The second Sima family?

This sentence is like a knife, stabbing in people's hearts.

The story of Sima family is well known to all.

A few months ago, Sima aristocratic family was a well-known family in Yanjing. The business and military circles all have excellent connections.

Even the cloud family and the man family do not offend Sima family.

However, such a large family, but suddenly withered overnight, almost disappeared.

On that day, Sima family's business cooperation with the outside world was interrupted.

All the close friends and backers of Sima aristocratic family all betrayed.

All companies and industries have been hit by people from all walks of life.

It seems that the whole power of Yanjing regards Sima aristocratic family as a thorn in the flesh and tries every means to deal with it.

Even if the Sima family took out the golden tiger show, it was not enough to save the situation.

Sima family seems to have been abandoned by Yanjing.

It is said that it was the Sima family who offended Yanghua, and Yanghua made efforts.

But true or false, one thing is certain.

The decline of Sima family is related to Yanghua.

Since then, Sima family has kept a low profile. He quit the stage of Yanjing and lived his life in peace and contentment.

Some people say that the Sima family has taken refuge in Yanghua.

Some people say that Yanghua has already destroyed the Sima family. What we can see now is just an airs put forward by Yanghua Lin Dong. The real Sima family has long been gone.

Although I don't know which one is true, it conveys a message.

Yanghua... Not easy to provoke!

Yanjing's family always thinks that the consortia family outside Yanjing are country bumpkin. They haven't seen the world and can't get on the stage.

However, Lin Dong of Yanghua woke up these people with a loud slap in the face.

If you think about the recent live broadcast of the royal family of state y and the incident of the king of Korean medicine, you can see that Dr. Lin's various actions have been awed by countless people.

If we really offend Dr. Lin, whether it's Yunshao or manbingxuan, it will certainly become the culprit of the family, and even be expelled from the family!

Cloud little trembles to put down the mobile phone, a pair of eyes stare huge, incredibly looking at Lin Yang in front of.

"Yunshao, who was that man just now? Why are you shouting so loud A girl nearby could not help but murmured.

But the next second, cloud less directly slapped in the girl's face.


Red palms appeared.

The girl stepped back two steps, covered her slightly swollen face and looked at Yunshao in disbelief.

But listen to Yunshao roar: "that's my Laozi! You silly bitch


"Cloud master?"

All the people turned pale.

The face full of ice turns white.

If so, what else should be questioned about the identity of the person in front of him?

"Doctor Lin, I'm sorry. It's my fault. I hope you have a lot of money. Don't worry about it with me!" Yun Shao bit his teeth and bravely went to Lin Yang and bowed to apologize.

If it had been a month before, Yunshao would not have been so easily convinced. Even he wants to touch it!

But after Dr. Lin defeated Tianjiao and Li Wuji and defeated the Wushu Association, Yunshao counselled.


The family has seriously warned his people of this generation that no matter who they are, they are not allowed to offend Dr. Lin. once they do, they must apologize at the first time.

Therefore, even if the cloud less is how unwilling to be, but still honest to apologize.

"Yunshao, you let me down! What can this prove with just one phone call? I compared the photos on the Internet. This man is not like Dr. Lin at all! He must be a fake

Man Bingxuan came over, and his silver teeth clenched his way.

Obviously, she is not willing to accept this reality.

"Sister Bing Xuan said well, this guy must be a fake, just a phone call, not a real person! How can you believe it? "

"Yes, Yunshao, you have to take good care of it. Make sure it's not your father's number. Don't let this guy find some cheaters to play with us!"

"I don't know how popular this kind of phone fraud is now! One phone call won't prove anything! "

Several girls said one after another, chirping, as if it were Sherlock Holmes.

Cloud little eye dew bewilderment, also some hesitation.

But at this time.

Buzzing... Buzzing...

People's mobile phones rang out at this time.

People are all stunned, quickly take out the mobile phone to see.

Only to find out... These phone numbers are all from home.

Even if it is full of ice, it is the same.

She was staring at her mobile phone screen.There's a big character on it: Dad!

Why did my father call for no reason?

I dare not to connect her finger, but she is staring.

"Why not

There was a distant voice nearby.

Man Bingxuan shivers all over his body. He looks at Lin Yang from the side of his head. Seeing his indifferent expression, he can't help but feel a burst of anger in his heart. He bites his teeth and presses the call button directly.


"where are you?" There was a serious voice over the phone.

"Dad, i... I'm with Yunshao..." man Bingxuan cautiously said.

"What about Dr. Lin? Is he in front of you The voice asked again.

Full of ice whirl, immediately petrified.

"Dad, i... i...

there was a sigh on the phone, and then there was silence. After a moment, he said," listen, if you have offended Dr. Lin, try your best to get his forgiveness. If he doesn't forgive you... Then you... Don't go back home! "

The voice dropped to the ground and the phone was hung up.

"Dad! Wait a minute, you listen to me! "

Full of ice whirl to shout, but useless.

She was holding her cell phone, standing in the same place, her brain was a paste.

This man is really Dr. Lin?

How could it be?

Is he really Liang Xiaodie's brother?

How could Liang Xiaodie be supported by Dr. Lin?

Full of ice whirl in the heart of a mess, in any case can not accept.

Seeing this, Yunshao no longer doubted Lin Yang's identity. He bowed to him in a hurry and said sincerely, "Doctor Lin, please forgive me!"

"What do you want me to forgive you for?" Lin Yang shook his head: "you repeatedly harass my sister, even more people block her, harm her, these things, you can solve with a word of forgiveness?"

Cloud less breath a tremor, busy is again lowered his head: "I feel very sorry for the previous thing, I... I am willing to remedy, willing to compensate! As long as Dr. Lin gives me another chance, I promise I won't disturb Xiaodie again! "

"That's good!" Lin Yang nodded: "come here first, record an apology video, and then send it to the official website of your school! Let everyone know that you will no longer harass Xiaodie, and sincerely apologize to her! "

Although Yunshao was reluctant, he still nodded: "good doctor Lin! I'll record it now. "

With that, he took out his mobile phone and handed it to the thug. He went to Liang Xiaodie and bowed to apologize.


At this time, Lin Yang suddenly out of three words.

Yunshao is shocked and looks at Lin Yang in shock.

"What? Don't you want to? " Lin Yang's eyes are slightly frozen. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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