Lin Yang did not expect this grand event, Su Yan unexpectedly will also come, and still follow a handsome man to come together.

Would any husband be angry?

But Lin Yang is not an idiot and knows Su Yan.

If Su Yan really has a man she likes, she doesn't have to be green at all. As long as she gets the divorce certificate, she can be totally honest with any man.

Mr. Li's explanation of this project is just that of Mr. Li Lianyang, but he didn't want to misunderstand me about the project

"But anyway, it's a problem that my wife attends dinner with other men and doesn't communicate with her husband." Lin Yang said calmly.

Su Yan bit cherry lip, do not know how to refute, at the same time, the heart also filled with bursts of confusion.

What's wrong with me?

Why to see Lin Yang after such a loss of state?

In principle, shouldn't I be indifferent?

I want to divorce this person sooner or later. He and I are only nominal couple...

before changing to another one, Su Yan could not explain even one word to Lin Yang.

But today, she was inexplicably nervous.

Is it to say that she was desperate to save herself and let herself be grateful to him?

Su Yan was thinking.

But at this time, the man over there came forward.

He looked at Lin Yang around and said with a smile: "my wife attended the dinner party with other men without permission. I don't know how to meet her husband. It's true that she doesn't care about her family. But if the husband is just a loser who depends on his wife for a soft meal, it's understandable."

"Well?" Lin Yang frowned and stared at the man.

"Mr. Lin Yang, I've heard of you. Don't be angry. I think your wife is doing this for you. After all, you are worthless and idle. Your wife appears in public. It's also for you. Where are you qualified to lose your temper? You should be happy, because if your wife makes a good deal with my business and she has money, you will have a better life, won't you? " The man said with a smile.

Although his tone of speech is very self-restraint, but the meaning of this word is all revealing sarcasm.

"Mr. Li, please be polite. This is my husband after all." Su Yan is not happy.

She can look down on Lin Yang herself, but she will never allow outsiders to dig at him.

"Xiaoyan, don't be angry. I'm just telling the truth. If you don't like to hear it, just think I haven't said it." Mr. Li is full of apologies.

"Lin Yang, why are you here?" Su Yan looked at Lin Yang and asked, "is it Xiaoyu who brought you here?"


Lin Yang remembers that song Jing is going to bring some characters from the movie to get familiar with this dinner party. After all, the play uses a lot of new people, and song Jing has no idea, so he wants to make a show in advance. Su Yu and Cao Xiaojiao should have accepted the invitation. I'm afraid some of the Su's family members have come here to make a fuss.

Lin Yang was about to speak when Mr. Li, who was next to him, lost his voice and laughed: "I think it should be like this, but your husband is also progressive and knows that he has come here to open his eyes. I'm afraid he has never participated in such a grand event in his life."

"Mr. Li..." Su Yu's Willow eyebrows frowned again, and her tone was already very bad.

"Ha ha, joking, joking, Xiaoyan, let's stop talking nonsense and get in quickly. The party is about to start." Mr. Li said with a smile.

As soon as this word fell, Su Yan's face immediately hesitated.

Lin Yang is standing here. How can she go in with other men? Isn't Lin Yang slapped in public?

But if you don't go in... Su Yan knows the consequences.

This is a big customer!

For a moment, Su Yan was in a dilemma.

Many of the guests around also know Lin Yang and Su Yan. Seeing this scene, they are not in a hurry to enter the hotel. Instead, they stand in the same place and look at them with a joking smile.

Mr. Li also narrowed his eyes, as if on purpose. Seeing Su Yan hesitated, he immediately urged: "Xiaoyan, let's go in quickly. Don't you want to talk about those projects with me? Let's go in and sit down and talk slowly, shall we? "

Su Yan small hand tightly pinched, silver teeth bite, is very tangled.

But after a moment, she still took a deep breath and whispered, "Mr. Li, why don't you go first? I'll say a few words with my husband..."


Mr. Li's face was stunned, and there was a trace of malice in his eyes, but the light flashed away. The handsome face was still a gentle smile: "in that case, well, Xiaoyan, I'll wait for you inside."

Then he turned and walked in.

"He is an important client of mine. Xiaoyu also invited me to this dinner party. I wanted to refuse it. After all, there are too many things in the company, and I can't get over it. But this client also strongly invited me to come. Out of business considerations, I still agreed, which is related to the future of the company..." Su Yan hesitated and whispered.After all, you never have to explain to me Lin Yang light road.

Su Yan trembled all over, looked at Lin Yang in disbelief, and nodded slightly, with a bitter smile: "yes..."

"don't think about it, I can understand, you should do what you should do." Lin Yang waved his hand with a faint smile.

Su Yan didn't speak, but she didn't feel good.

"Let's go in together." Su Yan said.


Lin Yang nodded and walked toward the door.

Other men and women are arm in arm, smiling, Su Yan and Lin Yang are different expressions, Lin Yang is very calm, Su Yan is very worried.

In fact, the relationship between the two has changed a little bit. If Su Yan had been hating Lin Yang before, now she has greatly changed her outlook on Lin Yang. At least, she can get along like a friend...

the banquet is held in the hotel hall.

At the moment, here is already full of light and wine, the crowd surging, very lively.

Many Jeweled ladies and gentlemen in their suits shuttled around the crowd.

A lot of dignified figures were surrounded by a group of people.

"Xiaoyan, this way!"

A voice rang out.

We can see that Mr. Li who came first was sitting in front of a sofa, beckoning to Su Yan. Beside him, there were several men and women in luxurious clothes. Judging from their costumes, they were obviously extraordinary people.

"Xiaoyan, you go busy, I'll go to other places." Lin Yang light road.

"No, you come with me!"

Su Yan suddenly took Lin Yang's hand and walked toward Mr. Li.


Lin Yang was shocked.

Mr. Li over there frowned.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting, Mr. Li." Su Yang's face is full of apology. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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