Lin Yang never thought that Su Yan would be here!

"Hello, Lin Dong!" Su Yan is very generous nodding.

Lin Yang smile, some uncomfortable.

So is Su Yan.

Outside, the relationship between the two is extremely ambiguous. Various kinds of frivolous news emerge in endlessly, which also makes this young and hard-working woman on fire.

Su Yan is particularly tired of this.

In Lin Yang's opinion, Su Yan has been staying in the company almost all the time. She is busy with the company's affairs every day, and has no leisure time to do anything else. Why did she come here today?

"Is Su Dong here on a visit?" Lin Yang asked.

"Yes, Mr. Lin, long time no see. How are you recently?" Su Yan smiles professionally.

"Not bad, and you?"

"I'm ok." Su Yan nodded.

After the polite words, Su Yan and Lin Yang did not speak again.

Su Yan is trying to avoid suspicion.

Lin Yang couldn't find any topic.

In fact, it is Su Yan and the so-called Lin Dong. Even if it is his real identity, the current relationship between Lin Yang and Su Yan is very delicate.

Su Yan has been longing for Lin Yang to make changes and achieve some career achievements. However, Lin Yang has no choice but to conceal his identity in order to protect Su Yan.

Only in this way, Su Yan was more and more disappointed.

They were silent.

Many people are secretly looking at this, and take out their mobile phones, quietly taking pictures of two people in the same frame.

If this is sent to the Internet, it will be a wave of public opinion rhythm!

"What a beauty!"

"Yes, Miss Su Yan is so beautiful, and Lin Dong, really, I'm a man who's moved!"

"If I can marry Lin Dong, I will die tomorrow, too."

"You'd better forget it. Lin Dong will not like you unless he is blind."

"Get out of here!"

Several of the cast members commented.


At this time, song Jing took a trumpet to shout.

Su Yu, who was in the shooting, immediately breathed a sigh of relief and walked towards this place.

"Xiaoyu, it's hard work!"

A bottle of water was handed over by the staff.

Thank you

Su Yu said with a smile and went to Lin Yang.

"Hello, Su Dong!"

Su Yu said nervously.

"Well, well done." Lin Yang said with a smile.

"Where." Su Yu smiles awkwardly. Then she runs to Su Yan and pulls her sales. She says something excitedly.

Su Yan is also holding Su Yu's small hand and talking about something.

The relationship between the two sisters is particularly harmonious.

This has never been before.

But after so much experience, they are paying more attention to family relationship.

"Lin Dong!"

Song Jing came and bowed to Lin Yang.

"Hard work, when will my part begin?" Lin Yang asked with a smile.

"We can start now!" Song Jing busy road.

"Now? Let's take a 10 minute break. Everyone is tired. " Lin Yang road.

He knew that song Jing didn't want to waste his time. After all, Lin Dong was a busy man.

Song Jing was relieved and said with a smile, "well, let's listen to Lin Dong. Let's have a rest for ten minutes, so I can make preparations."


Lin Yang nodded.

Ten minutes is very fast, but it is also very valuable for the crew who are in a hurry.

After drinking water and taking a rest, the people began to take pictures again.

Lin Yang was also pulled to the dressing room to change clothes and make-up.

A lot of people pay close attention to Lin Yang's drama and get ready to watch it.

Lin Yang's make-up is a girl who looks less than 20 years old.

The girl seems to have just graduated from university. There is still a lot of immature breath on her face. She seems very nervous. The makeup pen in her hand is shaking gently.

"Lin... Lin Dong, please close your eyes, I'll give you a picture..." the girl said nervously.


Lin Yang closed his eyes.

The girl carefully put on her make-up.

About twenty minutes later, she stopped.

"Lin Dong, OK!"

"Hard work!"

Lin Yang got up with a smile and was ready to go out.

But at this time, the girl cried out nervously: "Dong Lin, can you... Sign my name?"

As soon as he said this, Lin Yang was dumbfounded.

"No problem!"He picked up the pen and paper by the desk, and wrote down his name with a brush and gave it to the girl.

The girl was suddenly excited all over the body straight trembling, excited feeling speechless, busy is to take out the mobile phone to take a few photos.

A circle of friends, a group of sisters issued envious words.

It made the girl proud.

But just then...


A scream was heard from outside the dressing room.

Lin Yang was not shocked.

This is Su Yu's voice!

He rushed out in a hurry.

But all of a sudden, the whole crew was in a mess.

Then a man with a machete and naked upper body suddenly broke into the crew and stood in front of the rest area...

"who is the director?" The man yelled.

"I am. What do you want to do?" Song Jing hurried forward and asked.

"Immediately prepare 100 million yuan for Laozi, or I will cut down these girls!" Song Jing, pointing to the machete, shouts.

Robbery crew?

People were shocked.

Is this man crazy? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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