Out of the company, Su Yan and small secretary immediately ran over.

"Lin Yang! Are you all right? "

Su Yan took Lin Yang's arm and asked eagerly.

Her small face is extremely pale, eyes are red, autumn eyes are full of tears, I really feel pity for her.

"I'm fine. Are you all right?" Lin Yang said with a smile.

"Why are you so stupid?" Su Yan covered her small mouth and looked at the blood overflowing from Linyang's chest. Her tears could not stop any more and fell down.

She never thought that under such circumstances, Lin Yang would not hesitate to rush in to save herself, even if the gangster had a knife and a gun...

this person... Did not think about himself?

This man is not afraid of danger?

Su Yan wiped tears from the corners of her eyes and looked at Lin Yang in a complicated way.

She found that she seemed to have been wrong about the man.

Is he a waste?

He's not.

He is also a man of flesh and blood.

And... He's braver than most people!

Maybe from the beginning, this person has been misunderstood by many people...


At this time, a scream scream sounded, directly broke Su Yan's mind.

She shivered and looked sideways, but she saw Zhang Qingyu and Su Guang running in a hurry.


Su Yan quickly wiped off the tears on her face and called out.

Zhang Qingyu trotted forward and put his arms around Su Yan. Tears were falling and crying.

"My daughter, are you all right? You scared mom to death! Who was the one who was killed by a thousand dollars to rob my poor daughter? He can't die easily! To hell! Have a son, no asshole

Zhang Qingyu cried and cursed the bald man.

"Sunny, are you ok?" Su Guang asked.

"Don't worry, Dad. I'm fine." Su Yan quickly comforted her parents.

Zhang Qingyu looked up and down at Su Yan, and her eyes looked carefully. Seeing that Su Yan was not hurt at all, he put down his heart a little.

"It's OK. It's ok if it's OK." Su Guang also vomited.

"Come on, daughter. Let's go home. Mom will make you delicious food and calm you up. Are you scared? Let's go to the temple tomorrow to worship the Buddha and get rid of the bad luck. " Zhang Qingyu choked.

"OK, but mom and Dad, this time it's thanks to Lin Yang. If it's not for him, I'm afraid I'll...

" Lin Yang? "

Before Su Yan finished speaking, she was interrupted by Zhang Qingyu.

She cast her eyes at Lin Yang and said coldly, "daughter, I warn you that from today on, I will not allow you to have any contact with this rubbish. He is no longer the son-in-law of our Su family."

As soon as this word fell, Su Yan was greatly shocked.

"Mom, what are you talking about?"

"What? Your dad told me everything! Do you know what this dog did? You're still married. He's in a hurry to find his next family, and he's going to have a soft meal next to the next rich woman! " Zhang Qingyu cursed.

Lin Yang frowned.

"A rich woman? Who is it? " Su Yan is completely confused.

"Who else? Isn't that your cousin Xiaoyu? This dog is not a human being. Other rabbits don't eat grass at the edge of the nest. It's very kind of him to go and pour Xiaoyu with ecstasy soup. Xiaoyu has been crying for the past two days. Your aunt is so angry! I'm afraid it doesn't hate us all! " Zhang Qingyu flushed the road.

"I don't know how to be shameless, it's just shameless!" Su Guang couldn't help but scold Lin Yang.

Su Yan Leng half a ring, Zheng Zheng at Lin Yang, spin and suddenly realize.

"Ma, you misunderstood. Lin Yang didn't pester Xiaoyu. I asked Lin Yang to help with Xiaoyu." Su Yan explains.

"See? My daughter is a kind-hearted Bodhisattva. At this time, she still speaks for such a scum man. She is soft hearted and kind-hearted! Like me Zhang Qingyu sighed.

She didn't believe her feelings at all.

Su Guang pulled Su Yan aside and said to her heart, "daughter, dad doesn't know why you still care about Linyang, but sometimes you have to learn to let go, understand? Lin Yang is not worthy of you! He is totally using you. He is a man with no ambition. What can you care about? Listen to Dad's advice, find a chance to quickly get the divorce certificate, you know? "

Su Yan was speechless.

Even people like Su Guang look down on Lin Yang... It can be seen that Lin Yang gives people a bad impression.

"Dad, mom, did you listen to me? This matter has nothing to do with Lin Yang. He didn't pester Xiaoyu!" Su Yan was about to get mad by her parents and was extremely excited.

As soon as Zhang Qingyu saw it, he said, "OK, OK, we know. Xiaoyu, don't be excited. Go and walk. Let's go back and talk about it."

"You can go back, and Lin Yang must go back with me!" Su Yan clenched her silver teeth and was serious about Zhang Qingyu."What do you want him to do with this trash? When will your divorce certificate be issued? The Civil Affairs Bureau is open now. Why don't you go now Zhang Qingyu frowned.

"No! I won't leave! The more you say that, the more I will not leave! " Su Yan Qi's whole body trembles and shouts.

"Daughter..." Zhang Qingyu and Su Guang are both stunned.

But see Su Yan suddenly turn around, pull Lin Yang to drill into her that car, then fly away.

It's no use shouting for a long time.

On the road, Su Yan did not say a word, her eyes were red, and her little hand was holding the steering wheel.

The car pulled up to the river.

Su Yan walked to the river, looking at the river, deep autumn eyes.

"Don't catch cold." Lin Yang took off his coat and put it on her.

"Your injury..." Su Yan stopped.

"It's just a skin injury. Don't forget, I'm a doctor. I know how to handle it."

"Um..." Su Yan bit cherry lips and looked at Lin Yang's face, her heart beating slightly.

I don't know why, she found that Lin Yangyuan was not as annoying as before.

What's wrong with me today?

Suspension bridge effect?

Su Yan stroked her cheek, puzzled.

Maybe it's just a moment of sadness...


At this time, a Maserati suddenly stopped behind the two people, the sound of the sudden brake pulled their thoughts back.

Su Yan and Lin Yang look at each other.

This is a new Maserati. It doesn't have a license plate.

After the car stopped, a middle-aged woman got off the car in a hurry.


Su Yan saw the visitor clearly and lost his voice immediately.

The person who came down was actually Su Yu's mother, Liu Mansan!

"Girl Yan, you are really here. I said I saw your car driving this way. Your mother just called me! Come on, go back. Don't worry your mother! " Liu Manshan shouts at Su Yan with some impatience.

"No, ma'am, where did this car come from?" Su Yan looked at the Maserati in front of her, and asked.

"I bought it, of course! How, pretty? " Liu Manshan said triumphantly.

"Did you buy it?"

Su Yan's eyes almost fell out, she was staring at Liu Mansan, puzzled: "where do you get so much money?"

"Borrowed!" Liu man said with a smile.

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