As soon as she got back to the company, Su Yu called.

Lin Yang hesitated, or connected.

"Brother in law, I'm sorry, I didn't expect things to become like this... I'm sorry... I'm really sorry..." the voice of Su Yu crying over the phone.

"Xiaoyu, don't blame yourself. It's none of your business." Lin Yang said with a smile.

Su Yu's hands were tight and her white face was full of pain.

"By the way, this matter must be the work of Dong Xia. You'd better be careful and call me again if there's anything wrong." Lin Yang road.

"OK... Brother in law..." Su Yu tightly covered her lips and her voice was choking.

After hanging up the phone, she crouched down, hugged her head and wept.

Bear so many grievances, but also for their own sake.

Is this Lin Yang?

Only then did she realize what Lin Yang had gone through and how much injustice she had suffered over the years.

All this has nothing to do with him.

It is clear that he is the most innocent person.

But... He didn't explain, and even didn't even refute...

Su Yu knew that Lin Yang was not so weak.

He just... Didn't want to embarrass herself...

Su Yu was crying silently, her heart was broken...

the door of the toilet was knocked.

"Xiaoyu, are you in there? All the dishes are served. Come out and eat! " Outside came Cao Xiaojiao's voice.

Su Yu wiped off her tears and walked out of the toilet with her red eyes.



Yanjing, a luxury villa.

Dressed in white clothes, Shuofang, sitting in a wheelchair, is pushed to the living room by Uncle Zhong.

There are several people sitting in the living room.

A bald man with a gold chain shook his cigar in his hand and chuckled: "Yo? Isn't this our unique genius, Mr. Shuofang? How did it become like this? "

The new moon aspect has no expression, does not say a word.

"OK, Hongdi, don't laugh at Shuofang. Shuofang doesn't want to have this happen." A middle-aged man with golden glasses and white hair came up.

This is Sima Zang, the father of Shuofang.

He originally had long black hair, but when he learned that Sima Shuofang was abandoned, his head turned white overnight.

"OK, stop talking nonsense. Brother Zang, what are you calling me to do here? Is it not for me to treat Shuofang? Then you can find the wrong person. I can't save people, only kill people! " The bald man was smiling and smoking his cigar again.

Sima Zang lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and vomited out a thick flue: "no one expected Shuofang. When he was carried home, I sent him there for diagnosis at the first time, but the reply from there said that his injury was permanent damage."

"Permanent injury?" The bald man frowned: "what? There's no cure there? "

"That said it could give up." Sima Zang gazed at the burning cigarette and said hoarsely.

Shuofang secretly teeth, still did not say a word.

But the bald man was frightened, and his expression was incomparably dignified.

If you can't even cure them there, it means that there is no one in China that can be treated...

"the Sima family relies on Shuofang. If Shuofang is abandoned, isn't it renrenrenyu meat at the meeting?" Asked the bald man.

"So I want to transfer the ten talents from the Qi pharmacy, and I want to train them well to fight on behalf of our Sima family. It's just that not long ago, the news came that the owner of the special pharmacy has changed. Now, the whole tribe of the strange pharmacy has been in the hands of the doctor jiangchenglin. Except those who left voluntarily, the rest have been controlled by Dr. Lin. our Sima family wants to intervene It's impossible! " Sima Zang said hoarse.

This speech made all the people present in silence.

"Oh, this Doctor Lin is so capable! I heard that Shuofang was abandoned by Dr. Lin, and now he is in charge of Qi pharmacy again. Brother Zang, is this Doctor Lin going to kill all of you Sima family? " The bald man puffed at his cigar and said with a smile.

"Not only that, some time ago, my brother Sima Changxin went to Xuanyi Sect on behalf of our Sima family to make friends with Dr. Lin, but he was rejected and humiliated by him. I don't know what this Doctor Lin is for, but at present, he is the enemy of our Sima family." Sima Zang said coldly.

"So you mean..."

"kill him." Sima Zang spits out these three words coldly.

The bald man put his cigar on the table, then took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his hands. It seems that this man is a purist...


"100 million!"

"You know, I'm not interested in money."

"What do you want?"

"Just give me some shares of Sima family."

"Ah Hong, don't go too far?" The middle-aged man looked up slightly."Brother Zang, how can we say that we are also making friends with each other? What's more, I killed Dr. Lin, Yanghua, Qi pharmacy and Xuanyi school. Would you just sit around and ignore it? You'll get more benefits than you do now. Why do you have to dig and search? " The bald man shrugged.

Sima Zang clenched his fist and said coldly, "OK, just bring me the head of Dr. Lin. I'll give you 10% of the shares!"

"It's a deal!" The bald man has bright eyes.

"You only have three days!"

"Ha ha ha ha, how can we have three days to deal with a quack?"

"Don't be so careless! Shuofang is still sitting here. " Sima Zang compared with the eyes.

The bald man turned his eyes to Shuofang and sneered: "you treat this baby as a genius, but in my opinion, it is just a mediocre complacent child."

With that, the bald man picked up the cigar on the table and swaggered out of the room.

Shuofang's eyes are full of anger, watching the bald man leave.

"Father, this man is a jackal, I can't believe it." Shuofang low road.

"You can't believe it but you have to believe it. Although he is heartless, he still has some skills."

"Did he kill Dr. Lin?"

"I don't know, but it doesn't matter. What matters is the order of heaven's pride." Sima Zang's eyes were cold, and he said in a low voice, "I asked him to move Dr. Lin just to divert Dr. Lin's attention. In fact, I have arranged for another group of people to go to Jiangcheng."

"What does father want to do?"

"Take heaven's pride! This brand is only 20 yuan in total. The top ten monsters don't have to think about it. Which of the remaining ten is not the first to be robbed. If there is Tianjiao's order, our Sima family still has an absolute advantage in the meeting. But now Tianjiao order is gone, but it makes the family more passive than you are abolished. So this jackal needs to be used. He is just one of my chess pieces! When he gets the order of Tianjiao, he will be useless! " Sima Zang's eyes twinkled with Sen Han and said calmly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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