"Doctor Lin"

Hearing these three words, the old man's fortune was trembling.

"It's Dr. Wang! It's hard work. I'm sorry. This old gentleman may not understand my prescription. It's nothing serious. " Lin Yang looked back and said with a smile.

"That's good. I thought something had happened, Fan Bo. You may have misunderstood him. This young man is not a child who has just touched traditional Chinese medicine. He is a famous doctor Lin!" Dr. Wang said with a smile.

"What? He... Is he the young doctor Lin? " The old man was struck by lightning.

"That's not true? Maybe other people's medical skills can't even compare with yours! " Dr. Wang patted Fan Bo on the shoulder and walked away.

The old man's face changed and became complicated.

"How dare you tease me

He was a little embarrassed, but he came up and said.

"Old man, I didn't do anything." Lin Yang shouts injustice.

"Well, since you are a famous doctor Lin, I'd like to see what's magical about your cooking method!" The old people are cold.

Although he was old and stayed in the pharmacy all day long, he was very familiar with the words "Doctor Lin".

Since this person can cure cerebral infarction and rhinitis, he must have something extraordinary.

It's just this method of cooking that he has never heard of! Today, we should open our eyes!

The old man was shining.

But see Lin Yang holding a small fan, to boil medicine stove gently agitate.

His control of the fire is wonderful.

But sometimes, the flame danced under the medicine pot like a spirit. Sometimes it was lifted here, then swung towards the other side. After a while, it was like a flower, blooming or closing. It was particularly magical.

The old man was stunned.

At this moment, he felt that Lin Yang was not fanning the fire.

It's... Holding the fire in your hand!

After about half an hour, Lin Yang carefully took out a piece of white cloth wrapped in his coat pocket, and took out a blue grass like vegetation from it.

"Is this?" The old man was shocked.

He had never seen anything so magical.

"This is a rare herb, named Tianxuan grass."

Lin Yang said, put it into the pot, continue to boil.

But in the day Xuan grass into the pot not long ago, the original pungent taste of Chinese medicine immediately became fragrant, filled the entire pharmacy.

The old man was a little intoxicated.

Another hour later, Lin Yang picked up the medicine jar, poured it into a bowl, covered it, and then left.

All the steps, without a little bit of sloppiness...

the old man reacted suddenly.

"Dr. Lin!" He gave a shout.

"What can I do for you, sir?" Lin Yang couldn't help asking.

"What's your way of decocting herbs The old man hesitated for a long time before faltering.

"You want to learn? I'll teach you. " Lin Yang said with a smile, and then left with the medicine.

The old man stood in the pharmacy, looking at the direction of Lin Yang's departure.

For a long time, with a long sigh of relief, he sat on the chair and shook the leaf fan.

"We can't lose the things of our ancestors. We can't lose them..."


after giving Liang xuanmei a decoction, Lin Yang pricked her again.

Sure enough, the effect of tianxuancao broke out, and Liang xuanmei's face immediately turned red, and her complexion was much better.

"Thank you, big brother." Liang xuanmei said weakly.

"You have a good rest. One day XuanCao is here. Your injury will recover soon. Then you can continue to practice martial arts." Lin Yang said gently.

Liang xuanmei's eyes were red, and her tears fell gently.

"Brother, it's good to have you here. Without you, I really don't know how my family will get through such difficulties." She hugged Lin Yang tightly and didn't want to let go.

"Silly girl, I am your big brother and mother, your mother is my godmother, we are a family, I don't help you, who should I help?" Lin Yang shaved her nose and said with a smile.

Liang xuanmei smiles sweetly.

At this moment, she suddenly felt that even though she was wronged and hurt, it was worth it.

"Sister, have dinner!"

The door was pushed open, and Liang Xiaodie walked into the ward with a lunch box.

Her complexion was not very good, her small face was a little pale, and her eyes were red, as if she had cried.

Lin Xiaoliang's ward is not seen.

In order to avoid trouble, Lin Yang has disguised himself, not the face of Dr. Lin.

After all, there are too many people in the hospital who know Dr. Lin, and the president is looking for him.

"Why are you here?" Liang Xiaodie asked unexpectedly."Let me have a look at it." Lin Yang road.

"Hum, you didn't see you when something happened at home. When the matter was solved by Dr. Lin, did you jump out again? You're the kind of person who is shrinking head tortoise! What's the use of my mother in asking you to be a son! " Liang Xiaodie murmured coldly.

"Butterfly, shut up Liang xuanmei's face sank, and immediately drank.

"Oh, elder sister, I'm telling you the truth. If it's not for Dr. Lin, our family will be ruined... Sister, when will you arrange for Dr. Lin to meet me? I dream of talking to him face to face... "Liang Xiaodie ran over and begged with Liang xuanmei's hand.

"Don't think about it. Dr. Lin is very busy!" Liang xuanmei hummed.

"Sister, are you afraid that I will rob Dr. Lin?" Liang Xiaodie was very angry.

"How could you..."? What are you thinking all day long in your little head Liang xuanmei couldn't laugh or cry.

"Well, tell me honestly, where is Dr. Lin?" Liang Xiaodie immediately asked and said seriously, "sister, you have never cheated me in this life, and you can't cheat me this time! You have to tell me honestly! Where is Dr. Lin now? "

Liang xuanmei heard the sound, looked at Lin Yang, and was silent for a moment. Then she said, "OK, I'll tell you. In fact, Doctor Lin is in this ward?"

"In the ward?"

Liang Xiaodie looks left and right, but there are only three people in the ward.

She looked at Lin Yang in amazement and said, "sister, you shouldn't be..."

"you didn't guess wrong. Didn't you ask me not to cheat you? I'll tell you honestly, Lin Yang is Dr. Lin! " Liang xuanmei said.

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