"Are you Dr. Lin?"

The bald man looked at Lin Yang strangely, his brain was a little confused...

but he thought that his fist didn't beat him to the ground. He immediately realized something and didn't dare to hesitate any more and pulled the trigger directly.

But when the finger moves...


The bald man screamed, his arms shook, and his gun fell directly to the ground.

He looked up and saw that a silver needle had been stuck in the finger where he pulled the trigger.

"It's your boy who did it?" The bald man gnaws his teeth and stares at Lin Yang.

"Who sent you? What is the purpose? " Lin Yang patted the ashes on his body and asked calmly.

"Hehe, why do you ask so many questions? Is it necessary for the dead to know so much? " The bald man sneers at him as he walks towards Linyang.

"There are patrols out there, aren't you afraid?" Lin Yang frowned.

Is this man too bold? In broad daylight, they come directly to take hostages and kill themselves...

it's lawless!

Unexpectedly, the bald man laughed and didn't care: "you don't understand this. Even if I'm down, someone will take me out! What are you afraid of? It's your boy's life. I must take it today

The bald man did not directly start at Lin Yang, but drew the curtain, went around the door, closed the door, and locked it...

there were continuous calls from the police outside.

But the bald guy ignored it.

He pulled out a saber from his waist and walked to Linyang with a smile on his face.

The face was full of ferocity.

"I advise you to answer my question." Lin Yang road.

"Next life, I will answer everything you want to know when I meet you again." The bald man said with a smile, suddenly a quick step, like a poisonous snake, was close to Lin Yang, and a dagger stabbed him hard.

The sharp point of the dagger pointed directly at Lin Yang's heart.

This is a killing move.

What's more incredible is that the bald man's action is extremely fast, which is not the skill of an ordinary person.


Lin Yang's face was cold, and his pace retreated.

The bald man fell through with a dagger.

But... Lin Yang found his chest shirt still appeared a small crack, and then a little blood seeped out.


Lin Yang was shocked.

"I hear you are a doctor." The bald man squinted and said with a smile, "don't think that I'm a waste without a gun. I've also killed the doctor! I just don't know how many moves you can make on me

Finish saying that, the bald man fiercely mad rush, is carrying the dagger to stab Lin Yang again.

The action is tricky, extremely cruel!

This is not an ordinary dagger, but a dagger covered with Qi.

Lin Yang didn't expect that this bald man's internal skills had already reached the point where Qi and strength were released. How terrible.

I'm afraid his martial arts attainments are even above Sima Shuofang!

Who on earth sent such an expert to deal with himself?

Lin Yang's face was cold and his hand suddenly lifted.

Whoosh, whoosh...

several silver needles flew out of his fingertips and stabbed the bald man.

But the bald man seems to have been prepared, and the dagger in his hand is extremely flexible.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

all the silver needles were cut off by him.

Lin Yang's pupils are tight.

The bald man used all his strength and stabbed with a dagger.

Lin Yang raised his hand and clasped the bald man's wrist to stop his dagger from falling.

But that bright dagger is trembling, sharp dagger tip a little drop, about to stab Lin Yang's shoulder.

No way!

This bald man's strength is incredible!

This is not only a practitioner, but also not an ordinary practitioner. I am afraid his speed and strength have reached the master's position of neijiagong!

This is no ordinary killer!

Lin Yang looks at the forest and makes a sudden effort, but he can't push the bald man away.

At this critical moment! Lin Yang suddenly picked up a silver needle and put it directly on his shoulder.

In an instant, the bald man was lifted out and hit the wall not far away.


The wall was smashed and cracked.

The bareheaded man turned his horse upside down and was embarrassed.

"Say, who sent you?"

Lin Yang took off the silver needle and pricked a few needles into his body. Then he walked towards the bald man.

"I said your grandmother!" The bald man growled and jumped up again. The dagger was like the fangs of a poisonous snake. It was very terrible.

Whoosh, whooshOnce again, the silver needle flew out, and there was no accident. It was all chopped down by the bald man.

But the dagger did not stop, Lin Yang's fist once again.

The bald man breathed and staggered his hands to resist the blow.

But the next second, the fist suddenly changed into a palm, firmly clasped the bald man's arm, spinning and suddenly.


The sound of bone breaking.


The bald man made a sad cry.

"Come on, if you don't, you won't have a chance!" Lin Yang's face was cold and hoarse.

"It turns out that Doctor Lin's medical skills are so powerful. Ha ha, it's interesting and interesting. It seems that Sima Shuofang was defeated by you. It's not unjust at all!" The bald man was sweating with pain, but he still had a smile on his mouth.

"Sima Shuofang? Are you from Sima family? " Lin Yang's eyes moved and he asked.

But this time, the bald man stopped talking.

Lin Yang's face sank. He was about to ask the bald man, but he cried out: "I surrender! Surrender! I've released the hostages! "

With that, he tried his best.

And when the sound goes down...


The gate was kicked open, a large number of patrolmen rushed in, and countless guns were aimed at this side.

Lin Yang a Leng, subconsciously released the hand.

The patrolman rushed up immediately, subdued the bald man and held down Lin Yang.

Seeing this, Lin Yang suddenly realized.

It turns out that the reason why the bald man is so swaggering and arousing the police is to let the police arrest him and avoid being dealt with by Lin Yang!

He was not reckless, but left himself a way back!

If it is Lin Yang's disposal, the end of Sima Shuofang is that of a bald man.

The bald man is not an idiot. He knows that Dr. Lin is not easy to provoke, so he keeps such a hand!

He's counting on the patrol to save him!

Lin Yang's eyes are cold.

The bald man is already laughing.

"Doctor Lin, wait and see! This play is not finished, we can still play, ha ha ha... "The bald man laughed wildly and was taken away.

Lin Yang did not speak, but the ferocity in his eyes was also obvious.

There is no doubt that this bald man was sent by Sima family!

It seems that the Sima family wants to kill him.

"This is your first hand. No wonder I am!" Lin Yang clenched his fist secretly and whispered to himself www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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