Although both of them didn't take the banquet seriously, when the banquet started, Lin Yang and Su Yan arrived early.

In front of the Berner hotel.

Su Yan stops her car in the corner.

"So this is what you bought for me?"

Su Yan looked at the dazzling dress on her body, and asked with a light frown.

She believes that this dress will definitely attract the eyes of the party.

Those black buttons sparkle in the light, just like real diamonds...

so beautiful!

What's more, she found that her dress and Lin Yang's suit seemed to be a couple's dress, which matched well. Lin Yang was also quite handsome. In addition, she was born with a coat hanger because of her wide bony frame. Usually, he didn't decorate himself very much. Today, she dressed up a little, but she had the temperament of a sub star.

Su Yan can't help but look a few more.

"How much is this suit?" Su Yan couldn't help asking.

"Seven thousand three hundred." Lin Yang said with a smile.

"Oh? It's a little expensive, but it's really nice. What brand is it? "

"No brand."

"No brand? It's also... If it's a brand-name dress, you can't take it off, but it's really beautiful, and it's worth it. " Su Yan murmured, locked the door and went to the gate.

Lin Yang laughed and followed.

After su Yan and Lin Yang arrived at the door of the Da Bernard Hotel, they found out that today's banquet was actually a private exchange meeting.

The so-called exchange meeting invited the upper class people of the whole Jiangcheng City, and even many famous celebrities around.

This surprised Su Yan.

"What's the matter? How could mom have such a standard party invitation Su Yan's eyes opened slightly, incredible way.

It's possible that Su didn't understand her mother's ability to contact with ordinary people!

Even if she is relying on her own identity as Su Yan's mother.

What's more, Su Yan doesn't think she has any ability to deal with these people.

Su Yan is a little uncomfortable.

Lin Yang frowned.

"Miss Su! Hello, Hello

"Miss Su, you are here!"

"Miss Su, take your seat here."

"Miss Su, can I have a word?"

At this time, many passing guests saw Su Yan, and they even took the initiative to say hello.

Su Yan can't help but be stunned, and quickly squeeze out a smile to respond.

She looked at these people who said hello to her with a blank mind.

Because she's seen a lot of faces here.

Real estate tycoon in Nancheng.

Jiangcheng's trade boss.

There are also giants in the catering industry, jewelry industry and clothing industry...

many people are su Yan's people who are eager for cooperation but can't touch them.

But today, they all took the initiative to say hello to themselves?

What's going on?

After thinking about it, Su Yan was shocked.

I'm afraid there's only one reason why she's so popular!

"Doctor Lin!" Su Yan whispered.

"Now people all over the world think that you and Dr. Lin are a couple. It's natural that they want to make friends with you." Lin Yang was helpless.

"No matter what they are, we're just here to finish what my mother told us. Let's find a place to sit for a while, and then we'll leave."

Su Yan small face some hair heavy, drag Lin Yang's hand, went to the corner of the table to sit down.

However, before the two men's buttocks were hot, a handsome young man in a suit came over with a female companion in his hand.

"Hello, Miss Su, I'm Ju Zhiqiang. Can I get to know you? This is my business card! " The man showed a charming smile and handed over a business card.

Su Yan looked at the business card, shivered all over, lost his voice and said: "your father is... Ju Nan'an?"

"It seems that Miss Su has heard of my father's name." Ju Zhiqiang smiles, his face full of pride.

"How come you haven't heard of it? You Zhenghua group's business is blooming all over the country. Almost every city has your Zhenghua square. Who in China has never heard of your name? " Su Yan got up with a smile and handed over a business card. Her previous boredom disappeared and replaced with a professional smile.

Zhenghua group?

Lin Yang next to slightly moved eyebrows, but also heard the name.

This is one of the top 100 enterprises in China.

I didn't expect that the prince of Zhenghua also attended the banquet. It was really extraordinary.

"Miss Su, your Yueyan international has great potential. I would like to talk about cooperation with you. I wonder if you are free now?" Ju Zhiqiang said with a smile."Free! available! Please have a seat, Mr. Ju. " Su Yan was overjoyed and quickly got up and said.


Ju Zhiqiang nodded, but he didn't sit down immediately. Instead, he said to Lin Yang, who was sitting there, "could you please give me a seat, sir?"

"Give up your seat?" Lin Yang was stunned. He looked at the left and right sides of his eyes and said, "aren't all positions here? Why should I give up my seat? "

"This gentleman may not know that I don't like to sit with some useless people, which will make me feel sick! If you don't mind, can you go to the next table Ju Zhiqiang said with a smile.

Su's face turned pale. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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