
Lin Yang was suddenly out of the blue. He felt a hot pain on his right cheek. He stepped back a few steps and touched it with his hand before realizing that his cheek was scratched.

Again fixed eyes, in front of the oneself, the person who is Zhang Fangwu claw is Su Tai's wife Liu Manshan!

At this moment, she was completely crazy, and she caught Lin Yang again, as if she had to tear Lin Yang to stop!

The next person is surprised, busy pulling Liu Manshan.

Su Yu also frightened a big jump, immediately rushed to stop.

"Mom! Stop. What are you doing? Stop it! " Su Yu shouted in a hurry.

"Let go, I'll kill this beast! Let me kill this waste and the dog Liu Manshan screamed and twisted her face.

Lin Yang was gloomy, and he didn't know what the madness of Liu Mansan was.

Su Guang sat on the sofa, and his face was not natural.

How to Lin Yang is his son-in-law, Liu Manshan said it was very inappropriate to call and scold Lin Yang.


Just then, Sutai suddenly roared.

Liu Manshan stopped here.

People all looked at Sutai.

"Don't you think it's not enough trouble? Give me a break! " Su Tai stared at Liu Manshan.

Liu Manshan glared at Su Tai, and pushed the people away.

"Dad, mom, this matter has nothing to do with my brother-in-law. Don't blame your brother-in-law." Su Yu has red eyes and tears.

"I know." Su Tai took a deep breath and said in a low voice: "Xiaoyang has always been a very honest child. I can see it when he is at Su's house. If it's not because he is a son-in-law, he could have lived very well..." br >

Sutai's voice was very deep and dry and dumb.

In fact, in the years of Su family, Su Tai was fair to Linyang, at least not sneering at him, and some things were fairly fair, so Lin Yang's impression on Sutai was not bad.

Lin Yang doesn't speak.

But see Sutai turn around, look at Linyang way: "Xiaoyang, this has nothing to do with you, you go back."

"Well, uncle, take care of yourself!" Lin Yang nodded.

Since other people's father all spoke, Lin Yang naturally will not be thick-faced to stay, originally this matter with him also not much.

But at this time, Liu Manshan shouted out: "stop!"

"What else?" The first side of Linyang.

"Of course, Linyang! I tell you, you can get me 2 million in a minute! Here you go to me, you understand? " Liu Manshan said in a rage.

"Why?" Asked Lin Yang strangely.

"Why? Hum, if someone else comes up to our house, you can't get rid of it! You went to the banquet last night. We should bear the compensation together! You understand? " Liu ManChan screamed.

"Even if it is to bear together, it has to be equally divided. What do you mean to ask me to send 2 million people alone?" Linyang shook his head and said.

"You... OK, Linyang, are you going to make a rebellion? A Guang! How did you teach your son-in-law? Is that the big one? Dare you hold my mouth? " Liu Manshan was in a hurry and shouted at Su Guang.

But Sue Guang doesn't eat her suit.

"Ah Shan, don't say that Lin Yang did nothing wrong first. Even if you did it wrong, you were not right with this kind of extortion? It's 2 million. Are you going to empty my house? " Suguangdao.

"You... Isn't this waste going to divorce your daughter? What else do you do to this waste? " Liu Manshan rushed to the road.

"This..." Su Guang is dumb.

"Ashan, don't go too far! Two million? Do you think Xiao Yang will have it? And what does it have to do with Xiaoyang? You don't make a fuss! " Sutai said unnaturally.

He thought that this was not Liu Manshan extolling Linyang, but deliberately trying to make Lin Yang difficult.

What is the matter with my wife? Why is it inexplicable to have come to Linyang?

Lin Yang also realized this.

But listen to Liu Manshan sneer: "I am not unreasonable? Someone really needs to tell you, you think this kid can get out of the way? But you said this kid didn't? OK, I don't want this kid 2 million, but Lin waste, you have to promise me one thing! If you should, I will not ask you 2 million, and I will never be in trouble with you any more! How about it? "

"Mom!" Su Yu shouted in a hurry.

But before the words were exported, Liu Manshan stopped.

Liu Manshan stared at Linyang, as if waiting for his reply.

Lin Yang eyebrows tight, completely do not know Liu Manshan meaning, but still nodded: "you say, what things."

"I want you not to pester my daughter again. From now on, I will not allow you to appear in front of my family again! Do you hear it clearly? " Liu Manshan cold way.

As soon as this came out, everyone was stunned.

What is Liu Manshan doing?Su Yu's eyes widened in autumn.

Su Guang is in a fog.

As for Sutai, he was even more astonished. After a half silence, he said, "Ashan, what do you mean by that?"

"It doesn't mean anything, Lin, do you agree?" Liu Manshan asked with a sneer.

"Mother! I don't agree! " Su Yu objected on the spot, hugging Liu Manshan and crying.

"Xiaoyu! Mom is for your own good. You seldom want to be the second Su Yan? " Liu Manshan said solemnly.

"Ah Shan, you must be clear! What's going on? " Su Tai felt that something was wrong and immediately asked.

"You fool, you don't care about your daughter at all! Do you know that our daughter is promising! " Liu Mansan glared at Su Tai.

The more she listened, the more confused she became.

"Mom, what are you talking about? What's the matter with you today? " Su Yu's eyes were flushed with tears, and she felt as if her mother had been poisoned.

But seeing Liu Manshan wipe off the tears from Su Yu's eyes, she said with a smile, "daughter, don't hide it and tell your mother everything."

"Mom... What are you talking about? I don't understand you. "

"Well, you're still hiding it from Mom? You think mom doesn't know anything about it Liu Manshan chuckled, took out her mobile phone, opened the short video app, and opened a short video to broadcast.

Everyone looked at it.

However, the video above shows the scene of Su Yu and Cao Xiaojiao meeting song Jing in the Aegean restaurant...

it is estimated that which guest took the picture with his mobile phone.

"This is... Xiaoyu?" Su Guang came over and glared.

"Good! Do you all know this man? Song Jing! Song Jing, who made master Huo Quan Liu Manshan said.

"What? Is it him? "

Su Tai and others all took a cool breath.

"Xiaoyu, tell mom, have you signed a contract with Director Song?" Liu asked with a smile.

Su Yu looked at Liu Mansan, vaguely understood something, and nodded her head with difficulty: "yes..."

"that's right!"

Liu Manshan stares at Lin Yang and says with a sneer, "Lin Yang, what else do you have to say now?"

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