Man Bingxuan stares at Liang Xiaodie's white hands like lotus root, and his eyes fall on the places scalded by cigarette butts on his arms. After about a minute or two.

"Ha ha..."

her face showed a sad smile, and then picked up a cigarette on the table, lit a cigarette and took a sharp puff.

Liang Xiaodie just regained consciousness, looked at the cigarette, wanted to say what, but the words to the mouth can not say.

"I'll iron her and give it back to her!"

At this time, man Bingxuan drank a low, and he would prick the red cigarette end towards his arm.

"Sister Bing Xuan!"

"No, Bingxuan!"

Next to a few small sisters rushed up to stop, one is crying, tearing heart and lung, make-up have been put on.

"If I don't do anything, Dr. Lin won't let us go. Let go, you all let go!"

Finish saying, full ice whirl struggling to push away the people around, continue to punish themselves.

"Sister Bing Xuan!"


The crowd cried out eagerly.

But it didn't work.

Man Bingxuan seems to have made up his mind now.

But the people could not stop her.

This group of people are fighting for that cigarette, and they are in a stalemate.

"Doctor Lin, please forgive sister Bing Xuan."

"She knows she's wrong. Please let her go."

People will shift their attention to Lin Yang, constantly pleading.

But Lin Yang was indifferent.

Full of curling eyebrows and frowning, the action did not stop, secretly to his sisters made a wink, and then a little bit of the cigarette end toward his arm to move away.

When this eye is about to burn on her white arm...

"wait a minute!"

Lin Yang suddenly drinks.

Everyone was overjoyed.

Man Bingxuan also secretly breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had been waiting for Lin Yang's words.

"What? Did Dr. Lin forgive me? " Man Bingxuan asked.

However... Lin Yang repeatedly shook his head: "you have not tied it, how can I forgive you? I just want to ask you, who were the people who were involved in this, ironing the cigarette end on my sister's arm? "

As soon as the words came out, several people's faces suddenly changed.

"Look, you're tired of fighting. So, who of you is involved! Come along, too. This box of cigarettes is enough. "

Lin Yang picked up the cigarettes on the table, sent them to the girls one by one, and then lit them for them.

The girls are stupid.

They also think that Lin Yang is a conscience discovery, know how to cherish the fragrance and cherish the jade only then shout stop.

I didn't expect that this man is a guy who doesn't understand amorous feelings and manners!

He's going to settle the bill! Who cares if the other person is a man or a woman?

"Doctor Lin! You... "Full of ice and breath.

"What? Miss man, can I help you? " Lin Yang said with a smile.

"You're cruel!" "As for the person who deals with your sister, I am the only one!" he said

"I suggest you should answer honestly. If I ask my sister and find that what you said is different from what she said, I'm afraid the consequences will be very serious." Lin Yang shook his head.

The breath froze with ice.

Looking at Lin Yang's beautiful face, she couldn't believe it.

Is this man really the miraculous Doctor Lin who practices medicine by hanging a pot to help the world?

He's a devil!!

Man Bingxuan has no way but to give up his little sister.

A group of girls were so scared that they cried.

At this time, how can they have a little bit of the arrogance of the little sister before? One by one, they are as soft as sheep...

Lin Yang knows that if you teach these girls a lesson, they will never remember.

So several cigarette butts went down, the girls were shivering with pain, and Lin Yang did not stop.

After all, they deserve it!

Lin Yang believes that what Liang Xiaodie has suffered is light, and there must be other girls who have been bullied by these people.


The sound of a cold breath was heard.

Then see full of ice whirling covered arms, sitting on the sofa, the whole person gently twitch, the forehead is bean big sweat.

"Lin... Dr. Lin, are you satisfied?" she gasped and shivered.

"I'm satisfied. I hope the relationship between you can coexist peacefully in the future."

Lin Yang light way, spin and pull Liang Xiaodie's hand way: "good little butterfly, go back with me."

"Good... Good..."

Liang Xiaodie is still in a daze.

Obviously, her small head melon seeds can not accept this series of impact."Lin! I must take revenge on this! " Full of ice swirling autumn eyes ferociously staring at Lin Yang's back, heart head trying to roar.

But she did not dare to shout.

After leaving the villa, Lin Yang saw a row of shared electric vehicles along the road, so he took one and planned to take Liang Xiaodie to school.

"Butterfly, get on the bus

Linyang will share the electric bicycle ride.

Liang Xiaodie shivered all over her body, and seemed to come back from her sluggishness.

She stares at Lin Yang's face, suddenly is a shiver, points to his hysterical cry: "you... You... Who are you?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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