"It's OK, it's ok..."

Mr. Li doesn't care, and he still has a warm smile, but the haze hidden in his eyes is extremely obvious.

"Come on, come and sit down. You're all friends. Don't be constrained." Mr. Li said with a smile.

"Thank you." Su Yan nodded with a smile and sat down with Lin Yang.

"Mr. Li, is this Miss Su Yan? As you said, it's beautiful. " Next to a hair line crisis, about 30 years old man looked at Su Yan around and said with a smile.

His smile is a little ambiguous.

"Bang! Don't you know the name of Su Dong? This is the Pearl of Jiangcheng, the goddess in the eyes of countless Jiangcheng men! She is very famous Next to a woman with heavy make-up, she has some strange air way of yin and Yang.

"It's no wonder that we Li always fall in love! But then again, why is Su Dong famous? " Another woman asked with a smile.

As soon as this question came out, Su Yan's pretty face suddenly became unnatural.

Sure enough, the woman's mouth curled up and immediately said with a smile, "you don't know? We, Su Dong, have been married! "

"What? Married? Su Dongming is so young... I thought Li always had a chance! " The woman has a pitiful look on her face.

"Well, who said Li would never have a chance? Although we Su Dong got married, her husband was a loser and he was still a loser! We, Su Dong, have been married to him for three years, but we haven't even let that man touch us! Mr. Li has a good chance! "

"Really? And that kind of thing? "

"Not so?"

"Ha ha ha ha, there are such useless men in the world?"

"It's killing me! Guarding such a beautiful woman, you didn't even touch your hand? Su Dong, is your husband gay? "

"Are you discriminating against homosexuals? If you're gay, why don't you touch your hands? I think it's a complete waste! "

The men and women at the table all burst into laughter.

Su Yan did not say a word, silently looking at these people, small hands are dead pinched.

"Sorry, I'm sorry, Su Dong. We are all joking. We don't mean to look down on you." The woman with thick makeup smiles and apologizes to Su Yan.

"Nothing..." Su Yan shook his head with a smile.

"But then, Su Dong, who's this next to you?" The woman who asked the question squinted at Lin Yang.

She asked this question knowingly. She wanted to humiliate Lin Yang.

Yan Shudun is in a dilemma.

Lin Yang's mouth was full of wine, which was very impotent to drink

As soon as this word came out, the crowd laughed even more.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Mr. Lin, I really didn't expect you to appear in such a place. I'm sorry, ha ha..." the woman apologized while laughing.

Although the apology was insincere and full of irony.

Su Yan's face is not very good-looking, but if she continues to be honest with these people, she will not be able to get a bargain. Fortunately, she has been used to it all these years, so she changes the topic and says to Mr. Li: "Mr. Li, let's talk about the project. Our company has just finished a big contract with Yanghua group, and its reputation and quality are completely fine. If you choose us Company, I will never let you down. I believe that our cooperation in the future will only become more and more frequent. If you don't mind, I can introduce to you our current main project plan... "

" Xiaoyan, this is not in a hurry. "

Before Su Yan finished speaking, Mr. Li suddenly interrupted her.

Su Yan was stunned.

However, Mr. Li filled all the three goblets in front of him, pushed them all to Su Yan's, and said with a smile, "Xiaoyan, I believe in the strength of your company. If you can cooperate with a large company like Yanghua group, there is no doubt about all your conditions. However, strength alone is not enough. You should have sincerity. I have to see how sincere your company is? ”

although this is tactful, as long as the brain is normal, you can understand the meaning.

Su Yan, Hui, Lan Xin, how can you not understand? "Mr. Li, I don't know how to drink. If you want to find someone to accompany me, I can ask the public relations personnel of the company to come over."

"Public relations personnel? What's the point? What's more, I don't mean that I want to drink less Li is always a little upset.

"Miss Su, have a drink. Mr. Li has made his words so clear."

"What are you afraid of? Your husband is here. If you are really drunk, your husband will send you back. "

"Yes, and it's just red wine. It's not very strong. I won't get drunk once or twice."

People nearby immediately joined in.

But Su Yan still looks pale.

After all, why not drink.Su Yan looks at Lin Yang in embarrassment.

Lin Yang light way: "want to drink to drink, they say right, you are drunk, I will send you back."

Su Yan hesitated, thinking about the future of the company, simply a bite of teeth, picked up the glass in front of him and drank it.


The people next to him started to yell.

A cup down, Su Yan's small face immediately red, very attractive and lovely, the next to several men were stunned.

But she didn't stop. Although she didn't know how to drink, she also understood that there was time for wine. If the wine had a strong attack, she would not be able to drink.

So while the wine strength has not been played, Su Yan drank the other two glasses of red wine one after another.

Her little hands trembled and put down the glass. Her mouth was panting. Her eyes were blurred and her face was ruddy. It was more than soul stirring. It was really killing people.

Even those women were attracted by Su Yan's flattery and couldn't move their eyes.

So is Mr. Li.

He secretly pinched his hands, staring at Su Yan's eyes, overflowing with strong greed and desire.

"Mr. Li, are you satisfied now Su Yan said vaguely.

"As expected, they are women who are not inferior to men. I admire them." Mr. Li nodded with satisfaction: "I think we can have a good talk about the project."

"Good... Good..."

Su Yan was excited, but her head was dizzy, and her strength was almost exhausted.

"Xiao Yan, go back and have a rest." Lin Yang got up and said.

"Later... Later..."

Su Yan said, his body tilted to fall, but Lin Yang helped him.

"It seems that she is a little drunk. Ladies and gentlemen, my wife and I have to go back first. Excuse me." Lin Yang said faintly that he would help Su Yan to leave.

But in the moment he got up, a man next to him suddenly got up and pressed Lin Yang's shoulder.

"What's the matter?" Lin Yang frowned.

"Brother, you can have a good time here. As for Su Dong, let Mr. Li send him back." The man said with a smile.

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