"Mom, nothing. It was just an onion cut. It's OK."

Su Yan passed her face, and replied wisely.

"Is it?"

Zhang Qingyu glanced at Linyang with some doubts. A hum came out of his nose. He stopped taking care of Lin Yang and turned his head and smiled, "daughter, you see it, Doctor Lin is still interested in you. You don't think about it?"

"Mom, I knew you would say these words to me. I still think that I am a married woman. I will not consider marrying any more." Su Yan is hoarse.

"Daughter, what's wrong with you? Why still hang this waste not to let go? Yes? You don't think about your grandfather's words, are you? I tell you, that old lady Su has not been living in a few days. What are you afraid of? What's more, we have nothing to do with Su family. What do you remember all day long in the old coffin? " Zhang Qingyu shouted with his wishbone.

"Mom, how can you talk like this? Even if Su family is more mean to our family, it is my grandma after all, after all, my grandfather, and what's more, grandpa is not sorry for our place, how can you insult grandpa like this? " Su Yan was angry, and the voice was a little louder.

"You..." Zhang Qingyu was red and shivering with anger.

But she had been surprised to hold back this time.

"Daughter, mom doesn't waste words. Mom said so much to do so much, not for you? Mom doesn't want you to be so hard, mom wants you to live a good life! Anyway, you have to give mom a reply today! " Zhang Qingyu asked.

"What response?" Su Yan is the head on the side.

"Divorce Lin Yang!" "Cried Zhang Qingyu.

This is not the first time Zhang Qingyu has asked for such a request, whether Lin Yang or Su Yan, it is no wonder that at this moment.

"Mom, if you are this request, then even if I said, I will not consider divorce Linyang for the moment." Su had no expression.

"Why can't you... Your head just turn around like your mom? What's the good about this man? You look at him? Such a big man, nothing! Still eat your use of your, such a waste of the nest, you can not leave what? " Zhang Qingyu is annoyed.

"Mom!! You don't want to say it! "

Su Yan Qi is not light, silver teeth clenched, want to refute what, but do not want to open again.

Zhang Qingyu crackled a pile, but Su Yan did not care, deaf.

Zhang Qingyu can not see her daughter, can only give a step back, and said: "OK, since you don't want to divorce this pocket now! It's also! Then you promised my mother one thing! "

"What's the matter?" Su Yan asked confused.

"Instead of mom, go to a banquet!" Zhang Qingyu squinted and smiled.


"Yes, this is a banquet held by famous celebrities in Jiangcheng. I invited my mother to attend it. But I really don't have time with your dad, so I want you to replace us."

"Is it?"

Su Yan was surprised and felt something wrong.

"Mom, you want me to go... But I'll take Lin Yang to the dinner!" Su Yan was serious.

Obviously, she was worried that her mother would arrange several other relatives for herself, which would be a headache.

"No problem. You want to take this waste to shame. I don't object!" Zhang Qingyu said with a sneer.

Lin Yang and Su Yan heard the sound, all of them were shocked.

Zhang Qingyu promised so refreshing?

"Daughter, take it. This is an invitation. Tomorrow night, the Berne Hotel, remember to wear a little more beautiful!"

Zhang Qingyu takes a delicate post from his bag and hands it to Su Yan. Then he glares at Linyang and leaves directly.

"It's weird!"

Su Yan stared at the post and whispered.

"Yes, but this is what your mother said. You can't do it."

"Then you will go with me then."


Su Yan nodded gently, thought for a moment, from the bag out of a small stack of cash, plug into Linyang's hand.

"Go and buy a better suit."

"This..." br >

what Lin Yang was about to say, Su Yan frowned, and took a bunch of notes out of her wallet and stuffed it.

"Or buy a brand, wear a bright point, don't lose my face, performance better, also let my mother die this heart, can you?" Su Yan looked at him with a look forward to.

Lin Yang with money, looking at Su Yan face show a look of consternation.

After a moment, he spits up his mouth, bitter and astringent: "Xiaoyan, if you really want me to be high-profile, it's OK."

"Then the higher you are, the better! Why should my husband be despised? Do you really bear the heart that I am sneering at all day long, hope your wife is remembered every day? " Su Yan, with a face on her face, walked out of the room.

Linyang sighed, will the money, then out of the mobile phone, dial a number.

"Lin Dong." There is Mahai's voice over the phone."What's the most expensive dress at the moment?" Lin Yang asked.

"The hope double flower men's and women's dress is handmade by Mr. Sandro, the national treasure of Italy. The price of a set is 73 million. Its surface buttons are all inlaid with black diamonds, and the sleeves are sewn with gold thread..."

"OK, you don't have to introduce it to me. I just want to know if you can get it by tomorrow?"


"Make two sets, one to Yueyan international and the other to my office!"

"Good Mr. Lin!"

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