All the people on the scene were looking at it.

Those who closed their eyes slowly opened their eyes and looked towards Su Yan and the man with the knife.

However, the man held a knife and kept cutting to Su Yan. Then he did not move, just like...



The world was shocked.

The scene was silent.

Su Yan also slowly opened her eyes, staring at the man in front of her.

But he saw that his eyes were moving, but they kept protruding and his face was red. He seemed to want his body to move, but no matter how hard he drove, he couldn't move.

It was as if someone had pointed a hole.

At this time, Su Yan found that there was a bright silver needle tied around his neck.

"Dr. Lin?"

Su Yan responded.

"Are you all right?"

Lin Yang came with a big stride. He took her hand and pulled her out from under the machete.

Su Yan a slip, Jiao body stagger, suddenly fell in the arms of Lin Yang.

Su yanru was struck by lightning.

Lin Yang also slightly frowned.

The onlookers were crazy and immediately took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

"Locked! It's locked

"Ha ha, Lin Dong is really interested in Miss Su Yan!"

"Now it's a stone hammer!"

The crowd rang with excited laughter, and those gossip reporters were even more crazy. They shot Lin Yang and Su Yan with long guns and short guns.

Su Yu at the end of the room was stunned, and she laughed bitterly.

As for Su Yan, the whole brain is still in a blank state.

For some reason, she always felt that the Doctor Lin had a sense of familiarity, but she did not know what it was.

Well, it's strange.

"Miss Su, are you ok?"

At this time, a large number of patrolmen rushed to beat the man down on the ground, and one of them was facing Su Yan Road.

Su Yan heard the voice, just react to come over, busy from Lin Yang's arms to earn out.

"Nothing, I'm fine..." Su Yan micro side Zhen head, opening said.

"It's OK."

The policeman nodded and took the perpetrator into the car.

Lin Yang took out his mobile phone and called ma Hai.

A few minutes later, a car pulled up at the gate of the park and a team of security companies came running.

"In order to avoid this happening again, song Jing, I will arrange a group of bodyguards to stay in the crew to ensure your life safety." Lin Yang road.

"That's great. Thank you, Lin Dong. Thanks to you this time." Song Jing was excited.

"You're welcome. You're also working for me. I'm afraid the play today will not be finished. I still have some things to do. I'll stay soon. I'll go first."

Lin Yang said, and then said to the policeman, "Sir, I'll record my confession later, OK?"

"No problem, no problem. Mr. Lin is so polite." The policeman said with a smile.

They also came in to see the silver needle on the prisoner's neck, and immediately understood why the man suddenly stopped moving.

The onlookers around realized that there were few of them.

They are still talking about whether this guy is in some kind of evil, so that he suddenly doesn't move.

Lin Yang nodded and flushed Su Yan's head. He left the scene in a hurry.

Su Yan is still a little confused.

Su Yu rushed over and hugged her tightly.

"It's OK, Xiaoyu. It's OK." Su Yan comforted a few, but some absent-minded.

Leaving Binhai Park, Lin Yang immediately returned to the company.

Ma Hai, Gong Xiyun, Xu Tian and others all arrived at his office.

"Lin Dong, suddenly called us over. What happened?" Xu Tian asks in confusion.

"Do you all know about Binhai park?" Lin Yang asked.

Xu Tian is a little confused and shakes his head.

"Just now, there was a robbery in Binhai Park, but it has been solved by Lin Dong!" Next to mahaido.


Xu Tian was stunned, but he frowned again: "Lin Dong, does this have anything to do with us?"

"This man robbed song Jing's crew."

"Rob the crew? Is this going to grab money? Is there such a fool? " Gong Xiyun couldn't help saying.

"But it did happen, and I found this man's purpose strange! First of all, he robbed the crew. Secondly, he asked song Jing to collect 100 million yuan in 10 minutes. Then, he didn't want bank cards, but cash! The most important thing is that he rushed into the studio and abandoned all the hostages, only took Su Yan! "

Lin Yang cold channel.

As soon as the words fell, everyone was silent.

"Mr. Lin, do you mean that... This robbery may be against you?" Ma Hai asked."Remove the possibility!"

Lin Yang's fingers beat the table with rhythm and said hoarsely, "if I guess it's right, the mastermind of this robbery is mostly related to the eagle Pavilion."

Several people frowned.

"What does Yingge want to do?" Xu Tianning asked.

"Feel my bottom line!" Lin Yang has no expression.

Ma Hai and Gong Xiyun look at each other.

, Lin Dong, let me leave this matter to you. I'll dig out the eagle's eye liner in Jiangcheng at once. Xu Tian volunteered.

"No digging! If you dig out one, they'll send another! This will have no effect, but will expose us more means! " Lin Yang shook his head.

"What Lin Dong means is..."

several people stare.

But Lin Yang closed his eyes and said coldly:

"it's time for us to do something!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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