After the decline of the Su family, several of the sons under the old lady Su also separated. As for the old lady Su, she was still raising them in her house.

It is said that Su Guang has been accompanying old lady Su all the time.

Sutai lives in the suburbs far from Su's house.

As the eldest son of the Su family, Su Tai not only manages the business of Su family, but also does some foreign trade business. Because he used to focus on the business of the Su family, his personal business was not very large. After the collapse of the Su family, he relied on this small business to maintain the family's expenses.

Su Tai's house is a unit fund-raising house, the gate has no security, no property.

At the moment, outside the building, there are gongs and drums, and people are crowded. Outside Sutai's house on the second floor, it is filled with a large number of wreaths, and bursts of crying sound through the whole unit building.

"My poor daughter! How hard your life is

"How can you make friends with such a slut? You've done harm to you and our family!"

"Oh, my daughter! Give my daughter my life

"The Sutai family will not die easily. I will give my daughter my life back!"



The neighbors upstairs and downstairs pointed out to the Sutai family, and there were more people around.

"Give way, please give way!"

Lin Yang squeezed out the crowd and walked into Sutai's home.

The door was open and there were many people standing inside.

Obviously, Sutai is not going to hide behind closed doors, but is ready to negotiate with these people.

In addition to Su Tai, Su Guang is also in the house, and there are several friends of Su Tai.

Su Xiaoqing is taken out of the house. She is not yet an adult. This kind of thing should be avoided naturally.

Su Yu and Cao Xiaojiao just arrived in Linyang.

The second daughter sat on the sofa, staring at the stretcher in the living room.

There was a corpse lying on the stretcher, covered with white cloth, and the corpse... Was Cai Yan's body.

The second daughter was in a trance and thought she was dreaming.

This is just a little more than a day of Kung Fu, and his roommate day and night on the stretcher, cool.

And... Her body was taken home by her relatives and friends to ask for justice.

Everything is like a dream...

"surnamed Su, you killed my daughter. If you don't give our family justice today, I will certainly not let you go!" At this time, a middle-aged man with a flat head and a gray white shirt stares at Sutai and shouts.

The man called himself Cai Yan's father, Cai Ping. He was excited and his eyes were red.

"Mr. Cai, I have already known about lingai. I'm very sad and I hope you can stop mourning. As for the death of lingai, the inspector has already said that she died suddenly, which has nothing to do with my daughter. Moreover, my daughter called me this morning and said something about last night. She left without drinking wine last night, so how could lingai's death have anything to do with my daughter?" Sutai frowned.

"You fart! How can it have nothing to do with your daughter? My daughter can't drink at all, but your daughter makes my daughter drink! My daughter accidentally drank too much, so that my daughter suffered an accident! So at the end of the day, your daughter is the killer Cai Ping angrily scolded.

On hearing this, all the people of the Cai family nearby burst into tears, pointing to Su Yu and scolding the murderer.

Su Yu was completely confused.

Lin Yang was also astonished.

He went over and drank, "who told you that Xiaoyu made your daughter drink?"

This is a completely naked frame up!

"Brother in law!" Su Yu's eyes brightened and she was overjoyed.

"Xiaoyang?" Sutai frowned slightly.

"Lin Yang, why are you here?" Su Guang was stunned.

"Uncle, father-in-law, Xiaoyan called me, and I came here." Lin Yang road.

"I heard you went to the party last night, too? What's going on here? " Su Tai asked.

Lin Yang immediately said what happened last night.

On hearing this, Su Tai hummed out: "Mr. Cai, you must tell evidence in everything. If you have evidence, please bring it out. If not, please ask your people to leave my house immediately, or I will call the police."

"There is no evidence, but the witness has!" Cai Ping sneered.

The Su family was shocked.

"Who is the witness?"

"Their roommates! Classmate Zhou Yuanyuan


When Su Yu and Cao Xiaojiao were struck by lightning, they thought they had heard the wrong thing.

"Sutai, I came here today to see the attitude of your family. If you have a good attitude and have a private relationship with me, I can accept it. If your attitude is too bad, I'll see you in court! I tell you, Zhou Yuanyuan has promised to ask for justice for Xiaoyan. If she really starts a lawsuit, she is willing to testify in court! But I'm not a heartless person. Your daughter and my daughter are classmates at least. I'll give you a chance! Within this week, if you can gather up three million yuan of compensation and send it to our house, that's it. Otherwise, you are going to call your daughter to squat on the throne! "Cai Ping angrily said, and then with a wave of his hand, led the Cai family to leave.

Su Tai rushed to catch up: "Mr. Cai, Mr. Cai..."

but the Cai family ignored him.

After a while, the Cai family left.

Su Tai returned to the house with a decadent face.

"It's impossible... Yuanyuan... How could she do such a thing?" Su Yu's eyes are empty, Na Na said.

"I'm afraid that most of them were instructed by Dong, who was revenging us..." Cao Xiaojiao was pale and shivering.

"Dad, what should I do? I'm innocent. " Su Yu wanted to cry without tears.

"Don't worry, i... I'll find a way..." Sutai said hoarsely.

But three million!

I'm afraid his family can't make up so much money to sell a house.

Su Tai looks sad.

But in Lin Yang's opinion, it is not Dong's revenge on Su Yu and Cao Xiaojiao, but to frame up!

Because it's Dong who really persuades people to drink!

Although Cai Yan's sudden death is an accident, Dong Dao and others will be held partly responsible for it. Out of these responsibilities, Dong Dao and others may compensate a certain amount of money for the family members of the deceased.

In fact, Dong doesn't care about the money, but if he is really asked to compensate, for him, the loss is not money, but his face.

Once the media has made a deep investigation, it is bound to dig out the whole process of the banquet. At that time, he, a famous director, would be covered with dirty water.

No one in the public wants to do this.

Therefore, he had to let Su Yu take the responsibility so that he could become an outsider.

Lin Yang's eyes are slightly coagulated, and he says that the old fox has a good idea.

But at this moment, a hand suddenly grabbed his clothes and pulled them.

Lin Yang did not pay attention, a stagger, nearly fell, turned a look, is an angry and ferocious face.

"It's all about you! It's all you've done to my daughter. You still have the face to stand here? " The scream came, and then two hands covered his face and grabbed Lin Yang's face. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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