"What do you say?" Lin Yang is still at a loss, completely unable to understand Liu Mansan's meaning.

"Hum! Don't be confused! waste material! You think I don't know? You know that Su Yan is going to divorce you soon! That's why you are busy looking for the next family and pestering our little Yu, aren't you? " Liu Manshan snorted coldly.

"What?" Lin Yang was shocked.

Su Yu was also silly: "Mom, how can you think so?"

Feelings... Liu Manshan is Lin Yang as a soft meal of the small white face?

Although in a sense he is.

"Girl, don't think your mother doesn't know anything. Is Lin Yang always pestering you during this period of time?" Liu Manshan asked seriously.

"Where is it?"

"Why is Xiaoqing always shouting all day long? Don't leave my brother-in-law when you talk to me? Sometimes you too! Besides, why did he accompany you to the banquet last night? Today's incident, he also ran to join the fun! How dare you say he didn't bother you? " Liu Manshan asked.

"This..." Su Yu was speechless.

In fact, she is pestering Lin Yang, which is Lin Yang pestering her?

"Mom, listen to me!"

"No need to explain! My mother knows that it is Lin Yang who sees your future and wants to help you. When he divorced Su Yan, he will have no food to eat. If he doesn't pester you, how can he get along with you? " Liu Manshan sneered.

Su Yu was stunned. She never thought her mother's brain circuit was so big.

"Ashan, what you said is true?" Su Tai's face is also slowly not good-looking, voice a sink way.

"Can it be fake? I'll tell you, Artest, do you know what the movie director Song and our daughter have made an appointment with? "

"What film?"

"Battle tiger! We need to invest 1 billion yuan! " Liu Manshan said triumphantly.


Su Tai exclaimed.

"One billion, one billion?" Su Guang's tongue is all knotted.

"The video is all here, can't fake! Our daughter is promising. She's going to be a big star. She's going to be a star. But I don't want some garbage borers to take the opportunity to pester my daughter, Artest. In fact, Cai Ping is not a problem at all. As long as our daughter's play is completed, what is a mere three million yuan? But Lin Yang is a big problem! If we don't drive him away from Xiaoyu now, she will become a big star in the future. He will follow her all day and pester her. Once her reputation is affected, will she not be ruined? What do big stars fear most? It's gossip Liu said seriously.

When people heard this, they understood why Liu Manshan could not help but scratch, beat and scold Lin Yang!

Feelings now Lin Yang is Liu Mansan's thorn in the flesh!

When Sutai heard the voice, she was also in deep thought. After a moment, she said seriously, "what you said... Has some truth."


As soon as Su Yu was going crazy, she rushed out and yelled, "how can you think so? You wronged your brother-in-law! Brother in law has been helping me! And this song Jing was introduced to me by my brother-in-law! How can you say that about brother-in-law? "

"See? I'm lost! I'm lost in my mind! Start talking about this trash now! Our daughter has been fascinated by him Liu Man Shan points to Su Yu Road.

"Xiaoyu, originally I had some doubts about your mother's words, but now it seems that what she said must be true!" Su Tai sank.

"Dad, what do you mean Su Yu asked stupidly.

"Do you think people like Lin Yang may know people like song Jing? Do you believe it? " Su Tai asked.

Su Yu stepped back two steps. Suddenly she lost her strength and looked at her parents again. She was full of confusion.


Is it possible?

No way!

Actually, don't say it's Sutai! Even she did not know why Lin Yang introduced song Jing, a big star and director, to her.

But... That's the truth!

Su Yu turned her head hard and looked at Lin Yang, looking forward to Lin Yang's explanation.


Lin Yang was tired.

He didn't give any explanation. He asked calmly, "so I just need to get out of here, right?"

"Besides, I want you to never see my daughter again, and not to appear in front of our family for the rest of your life." Liu Manshan said coldly.


Lin Yang nodded without hesitation.

"Brother in law!" Su Yu cried and took Lin Yang's arm.

"Xiaoyu, come back!" Sue Tai drinks low.

"Dad... You've wronged your brother-in-law, and you've all mistaken your brother-in-law..." Su Yu's heart was almost in tears.

But her explanation is useless.

"Go on Lin Yang light road.

Su Yu wept into tears."Not yet?" Liu Man Shan scolded.

Lin Yang shook his head and turned away.

"Brother Lin! Brother Lin Cao Xiaojiao is busy to catch up, but is stopped by Liu Manshan.

"Xiaojiao, don't pay attention to that rubbish. Come here. Let's have a meal outside this noon to celebrate!" Liu man said with a smile.

"But, auntie, it's not so good..."

"what's wrong? You two are the stars of the future. Today's wine is to congratulate you in advance

"This... Ok..."

"Hiro, what about the rain? Call her, too

"She may not come."

"That's all right, but Hiro, I have to congratulate you. Xiaoyan divorced this trash immediately, and your family is out of the sea of misery."

"Yes, I didn't expect that this dog would come and pester Xiaoyu! It's ridiculous. If I don't come today, I don't know about it! " Su Guang secretly scolded that today's incident has also changed his view on Lin Yang. He is ready to go back and talk to Zhang Qingyu.

Before the marriage left, Lin Yang wanted to find a family. It's too shameful.

"Ashan, why are you in such a hurry to celebrate? What are you going to do about CAI Ping? " Sue Tai came up and asked in a deep voice.

"If they want to give money, give it to them. Don't file a lawsuit, or it will have a great impact on our Xiaoyu's star career."

"But... Where do we have three million?" Sutai frowned.

"Are you stupid? Not going to borrow it? "

"How can I borrow it?"

"Go and ask relatives and friends to borrow it. We Xiaoyu is almost a big star. Will they still borrow it? I can't, I can borrow money from usury. " Liu Manshan chuckled.

"Is that so? It's OK. " Sutai frowned and nodded.

"Let's go and celebrate first. Tomorrow morning, I'll go to my relatives and friends for a walk. If it's not enough, we'll find some usurers to get together. Is money still a problem with our precious daughter?" Liu Manshan was elated and flushed.


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