Let Mr. Li send Su Yan back?

Isn't it the same as taking Su Yan to the bed of general manager Li?

Lin Yang naturally knows what this man named Li thinks about Su Yan. He is not an idiot and there is no need to do so.

"No, Li always takes care of my wife. I will take good care of it. Mr. Li will continue to drink the bar." Lin Yang light way, also lazy to take care of this person, then will su Yan horizontal embrace, forcibly take away.

"What do you mean, brother?" The man did not give up, directly blocked Lin Yang's way, his eyes twinkled with a bleak look: "do you want to toast without eating or drinking?"

"I only drink with my friends. And I drink, if I want to drink, there is no respect for punishment Lin Yang said quietly.

"But brother Lin, some people are your friends. That's a blessing you've built in your last life. If you don't take this opportunity, I'm afraid you'll regret all your life!" Li over there lit a cigarette and said with a faint smile.

Linyang side head.

However, he took out a stack of blank checks and a pen from his coat pocket, scratched down a row of numbers on them, and then pulled off a piece of paper and threw it in front of Lin Yang.

"It's a million dollars. Put Xiaoyan down and get out of here right now." Mr. Li puffed his cigarette and said with a smile.

"Get out of the way." Lin Yang's face was expressionless, as if he had not heard the general manager Li's words, and said to the man who stopped in front of him.

"Not enough?" Mr. Li frowned and wrote down the number: "two million! Is this enough? "

"Get out of the way!" Lin Yang is still that sentence.

"Lin Yang, don't be ungrateful! Are you really going to fight me? " Li was always impatient and his face was a lot gloomy.

The people nearby were also angry one by one.

"No money for anything?"

"Don't you look at your virtue? Now, I'll give you two million yuan. I'm not satisfied? What are you doing with your wife? You can't touch her again! What do you want with the money? Isn't it fragrant? "

"That is, your wife has been keeping you widowed for three years. Do you still want to keep your wife widowed? Your wife is so beautiful, you don't deserve her at all. She and Mr. Li are a perfect match. You have to recognize the reality! "

"Pee and take care of yourself."

The crowd sneered and scolded, pointing at Lin Yang.

Lin Yang's patience has reached the limit.

Of course, Mr. Li is also the most patient.

He nodded to the man next to him, who understood and ran away immediately.

A moment later, he turned back.


"Don't worry, Mr. Li, who dares not to give your face? If the boy wants to fight against you today, he can only lie down and leave the hotel. " The man said with a smile.

When people heard the sound, they had a lot of eyes.

The general manager Li's network is really tough, even the South City has a way!

"Ha ha, boy, do you hear me? Li always wants to deal with you. He doesn't have to do it himself. Naturally, someone can deal with you! " The woman next to me said with a smile.

"Is it?" Lin Yang congealed his eyes and said coldly, "then I'll see who can make me lie down and leave this hotel!"

"I, is that enough?"

At this time, a cold voice came from the side.

Lin Yang slightly side of the head, but see a body slightly fat, bare head, full of beard dregs of the man came over.

Men in a black dress, looks very bloated, looks three big five thick, wearing such a formal dress looks very mismatched.

He was followed by two foremen, but he didn't look like a hotel man.

As soon as the man appeared, the men and women with heavy make-up and their eyes lit up, and they immediately exhaled.


"Oh, ah, my feeling is that brother park is here. Brother Park, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

"Don't be hurt, brother park!"

These people seem to know the bald man, a warm greeting.

But a very young woman was confused. She asked the people next to her in a low voice: "Hello, sister Cai, who is this brother Pu?"

"You don't even know Porto? Have you heard of Longfeng trading company? This Puge is the second leader of Longfeng trading company Next to the color sister explained.

"Longfeng trading company?" The woman was stunned and suddenly realized something. Her face suddenly changed and she lost her voice and said, "that's not gray..."

"Shhh! Just know it in your heart. Don't talk about some things. If you offend those people, you'll have a lot to eat! " CAI Jie is busy.

The woman's face turned pale and stopped immediately.

"Park, why did you come here in person?" General manager Li quickly stood up from the sofa and said with a smile.

"Brother, you come to my place to play. Why can't I come here in person? Yes? In trouble? I'll fix it for you The man that calls Park elder brother says lightly.

When the words fell, he also looked at Lin Yang and his eyes were meaningful."Ha ha, if you don't want to make trouble to me, I don't want to make a fool of myself." Mr. Li said with a smile.

"Don't worry. It's just that you can't make much noise just by dealing with some cats and dogs." Park elder brother calm way.

"Well, I'll be relieved if you say that, brother."

General manager Li smiles and squints at Lin Yang: "how about it? Mr. Lin, shall we continue? You should have heard what pugo said, didn't you? It's not good for you or me if you keep making trouble again

"It may not be good for you, it will have no effect on me." Lin Yang shook his head.

Brother Park frowned.

"What? Are you still stiff at this time? " A man was angry.

Mr. Li's smile was also restrained a lot.

"All right, brother. I'll take care of this. You can sit down and drink." Pugo seemed impatient and said in a low voice.

"All right, brother. I'll remember that. Come to my place for tea when you're free." Mr. Li nodded.

Park elder brother does not waste words, to Lin Yang cold way: "go, brother, come out with me!"

"Are you sure you want me out?" Lin Yang asked lightly.

"What? Do you want me to carry you out? " Park brother frowned.

Lin Yang no longer talks, holding Su Yan horizontally, he wants to go out.

"Put the man down!" Li always drinks low.

"It's all right, brother. I'll bring them back later." Park Gotham road.

"Yes Mr. Li nodded.

The party went straight to the front door of the hotel.

At the moment, in the VIP room on the second floor, a person standing at the window happened to see this scene...

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