Yunshao never thought that Dr. Lin should kneel down to apologize to Liang Xiaodie.

And... It's going to be recorded!

Is he trying to kill my mother?

If the video of you kneeling down and apologizing is transmitted to the school, you may not be unable to raise your head all your life, and become the laughing stock of the whole normal university and even Yanjing people?

"Shikesha! Don't insult! Doctor Lin! You have gone too far Cloud little angry, a clap table big shout.

"Can a scholar be killed or humiliated? You deserve to be called a gentleman? What qualifications do you have to call it? " Lin Yang snorted coldly and said, "I asked you, when you bullied my sister and humiliated her, why didn't you think of this sentence? Why don't you say that when you bully other students and insult them? Now it's your turn, but you look impassioned. Don't you feel sick? "

"You..." Yun Shao was in a hurry.

"Listen, you can either kneel down for me, apologize to my sister, or... I'll make you kneel!"

Lin Yang narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

Cloud little breath, trembling, open mouth do not know how to do.

If Dr. Lin did it, I'm afraid it would not be as simple as kneeling!

What to do?

What to do now?

Not kneeling? If you fight against Dr. Lin, isn't that for death?

But if you kneel down, you will never be able to raise your head again.

Yun Shao is particularly tangled, and his legs can't help but swing.

But in the end, he couldn't bear the pressure from Dr. Lin. he gritted his teeth and knelt on the ground in pain.


The sound of falling knees made all the people on the scene shocked.

Liang Xiaodie also widens her eyes and looks at Yunshao who kneels in front of her in disbelief.

This is the man of the day! But one of the four young masters, Yun Shao!

Just kneeling in front of yourself?

At this moment, her mind was blank.

"Yes... I'm sorry, Xiaodie. I know I'm wrong. I promise that I won't disturb you again. Please... Forgive me..." Yunshao almost squeezed out such a few words from her throat.

All these words were recorded in the phone.

"The past... The past has passed, in short, you don't want to trouble me later..." Liang Xiaodie said with some dullness.


Yunshao clenched his teeth and said in a low voice.


Lin Yang looked at the thug: "did you record it?"

"Lin... Dr. Lin, record it..." the thug trembled.

"Then send it to the official website of Normal University."

The thug hesitated and looked at Chaoyun less.

Yunshao was pale and shivering to say something, but he still didn't say anything.

Thugs can only according to Lin Yang said, the video sent to the school's official website forum.

A video, an instant, the school official website forum instant explosion.

The video was posted to thousands of buildings within ten minutes.

Countless people were shocked and refused to believe.

That's a little cloud!

That's one of the four children in Normal University!

Did you kneel down?

And the object of kneeling is actually Liang Xiaodie?

What's going on??

How can he kneel for Liang Xiaodie?

The whole normal university was boiling and the teachers were shocked.

Countless people are arguing, many courses can not be carried out normally because of this thing.

Lin Yang glanced at the forum, but didn't pay too much attention to it. He just waved: "I hope there won't be another time."

Yunshao looked gloomy and did not say a word. After getting up, he left the villa in a hurry.

This time, he was disgraced.

But in order not to be a sinner of the cloud family, he can only do so.

"Well, here you are!"

Lin Yang looks at the man Bingxuan.

Several girls trembled all over, and their faces turned white for several times. They looked at him in horror.

"Dr. Lin... Dr. Lin, we... We know that we are wrong. Please give us a break."

"We'll never dare again, we won't dare again! Please... Please forgive us... "

" please... "

the crowd trembled and cried.

Even if it was the girl with the cigarette in her mouth, she couldn't help swinging.

As for man Bingxuan, she lowered her head without saying a word. Her whole body was full of bones at the moment.

She didn't know what to do.

If this man is Dr. Lin, the force will not be able to deal with him.

After all, he can defeat Tianjiao.

"Doctor Lin, you... Tell me, how can we let us go? Or... You want us to kneel down and apologize to her, and then record a video... If that's the case, we can start now... "Man Bingxuan bit his silver teeth in a low voice.With that, he would kneel down.

But Lin Yang stopped her: "don't worry, I didn't intend to treat you like that!"

"What do you want?"

Full of ice whirling, I asked.

Lin Yang did not speak, but went to Liang Xiaodie, who was still in a daze. He picked up one of her hands and rolled up her sleeve.

When his pupil shrinks, he immediately understands Lin Yang's meaning...

"what do you do to my sister, I will do to you. In this way, shouldn't it be too much?" Lin Yang said faintly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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