Liang xuanmei's words are not surprising.

At least in Liang Xiaodie's ears.

She stares at Lin Yang, her brain trembles and looks at Liang xuanmei. Her small face is dull.

Lin Yang said nothing.

He did not expect that Liang xuanmei would tell the truth directly.

If Liang xuanmei is really like what Liang Xiaodie said, she never deceives Liang Xiaodie, then she is worthy of Liang Xiaodie and her conscience to tell the truth like this.

However, Lin Yang knows that Liang xuanmei is so happy and does not hesitate to expose his identity, there is also a reason.

That is... She firmly believes that Liang Xiaodie will not believe her words at all.

After all, this is ridiculous!

From any angle, it's like a joke.

Sure enough.

Liang Xiaodie froze for a long time and burst into tears.

"Butterfly, what's wrong with you? Why are you crying? " Liang xuanmei asked in a hurry.

"Elder sister, you have never cheated me, but today you not only lie to me, but also tell lies with your eyes open! Do you think I can stop crying? " Liang Xiaodie wiped her tears with a sad look.

Liang xuanmei smiles bitterly.

Lin Yang couldn't help laughing.

"All right, Xiaodie, my sister is joking. Don't cry, don't cry." Liang xuanmei hastily comforts the way.

Liang Xiaodie is better.

"Sister, don't say that, you eat faster, mom stewed pigeon soup for you, you're going to drink." Liang Xiaodie wiped off her tears from the corner of her eyes. She seemed to think of something and opened the lunch box next to her.

The delicious smell of food came.

"Hello, if you want to eat, you can go out and buy a box of rice by yourself. You haven't cooked your meal at home!" Liang Xiaodie looks at Lin Yang in a bad mood and snorts in her small nose.

"I'm not hungry yet." Lin Yang said with a smile.

"You're not hungry." Liang Xiaodie disdains a way, then take spoon, feed Liang xuanmei to drink soup.

But when she just scooped a spoonful of soup, Liang xuanmei seemed to see something and immediately asked, "Xiaodie, what's the matter with your wrist?"

The voice fell to the ground. Liang Xiaodie's little hand seemed to be electrocuted, and suddenly pulled back, and the other one consciously pulled the sleeve, as if covering something.

But the more so, Liang xuanmei felt more wrong.

"Butterfly, come here with your right hand!" Liang xuanmei said solemnly.

"What's the matter, sister! You eat quickly Liang Xiaodie smiles.

"Come on, get your hand!" Liang xuanmei drank with dignity, and her face was full of unquestionable expression.

Liang Xiaodie shivered, looking at Liang xuanmei's serious and serious eyes, she could only lower her head and carefully extend her arm.

Liang xuanmei's limbs have not yet recovered, but can be lifted gently.

She tried to roll up Liang Xiaodie's right sleeve.

However, the sleeves just together, it is to see a few dazzling cigarette butts.

Liang xuanmei breathed.

Lin Yang was also stunned.

"What's going on?" Asked Liang xuanmei.

"Sister, it's nothing. It's just that I accidentally ran into it..." Liang Xiaodie pulled down her sleeve and whispered.

"Accidentally? How can you accidentally make four cigarette butts on one arm? " Liang xuanmei exclaimed indignantly.

She coughed all over the place because of her excitement.

"Sister, are you ok? Don't get excited, don't get excited! " Liang Xiaodie is in a hurry.

Lin Yang also went to the front, stretched out his hand and pressed at the back strength of Liang xuanmei.

Liang xuanmei is a little better.

"Thank you, big brother." Liang xuanmei slightly side first.

"You're welcome." Lin Yang said, and then looked at Liang Xiaodie: "who did it?"

"What's your business? What's the matter? Do you still want to do it for me? " Liang Xiaodie nose out of a cold hum, disdain staring at Lin Yang.

"So you didn't hit it yourself, butterfly? Tell my sister, who did it? " Liang xuanmei gnawed her teeth.

Liang Xiaodie opened her mouth and sighed: "sister, it's not really a big deal. It's just that when I came back today, I had some bad luck. I ran into those guys full of ice at the door!"

"Full of ice?" Liang xuanmei frowned softly: "I heard you mention that this man is also the handle of your school? Seems to be a person with less clouds? "

"This bitch is just a lovesickness. Yunshao doesn't like her at all!" Liang Xiaodie hummed.

"Then how could you provoke her?"

"It's not because this bitch is jealous! That Yunshao has been pestering me all day, and man Bingxuan is not satisfied with me. At the end of class, he specially called several people to stop me. I ran away from the back door, but they still came after me. Man Bingxuan said, this time is to give me a warning. If next time, she will... She will... ""What about her?" Liang xuanmei asked.

"She said, she would burn some holes in my face with the cigarette end!" Liang Xiaodie's voice trembled a little, drooping to the first.

This word falls to the ground, Liang xuanmei's face is particularly gloomy.

Lin Yang's look is not very natural.

This kind of injury, if not done well, will leave scar.

For a girl, how much harm is this...

"lawlessness, these guys! It's lawless Liang Xuan's Fawny face turned red and her eyes were full of anger. She said quickly, "Xiaodie, did you call the police?"

Liang Xiaodie gently shook her head and whispered, "those people are not afraid at all. It's OK to pay for medical expenses for this kind of thing. The family full of ice is still rich. She doesn't care."

"Does this mean that our Liang family is bullied? Xiaodie, don't be afraid. I'll tell Dad right away. Let the family fight! It's just too much! Don't let them know how powerful our Liang family is. Don't they have to pinch our family as a soft persimmon? " Liang xuanmei rushes through the road.

"Sister, forget it. Man Bingxuan has a background, and the cloud family also knows that the cloud family hopes man Bingxuan and Yun Shao can get things done, so if there is really a fight, the cloud family will not stand by and watch!" Liang Xiaodie shook her head.

"Yes, xuanmei, it's better not to let the Liang family do anything about it. What's more, after the martial arts association is settled, the Liang family is still at the forefront of the storm. If we invite another family at the moment, it will be extremely unfavorable for the Liang family." Lin Yang road.

"What do you mean, brother?" Liang xuanmei looks at him.

"In the afternoon, I'll go to school with Xiaodie. I'll ask man Bingxuan for an explanation on this matter."

"Good! Brother, I have to trouble you this time Liang xuanmei nodded again and again, but she was relieved.

If Lin Yang makes a move, she will naturally feel at ease.

"You go to school with me?" Liang Xiaodie's autumn eyes glared, and looked at Lin Yang in amazement. She turned and snorted, and said with a sneer: "forget it, I'm afraid you will be killed when you go to school."

"I'm afraid not." Lin Yang shook his head: "the one who can kill me should not have been born." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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