.

The second daughter was very excited.


at this time, the phone rings.

Cao Xiaojiao picked up a look, immediately happy.

"Yuyu, it's Yuanyuan's phone! She must have come to laugh at us Cao Xiaojiao said with a smile.

"Ask her what's going on there first." Su Yu said with a smile.

"If she knew that we could cooperate with Director Song, she would lose her chin."

Cao Xiaojiao smiles and presses the connect button.

"Yuanyuan, we have received the play! Guess who we're working with? " Cao Xiaojiao exclaimed triumphantly.

But for a moment, she didn't speak any more, and the smile on her face slowly solidified. At the end of the day, her expression became scared and pale...

Su Yu beside her was stunned.

"Xiaojiao, what's the matter with you?" Please be careful.

However, Cao Xiaojiao, with a dull face, turned to look at Su Yu with empty eyes: "Yuyu... Xiaoyan, she... She... She is dead..."


Su Yu stood up abruptly. Her eyes were wide and she looked at Cao Xiaojiao strangely.

When Lin Yang received the call, he was still looking at the list.

Knowing this, the whole person also muddled, rushed to the hotel.

At the moment, director Dong and director Xiao are all here.

Zhou Yuanyuan was also present, but she stood with him holding Dong director's hand.

Su Yu and Cao Xiaojiao arrived here immediately after they got the news.

The patrols are here. They're investigating the scene.

"Brother in law!"

Seeing Lin Yang coming, Su Yu's eyes turned red, and she immediately rushed over.

"It's OK."

Lin Yang comforted a few words, then went over and asked about the patrol.

"Officer, what's the matter?"

"A female college student died unexpectedly. Are you a family member of the deceased?" Asked the policeman.

"No, I'm the brother-in-law of the deceased's classmate. I came to ask about the situation on behalf of the deceased's classmate." Lin Yang road.

"Oh... We will investigate this matter. The sudden death of the deceased should be related to drinking too much last night. Relevant people should go back to make a record with us.""OK."

Lin Yang nodded.

But he believed that this was not so simple, especially Su Yu.

Drinking too much?

What is Caiyan's wine, can they count the people in the same dormitory? How could she drink too much?

"Yuanyuan, what is this? Xiaoyan, she... How could she die? " Su Yu asked with a red eye and crying.

"I know, she was drunk last night, and then she was drunk and slept all night. When I got up in the morning, she was angry." zhouyuanyuan said with a twinkling eyes.

"You didn't force her to do it?" Lin Yang added.

"Strong irrigation? What do you mean? We just drink ordinary drinks. How can we drink it? Who are you treating us! " Dong guide next to sink drink, the rest of the people are also quite angry.

Lin Yang ignored, comforting Su Yu: "no matter what, wait until the inspection report comes out."

Su Yu nodded.

Suddenly, Su Yu and caojiaojiao were scared and uncomfortable. After all, they were roommates who had been together for several years. Suddenly, people were gone, and the attack on the second daughter was quite big.

Linyang sent them back to school and went back to the company.

He didn't have much interest in this kind of thing to ask.

The rest of the work is to go through the procedure, what to do.

But after a long time, a phone call from Song Jing came.

"Mr. Lin... There may be some problems with this play."

"What's the matter? Is the money not in place? " Asked Lin Yang frown.

"It's not money, it's the question of the hostess, your sister... Accused!" Song Jing said: "if she can't get rid of the lawsuit, it may affect the opening of the whole play... What do you think, how to deal with it?"

"What? The defendant? "

Lin Yang was shocked.

He hasn't responded yet, and he calls again.

At a glance, it is Su Yan.

Lin Yang felt bad, first hung up song Jing's phone, pressed the connect key.

"What happened to the little lady, Linyang?" Su Yan asked urgently.

"Nothing happened? I just sent her to school soon. What's wrong? " Asked Lin Yang.

"But why did someone go to uncle's house to put wreaths in coffins, saying that they wanted to find Xiaoyu for justice?" Su Yan asked.

Linyang listened to it and was silent.

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