Liang Xiaodie's soft, but also contributed to the arrogance of these people.

One by one, their nostrils were up in the air and their toes were high.

"I said, he's a fake!"

"Ah, although he is handsome, he is far away from Dr. Lin."

"Bitch, you want to cheat us? You're a little tender! "

Disdainful laughter came out.

Liang Xiaodie lowers her head and wipes her tears. She is aggrieved and afraid.

"What I hate most is being cheated! Xiaodie, you should know my temper! What should I do with this situation? " Full ice whirl came over, small hand caresses Liang Xiaodie that is full of tears Jiao Yan, smile said.

"Xuejie, let me go..." Liang Xiaodie said timidly.

"Yes, but as I said last time, if you don't change schools again, you'll leave seven holes in your other arm! Shall we start now? "

Man Bingxuan said with a smile. Then he lit a cigarette and took a puff. The red cigarette end swayed in front of Liang Xiaodie's bright eyes.

Liang Xiaodie retreats in fear.

But the person in the back held her back and didn't let her back.

Cloud little did not say a word, silently looking.

He's still waiting.

If Liang Xiaodie doesn't give in to him for help at this time, he is dead hearted to Liang Xiaodie. In this way, he won't pay any attention to Liang Xiaodie.

"No! No

Liang Xiaodie trembles with fear, and still doesn't ask Yunshao for help.

Yunshao is a little angry.

"Hold this bitch for me." It is full of ice.

"Good sister Bing Xuan."

Another two people immediately grabbed Liang Xiaodie's arm.

"Let me go! Let me go! What are you doing? Let me go

Liang Xiaodie struggles desperately.

But no matter how she struggled, it was useless.

She can only stare at big eyes, fear of looking at the full ice, the cigarette end a little bit toward her.

Despair and panic filled her whole body.

Until then... A cool voice came.

"Hello, I said, do you want me to make this call?"

Everyone was stunned.

Only then noticed that "Doctor Lin" was still standing by with his mobile phone.

"What's the matter? Do you think you're the one who plays when the play is over One girl was upset.

"Is there something wrong with this guy's head?"

"I think so."

The rest of the group also masked their mockery.

"So, do you want me to make this call?" Lin Yang asked.

"Who are you calling?"


"Mahai? Ha ha ha, OK, OK, I'll give you a chance. Call Ma Hai. If you do, we'll let you go! I'd like to see what else you can do The flowers and branches trembled with a smile.

Lin Yang nodded, directly pressed the dial through button, and opened the hands-free.

Liang Xiaodie's face is full of despair, and at the same time, she is embarrassed and unable to understand.

She has already told the truth, how can this damned Lin Yang continue to act?

Did he treat these people as idiots?

Liang Xiaodie can't understand.

They all looked at Lin Yang.

The phone beeped twice and was connected.

Then, I heard a respectful and steady voice on the other end of the phone.

"Hello, Mr. Lin. what can I do for you?"

"Oh, there is a sound?"

"Is this Ma Hai's voice?"

"It sounds like that!"

"I see, it's mostly the other actors he's looking for!"

People were talking and commenting on the voice.

Man Bingxuan was also stunned and hissed: "can't you see that you prepared in advance for today's play? Not bad, not bad! "

Lin Yang did not speak.

But these people's ridicule and ridicule voice was heard in the ear of Ma Hai on the other end of the phone.

"Mr. Lin, you seem to be in trouble?" Ma Hai said in a deep voice.

"Some of the children are embarrassed by my sister, and they don't believe that I am Lin Dong. I may not be able to communicate with them." Lin Yang light road.

"Lin Dong, where are they from?"

"There is one in Yanjing cloud family, and there is a girl named man Bingxuan. I don't know the others." Lin Yang light road.

"I see, Mr. Lin, how far should I go?" Ma Hai asked seriously.

"Give me a warning."

"Good, Mr. Lin, just a moment, please."

Ma Hai immediately hung up.

People in the room stare at Lin Yang."Finished?"

"It's over

"And then?"

Man Bingxuan squints and asks.

Lin Yang did not speak.

"Ridiculous! Ridiculous Cloud Shao repeatedly shook his head, and his face was full of coldness: "I can see you finish the play. I'm really free! Throw it out and beat me to death


The thugs came to their senses and ran over at once.

But at this time, cloud less's mobile phone suddenly vibrated.

Cloud little a Zheng, hastily took out the mobile phone to have a look, when saw the incoming call display, the facial expression instantly frightens white.

He was busy getting through.

"Dad, what's the matter?"

"Did you offend Dr. Lin?" There was a cold voice over the phone.

"Lin... Dr. Lin? How is that possible? I-I-I just taught a fake doctor Lin a lesson Cloud little Leng Leng way.

"Fake? Others Yang Hua's horse always called us cloud home! Beast, are you crazy? Directly provoke Dr. Lin! Do you want our family to be the second Sima family? " Roared the voice over the phone.

The sound was so loud that people around him could hear it clearly.

Everyone was in a daze , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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