Lin Yang calmly looked at Liang Xiaodie, and there was not much panic and consternation on his face.

He had expected that Liang Xiaodie would have such a reaction.

He's ready, too.

He didn't want people around him to know that he was Dr. Lin.

Because he knows that after the conference, many people will regard him as a thorn in the flesh, and he is bound to be removed.

Too many enemies!

If these people are involved with themselves, they will be implicated by themselves.

You can't protect them!

To hide from them and even Su Yan up to now is also for their safety!

The same is true for Liang Xiaodie.

Unfortunately, I can't hide it now.

"Butterfly, who do you think I am?" Lin Yang sat on the electric car and looked at her calmly.

"You... Are you Dr. Lin? Are you Dr. Lin? " Liang Xiaodie's autumn eyes are wide, pointing to Lin Yang's trembling voice.

"Yes." Lin Yang nodded.

He didn't pretend. He had a showdown.

Since the world knows that Dr. Lin is related to Liang xuanmei, it is also said that Liang Xiaodie was known.

In this way, there is no need to hide Liang Xiaodie!

The only thing Lin Yang has to consider is how Liang Xiaodie keeps this secret for herself.

Of course, you should also consider Liang Xiaodie's psychological endurance!

Sure enough.

After the words fell to the ground, Liang Xiaodie stepped back two steps. Her eyes were so huge that she couldn't believe it.

She doesn't believe it!

She can't take it!

She can't accept that Lin Yang is the miracle doctor!

And... A good person, how can it be another person?

Is this magic?

Or face changing?

"False, it must be false!" Liang Xiaodie shivered all over, then pointed to Lin Yang, trembling: "you... You are not Doctor Lin at all! This is fake! Everything is fake! Lin Yang, tell me! How did you do it? How did you cheat Yunshao and man Bingxuan? Tell me! How did you make this face? "

Liang Xiaodie is hoarse.

"Xiaodie, I didn't cheat anyone. It's not a fake. My name is Doctor Lin!" Lin Yang was helpless.

Maybe the contrast is too big.

Every time he admits, these guys don't believe it.

This is also a headache for Lin Yang.

Liang Xiaodie was stunned, and her facial expression was very wonderful. Then she burst into laughter and her eyes overflowed with tears: "how could it be? Ha ha ha ha, are you Doctor Lin? I don't believe it! I don't believe it! Ha ha ha... "

Lin Yang shook his head slightly, then took out a silver needle from his waist and pricked several needles in his neck and face.

In an instant, his facial features moved down slightly and returned to nature.

is as like as two peas in the video. Zhang Lin

is stupid. Liang Xiaodie is stupid.

If she didn't believe it before, it was because she felt that this face was totally different from that of Dr. Lin!

She's a big fan of Dr. Lin! She is the small bar owner and senior member of the post bar doctor Lin. she is very familiar with the facial features of Dr. Lin.

Although Lin Yang said something about PS technology or beauty camera, Liang Xiaodie knows that it's just an excuse. The regular media won't use this kind of thing when reporting major events. What's more, she has seen Lin Shenyi's off-line plain Yan photo, which is not like that at all. So even though Ma Hai called these family members to warn them, she still didn't believe it.

But now... She's completely lost.

In front of her eyes, this beautiful man is the one she dreams to meet face to face!

His mouth!

His nose!

His eyes!

His eyebrows...

everything is so strange and familiar.

"Dr. Lin?"

Liang Xiaodie's face is dull, her mouth is open and her steps are light. The whole person seems to have lost her soul and subconsciously walks towards Lin Yang.

"Little butterfly? Are you all right? " Lin Yang asked.

With this fall, Liang Xiaodie's pace is sluggish, and she seems to have returned to her senses.

It's just.

The shock expression on her face... Is still as real as that...

she looked at Lin Yang for five seconds, then crouched down, buried her head in her knees, and took a hard breath, but she didn't get up for a long time.

"Butterfly, it's time for you to go back to school. You're going to be late." Lin Yang urged.

Liang Xiaodie suddenly stands up, looks at Lin Yang, and then crouches down again, buries her head...

after repeated this for three times, she just gets up.

Lin Yang is at a loss.

"Butterfly, what's the matter with you?"

"Tell me! Who the hell are you? Dr. Lin? Or... Lin Yang? " Liang Xiaodie seems to have adjusted her mentality, took a deep breath and asked seriously."Actually, it's me! Lin Shenyi is Linyang, and Lin Yang is Lin Shenyi! " Said Lin Yang.

Liang Xiaodie has a small mouth, and her expression is particularly lovely.

After a moment, she smiled again, but it passed and disappeared.

It's like a total insanity.

"Little butterfly, are you ok?" Lin Yang was confused and asked.

"I'm ok... I'm ok..." br >

Liang Xiaodie crouches down with her forehead covered.

"You may not be able to take classes like this, or go home and have a rest!" Linyang road.

"Yes, you... You will take me to my sister right away! I... I'm looking for my sister! I'm going to see her now! "

What Liang Xiaodie seems to think of, immediately sat in the back of the electric car, eager to shout.

Her mind is very disorderly.

She needs a person to prove it.

But what can prove this at present... Except Liang xuanmei, she can not find anyone else...

Lin Yang is still confused, but she doesn't refuse to leave, driving the small electric donkey to drive to the hospital.

Along the way, Liang Xiaodie didn't say anything, but the little hand dragged Lin Yang's waist, and his head was low as if thinking about something.

He entered the ward.

"Well? Xiaodie, aren't you going to class? How come back? " Liang xuanmei in the bed looked at the butterfly in.

When Linyang took off the cap of the duck, and exposed the original face, Liang Xuan Mei guessed something.

"Sister, do you think this man is funny? He said he was a doctor of God Lin? It's killing me! He is just a waste of making a son-in-law to others, but he claims to be a doctor of God Lin? Sister, tell me, he is a fake, that is just his makeup, right? Right Liang Xiaodie looked at Liang xuanmei and asked with a quick smile.

But the eyes are all looking forward to.

I don't know if I hope Liang xuanmei will expose this cheater or... Confirm.

Liang Xuan Mei stared at her for a moment, then gently shook her head, and smiled bitterly: "butterfly, actually... He didn't cheat you, Yang Ge, he... Is indeed a doctor of Lin!"

The smile on Liang Xiaodie's face was frozen on the spot.

She looked at Liang xuanmei stupidly, and looked at Linyang stupidly, then screamed and fainted on the spot.

"Butterfly, butterfly!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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