No one expected this kind of thing to happen on the shooting scene of the last few scenes of "War Tiger".

Robbery crew?

Other people have only heard of blackmail and never heard of someone robbing a crew?

Don't think that the investment in making a movie is billions. You should know that the money is never managed by one person, and the director does not have much money.

The director is only in charge of filming, but the investor is the real one.

It's better to rob the film crew directly from the investors...


Many girls in the studio screamed.

"What's going on?"

"Oh, my God, something's going on!"

The onlookers on the periphery were also boiling.

A large number of security personnel rushed to the place quickly and surrounded the man with the knife.

But the man with the knife was fearless and directly put the chopper on Su Yan beside him.

"Who dares to come here? I'll kill this girl!" The man yelled ferociously.

Su Yan tensed up in an instant and did not dare to move.

The people around you don't come forward.

"Sister Yan!" Su Yu called out to run there, but the staff next to her held her tight.

Lin Yang also suddenly got up, eyes senhan staring at the man holding the knife.

"Don't mess around!"

Song Jing threw the trumpet and rushed to persuade him: "this friend, if you have any request, I will satisfy you. You must not hurt this lady!"

"War Tiger" is about to be killed. If there is any injury or death at this time, it will have a huge negative impact on the whole film, which will certainly affect the box office. Not only that, but also his career as a director will leave a huge stain...

so this matter must be turned into a small one.

As long as there is no blood, anything can be said.

"Are you the fuckin 'deaf? I said, give me one hundred million at once, or I will kill her. Do you hear me? " The man cursed.

"100 million? No... no problem! I'll give it to you, I'll get it right away. Wait a minute, wait a minute... "Song Jing was busy.

"I only give you 10 minutes. If you can't make a hundred million in 10 minutes, I'll wait to collect the corpse for this girl!" The man grinned grimly.

"What? 10 minutes? How could it be, friend? Even if you go to the bank, it is impossible for the bank to raise 100 million yuan for you in 10 minutes! "

"Don't talk nonsense with me. Go and gather it! I tell you, if it's more than one second, even if you put 100 million cash in front of me, I'll kill this girl! " The man yelled and cursed.

Song Jing had no choice but to let the people next to him immediately report to the police and then cast a look for help to Lin Yang.

"Mr. Lin, please help my sister. Please!"

Su Yu also ran forward, took Lin Yang's arm and begged eagerly.

Lin Yang took a deep breath and said, "don't worry, give it to me."

Hearing this, Su Yu felt a little relieved.

Lin Yang went to the front, staring at the man coldly.

In fact, there was a deep confusion in his mind.

This man is so strange.

In broad daylight, the people who rob the crew are too abnormal!

And it's unrealistic to ask for 100 million in 10 minutes!

Who has the ability to make such a huge sum of money in such a short time?

What's more, in this coastal park, in public, he just brought a knife to commit a crime. Didn't he consider the way back? Haven't you thought about how to get out of here after the crime?

Normally, robbers will not only ask for money, but also ask for transportation to leave here.

But he didn't ask song Jing to arrange a car for him at all...

all these things are beyond people's understanding...

"this gentleman, don't mess around. If you want 100 million yuan, I can give it to you now!"

Lin Yang took out a black card from his coat pocket and walked towards the man.

"Stop!" The man yelled: "if you come back again, I'll cut off one of her hands first!"

"Don't you want money, sir?" Lin Yang asked, holding a black card.

"Money? Hum, who knows if there are 100 million yuan in it? Don't lie to me The man sneered, apparently disbelief.

"This is Lin Dong of Yanghua. Who is Lin Dong? It's worth a hundred billion dollars. What's a hundred million dollars? " Immediately someone said.

"Mr. Lin? I have never heard of Lin Dong not Lin Dong! I don't want a bank card! I only want cash! Listen, get me 100 million cash now! Not a word less! " Exclaimed the man.

"I think you're crazy? 100 million cash? This pile is in front of you, you can't take it

"Do you know how much 100 million cash is?"People around make complaints about it.

"I don't care! I will. Now the hostage is in my hand. I will do whatever I like! If you want this woman to live, you can take money. If you want her to die, you can continue to talk to me BB. I tell you, it has been five minutes. If you don't send the money in another five minutes, you are going to collect the corpse of this woman! "

The man sneered.

Su Yan was trembling.

Su Yu had been crying for a long time.

People around me are also very nervous.

Outside the crowd, several cars came to an emergency stop and a large number of police officers rushed towards it.

Lin Yang at this end took a deep breath and understood something.

Instead of talking, he put the black card in his pocket and walked towards the man.

"What are you doing? Stop

The man got nervous and drank at once.

There was also an uproar among the people around.

"Don't be impulsive, Lin Dong!"

"Please stop, or they will hurt the hostages!"

"Lin Dong!"

The crowd cried out.

But Lin Yang never stopped.

Su Yan was stunned.

For some reason, she didn't feel afraid. Instead, she felt a sense of security in her heart as the "Lin Dong" approached...

in addition, there was a sense of intimacy.

Su Yan was startled.

What's going on?

Why do I feel this way about this person?

Her heart beat especially hard.

Is this the suspension bridge effect?

She couldn't understand.

But the scene is out of control.

The more the dog roared, the more he walked! You want this girl to die! In that case, I'll help you

The voice fell, and the man did not hesitate to chop Su Yan's head with a machete.


There were screams.

Many people even closed their eyes and couldn't bear to see the cruel scene.

Of course, more and more people are aiming at this side with their mobile phones, ready to take pictures of the young female entrepreneur's death.

"Sister Yan!"

Su Yu cried bitterly.

Su Yan suddenly closed her eyes and didn't dare to look. Her whole body was tense and could not move a step!

But just as the machete was about to cut into her head.


A slight sound came out.

Then he looked at the falling knife, and suddenly hung three inches above Su Yan's head... It was frozen. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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