Lin Yang did not expect the eagle pavilion to move so quickly, and still from this aspect!

It seems that he underestimated the executive ability and vision of the eagle Pavilion.

Only when you know yourself and know your enemy can you win a hundred battles.

Yingge is bound to want to know everything about Lin Yang, in a devastating blow to him.

If we want to stop the eagle Pavilion, the best way is to less appear in the public view as director Lin.

The more they want to find out, the less he can appear!

After making up his mind, Lin Yang leaves Yanghua in a hurry, hides Lin Dong's identity, disguises himself as a son-in-law, and walks toward Su Yan's company.

The Binhai Park affair has exploded on the Internet.

A lot of people see what's happening online through the video.

Many netizens are puzzled by the sudden fossilization of the robber.

Until someone with sharp eyes found the silver needle twinkling around the robber's neck.

When did the silver needle appear?

No one can answer.

As a result, people began to slow down the video.

Double slow!


Three times!

So... Until the slow down to 10 times, people saw a cold light from Lin Yang's fingers! In the neck of the robber!

This silver needle! It's Dr. Lin!

The news spreads, the whole network explodes!

People in China all know that Lin Donglin is a miracle doctor with superb medical skills and excellent acupuncture and moxibustion.

But no one thought that this Doctor Lin could play the silver needle to such a wonderful situation!

And the speed of the needle swing... Is it really the speed that people can reach?

Even those who have practiced martial arts for decades can't do it, can they?

"God man!"

"This... This is really acupuncture?"

"Is Dr. Lin a monster?"

The world is shocked. It's unbelievable.

Each big forum website brushes the post quantity to soar.

And the people of Dr. Lin's backup association are crazy to the extreme.

The public opinion on the Internet is about to explode. Lin Yang doesn't like it.

Fortunately, Mahai sent a PR company to take action in time.

"You're all wrong. This video is obviously synthetic! How can a person's speed be so fast? "

"Yes! Is Lin Dong an immortal? Do you think reality is a martial arts novel? "

"False, all false! Professional video composers tell you, it's all fake. "

"No one really believes in this video? Don't laugh me to death

Under the guidance of the water army's public opinion, people began to doubt the video.

Of course, some people still believe it, some people think that this is just some unscrupulous media synthetic video production gimmick!

There's just one thing that can't be refuted by those who think that video is compositional!

Why did the robbers suddenly stop moving?

Online speculation, Lin Shenyi three words also boarded the microblog hot search again.

It's a pity that Lin Yang doesn't pay attention to this.

He believed that this video must have been circulated inside the eagle Pavilion.

This time, also exposed part of his strength, the next time to fight with the eagle Pavilion, the eagle Pavilion will certainly be on guard.

Lin Yang took a breath and walked quickly into the elevator.

To the floor of Su Yan's office, Lin Yang looked at the office. Su Yan was unexpectedly not in it today. It's not like her style.

She is such a work maniac will never be absent from work, overtime is more common.

It's probably because of the Binhai park that she hasn't been able to recover.

Lin Yang thought and walked to the house.

Push open the door, but see Su Yan a person sitting on the sofa, eyes looking at a glass of red wine in front of, fell into a dull.

Even Lin Yang walked in, she did not notice.

What's going on?

Lin Yang was puzzled.

"Xiaoyan?" He gave a shout.

Su Yan didn't respond.

"Xiaoyan?" Lin Yang called again.


Su Yan seemed to hear, but suddenly stood up from the sofa, the red wine cup on the tea table was brought by her, the whole son fell on the ground, fell to pieces.

Lin Yang was stunned.

Su Yan quickly crouched down and hurriedly cleaned up.

"What's wrong with you? How can you be out of your mind? " Lin Yang asked with a frown.

"Nothing... Nothing..."

Su Yan put the debris into the garbage can and looked over her face.

Lin Yang looked at her in silence. After a moment, he opened his mouth: "I know everything about Binhai park. Are you ok?"

"Nothing...""It's OK."

Lin Yang said, then went to the refrigerator, took out the ingredients, ready to cook dinner.

"Where have you been these days?"

Su Yan looked at him and asked softly.

"In luoqian's clinic."

"Really? Is the work so busy there? How often I don't see you for days? " Su Yan asked with a slight frown.

"I can't help it. Miss Luo is also a famous doctor in Jiangcheng now, so there are more patients." Lin Yang said with a smile.

Su Yan didn't speak. She lowered her head and bit her lips. She was trying to stop.

"Do you have something to say to me? It's OK. Just tell me! I listen. " Lin Yang took a cabbage and looked at her.

Su Yan's expression is complex. She lowers her head for a long time before she suddenly raises her head.

"Do you really know about Binhai park?"

"The Internet is full of videos, so it's hard for me not to know?"

"Then I ask you! If you were present, not Dr. Lin! Will you... Save me? Can you save me? " Su Yan stares at him and questions.

Hearing this, Lin Yang's heart suddenly contracted. Shocked at Su Yan.

Vaguely, he seems to understand Su Yan's meaning , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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