"Borrowed?" Su Yan almost fainted.

Borrow money to buy a car?

Or the luxury car?


How can a normal person do such a thing?

"Auntie, how can you borrow money to buy a car? How can you pay it back? " Su Yan asked carefully.

"Oh, Xiaoyan, don't you know? My daughter is going to be a big star! She'll make a million dollars by then. What's a car for me? I can pay it back. It's not bad money! " Liu Manshan is very proud of the smile.

"Big stars?" Su Yan was confused.

Lin Yang's eyebrows moved, but he didn't pay any attention. He said quietly, "Xiaoyan, let's go back."

"Oh? Are you a dog? " Liu Manshan deliberately pretended to find Lin Yang, and said in a strange way.

"Auntie, be polite." Su Yan looks unnatural.

"Girl, don't you know what this trash is? He's just a little scumbag who specializes in soft food. First of all, he's relying on you to support him. Now you're going to divorce him, and he's pestering my daughter. Ha ha, this kind of thing is just a disaster. Girl Yan, I advise you to divorce him early, otherwise you'll regret it sooner or later. " Liu Manshan sneered.

"Auntie, how can you talk like that Su Yan Qi's chest heaved and her face turned red.

Lin Yang was also angry.

He's not made of clay. How can he get angry all the time?

"Auntie, I've only regarded Xiaoyu as my sister from the beginning to the end. I don't have any wrong thoughts about her. Please don't get me wrong. In addition, if I really want to help a rich woman, I will never come by your family. Where is your family rich?" Lin Yang sinks.

"Why? That's tough! Don't you know that Xiaoyu has signed a contract with Director Song Da? " Liu Manshan sneered.

"Yes." Lin Yang light road.

"Do you dare to talk to me like that? When my daughter is on the rise one day, I'll tell you you can't stand up! " Liu Man Shan pointed to the tip of Lin Yang's nose.

"And is she thriving now?" Lin Yang asked.

"Well, let's see! Don't come to our house when you ask for food Liu Mansan stares at Lin Yang, and is too lazy to take care of Su Yan. She sits on the Maserati she just mentioned and drives away unskillfully.

They left the river in a bad mood.

Su Yan went back to the government and asked Lin Yang to come back with her, but Lin Yang refused.

Su Yan also knew Zhang Qingyu's temper. When Lin Yang went back, he couldn't help being sneered at, so he didn't force him. He said, "when I go back and explain to my parents clearly, you can come back again!"

Lin Yang wanted to find out what he said, but he hesitated and chose to confess another day.

The two separated and Lin Yang returned to Yanghua.

At this time, song Jing's phone call came.

"Lin Dong!" Song Jing's voice was full of respect.

You're kidding. What can he offend a big boss who can pull out a billion dollars in one breath?

"What's the matter?"

"It's like this. The general casting of Lin Dong has been passed. Now we can polish the plot and find some suitable supporting roles. Then we can start shooting! I'd like to ask you to set a date to start the machine. What do you think? " Song Jing said with a smile.

Lin Yang was silent for a moment and said faintly, "OK, choose a lucky day."

"Good!" Song Jing nodded repeatedly.

All of a sudden, he thought of something and said, "Mr. Lin, there is one more thing. I hope you will appreciate it."

"What's the matter?"

"Well, Nancheng is going to build a film and television base. The vice president of the national film and Television Association will hold a film and Television Exposition in Nancheng. There will be a dinner party tonight. I would like to invite you to attend. In addition, some of the actors who have already been selected for this play will also attend. I would like to take this opportunity to give them some exposure, so as to create some momentum for the film. I wonder if you are free tonight ?”

"I don't like this kind of occasion, but since you said it, I'll go. You can send me the invitation card!"

"Good! Good! Thank you, Mr. Lin. I'll be waiting for you. " Song Jing was very excited and nodded repeatedly.

Lin Yang Hung up the phone directly.

When he arrived at the company, Ma Hai reported to Lin Yang what happened in Yueyan international today.

"The man's name is Hong Chuan. He's from Yanjing, and he has some friendship with Sima Zang, the family of Sima aristocratic family in Yanjing." Ma Hai put a document in front of Lin Yang, in a low voice.

"Did Sima family do it?" Lin Yang looked at the information and asked calmly.

"Yes, Sima aristocratic family wants to bring people out, and all aspects are already in operation. We want to stop it, but... It's very difficult... "Ma Hai's face is hard.

"Why?" Lin Yang frowned.

"Our relationship, hard but Sima family..." Ma Hai hesitated.

After all, it's a big family in Yanjing, which is what Yanghua can face up to.

"Build momentum."Lin Yang left the document on the table and said, "let Ji Wen deal with all the evil things Hong has done before, and then organize them to the public relations team. Let them build momentum on the Internet and let the people in China know what he has done. I'd like to have a look. After all the people in the world know that Hong Chuan is a villain, Sima aristocratic family still dares to mention Hong Chuan! ”

public opinion?

Ma Hai's eyes lit up as soon as he heard it: "Lin Dong, I understand. I'll do it right away!"

After dealing with Hong's rush, Lin Yang calculated the time and drove to Nancheng alone.

Nancheng is under the jurisdiction of Xu Nandong, and now it belongs to the radiation scope of Yanghua group.

The reason why I attended the banquet was not only for song Jing, but also for Xu Nandong.

Because the film and television base in Nancheng was built by Xu Nandong.

Lin Yang considered that Yanghua group can indeed develop to the film and television industry.

South City Boli hotel parking lot.

Lin Yang stopped the car, adjusted his suit, and went to the gate.

He didn't use the original face of Dr. Lin. if he came here as Dr. Lin, he was afraid that the whole banquet hall would explode. He'd better come here to eat something and have a look, and then go to talk to Xu Nandong.

I hope Xu Nandong has any good planning.

Lin Yang thought.

However, just as he came to the gate, there was a beautiful and surprised female voice.

"Lin Yang?"

Is this Su Yan's voice?

Lin Yang can't be more familiar with.

He turned his head, but saw Su Yan in an evening dress, standing not far away, looking at him in amazement.

Su Yan is very beautiful and moving tonight. She is wearing a pure black off the shoulder dress. She is very well-known. Her beautiful clavicle is indistinct and her long hair is floating, which adds a bit of charm to her.

Such a woman is a masterpiece of heaven.

The eyes of anyone around her fell on her.

Or admire, or envy, or greed...

but at the moment, there is a handsome tall man standing beside her.

Lin Yang's pupil was slightly contracted.

Su Yan's face changed and she realized something. She even said, "Lin Yang, listen to my explanation!"

"Xiaoyan, who is this man?" Next to the man asked gently.

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