When the phone hung up, Lin Yang's scalp was almost fried. He rushed out of the refining pharmacy and rushed to Yueyan international.

"Teacher! teacher! Where are you going

Qin baisong quickly called out.

But Linyang is gone.

"It's broken. Something must have happened!"

Qin baisong dials Mahai's number in a hurry.

Lin Yang got into the car at the door and stepped on the accelerator.

Is Xiaoyan hijacked?

Who is it? Why hijack Xiaoyan?

Is it... To revenge Dr. Lin?

Lin Yang's face was gloomy and cold, and his eyes were full of killing intention.

Dragon has inverse scale, and Linyang's inverse scale is his relatives and friends!

He would rather be cut into pieces than hurt his relatives and friends!

Wait until Yueyan international, only to find that the company's people have gathered at the gate, people shiver, dare not go up.

"It's Mr. Lin!"

"Here comes Mr. Lin!"

"Mr. Lin, Su Dong was held by a man, and there was little sister Qing. They were held in the office by that man. What should we do?" The girl at the front desk was so frightened that she ran to Lin Yang.

"Did the police come?"

"Yes, but... But the patrol hasn't come yet..." the front desk lady shivered.

Lin Yang didn't want to think about it, so he rushed upstairs.


The door of the office was knocked open by him.

In the office, Su Yan is sitting on the boss's chair, clothes in good condition, shivering, Secretary Xiaoqing is also on the side.

The two girls did not dare to move, because in front of them, there was a man with bare head and evil spirits.

The man was wearing sunglasses and smoking a cigar. His waist was bulging. There was no doubt a gun was pinned there, and a bright dagger was stabbed on the table beside him.

Seeing this dagger, Su Yan Er Nu didn't dare to mess around.

"Lin Yang?"

Seeing the people coming in, Su Yan lost his voice immediately.

The bald man was also surprised: "who are you?"

Lin Yang's appearance did not return to the appearance of Doctor Lin, so the bald man did not know him.

"I'm her husband. What are you doing to my wife?" Lin Yang drank in a deep voice.

"Are you her husband?" The bald man sneered and said, "I didn't call you. I'm waiting for Dr. Lin. it's none of your business. If you don't want to die, get out of here!"

"I am Dr. Lin!" Lin Yang shouts.

He did not care so much about the urgency of the situation and simply admitted it directly.

"You?" The bald man looked stunned and glanced at Lin Yang: "really?"

"Look at your phone." Lin Yang used Dr. Lin's mobile phone to call the bald man back.

The bald man's cell phone immediately vibrated.

He glanced and his eyes lit up.

"I don't know who you are and what you want me to do, but I hope you can let my wife go! She is innocent. " Lin Yang cold channel.

"Oh, if I let her go, come here and take her as my hostage! I let her go. " The bald man squinted and laughed.

"Good!" Lin Yang agreed without hesitation.


Su Yan shouts bitterly.

Her eyes are red, looking at Lin Yang, eyes are full of anxious color.

"What are you doing here? Come on, it's none of your business! " Su Yan cried out in pain.

"You are my wife, how can I not save you?" Lin Yang said quietly.

Su Yan shivered all over her body, her eyes were lost, staring at Lin Yang.

"Oh, you're still in front of me? It's a pity that I don't eat it! Get the hell out of here!! Or I will kill your woman The bald man said angrily.

"Don't mess with me!"

Lin Yang drank heavily and went to the bald man.

"Little girl! I wanted to have fun with you, but I didn't have time. But don't worry. We still have a chance next time. " The bald man turned his eyes up and down. He licked his tongue and said with a smile.

He didn't know that there was such a beautiful girl in this small river city.

However, it was not easy to handle affairs here, so he did not move Su Yan.

"Su Dong, let's go!"

Next to the small green see Lin Yang to exchange hostages with them, immediately overjoyed, quickly pull Su Yan Road.

"I'm not going! He's not Dr. Lin! He will die if he stays here! " Su Yan said in pain.

"But..." Xiaoqing did not know how to explain.

The bald man heard Su Yan's words and said, "what? Is he not Dr. Lin? "

"Yes, he's not Doctor Lin at all. He's just my husband Lin Yang. He's a son-in-law. He's a waste that people in Jiangcheng know. He's posing as Dr. Lin!" Su Yan shouts.

You, ma'am, are you baldBut at this time, Lin Yang suddenly came forward, grabbed Su Yan, pushed him to the gate, and then turned to subdue the bald man.

But the next second, the bald man has pulled out the pistol and aimed at Lin Yang!

Lin Yang stopped immediately.

"Lin Yang!" Su Yan at the door cried out, that is to rush up.

But Xiao Qing grabbed her arm with all her life.

"Let's go. I'm fine. Let's go!"

Lin Yang shouts.

"No!" Su Yan pushed Xiaoqing aside and rushed to Linyang in a crazy way.

But at this time, several patrolmen rushed in and pulled Su Yan and his secretary out.

At the sight of the bald man, he rushed forward, one hand strangled Lin Yang's neck, the other hand held a gun against his head, swearing.

"Damn it, didn't I warn you not to call the police? Do you dare to play with me

"You are surrounded. I advise you to let go of the hostages and surrender, otherwise we will be impolite." The sound of a patrol sounded at the door.

"Don't talk nonsense with me. Get out of this building and bring Dr. Lin to me. Otherwise, I'll collapse this rubbish!" The bald man yelled.

"Don't get excited. We'll quit right away, but I hope you can think it over. If you really hurt the hostage, you can't go back!" The patrolman also tried to communicate with the bald man.

But it obviously doesn't help.

In desperation, the patrol had to withdraw from the building.

And at the same time, Ma Hai's phone was dialed.

A large number of patrols swarmed into the building, and the snipers were already in place...

Lin Yang quietly watched the door closed, with no expression on his face.

"Damn it, bad luck!"

The bald man was furious.

"You can't run away!" Lin Yang said quietly.

"It's none of your mother's business. Do you think your life is too long? rats! How dare you cheat me! I'll kill you

The bald man swears at Lin Yang and smashes his fist into Lin Yang's abdomen. He intends to teach this man a lesson.


It makes a dull noise.

The fists hit the belly hard.

But one punch, Lin Yang... But as if nothing happened.


The bald man was stunned.

But look at Lin Yang slightly side head, the facial expression of looking at him way: "I did not cheat you! I am Doctor Lin

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