Late at night on the road.

Su Yan drives the car at a high speed.

But the car did not drive long, Su Yan will stop it on the side of the road.

She looked at the front, as if thinking of something, small face reveals a touch of complexity.

"If you have anything you want to ask." Lin Yang road.

"Why didn't you tell me that you won the first prize?" Su Yan hesitated and asked hoarsely.

"In my opinion, it's just two clothes! It's no big deal... "

" no big deal? How much are they worth... You should know today? " Su Yan suddenly side head, autumn eyes staring at him: "do you know? If you sell these two clothes, your life will be greatly changed, and no one will look down on you. If you have money, even my mother's attitude towards you will also change. Isn't it worth it? Isn't all this good? These are the two clothes that determine your destiny

"But... I just hope that dress will be on you." Lin Yang side looks at her way.

A simple sentence made Su Yan tremble immediately.

She stares at Lin Yang, her eyes twinkle with surprise and complexity.

For a long time, she gently turned her head, her eyes were slightly red, and she was silent for a while. Only two words came out of her small mouth.


Lin Yang was dumbfounded.

He just told the truth...

the car continued to move forward.

It has been stopped at the downstairs of Yueyan international.

"Today's event will surely spread all over Jiangcheng, and it will be on the news. At that time, everyone will know it. Although the two sets of dresses were destroyed, Ju Zhiqiang's compensation money is enough for you. I think my mother will come to see you tomorrow, and I will certainly look up to you! You have to behave well! " Su Yan said seriously.

"Say it again." Lin Yang smiles.

"I'm going to take a bath. Go to bed early."

Su Yan said, will turn around, but at this time, she suddenly seems to think of something, looked at Lin Yang.

"Lin Yang, in fact, sometimes I find that I can't see through you."

"Oh? What do you mean Lin Yang looked at her strangely.

"Nothing... I just think... There's something else you haven't told me." Su Yan murmured and walked into the washroom.

Lin Yang said nothing.

Su Yan is not an idiot.

Maybe... She's smelling something wrong.

But Lin Yang didn't care.

If Su Yan can really believe his identity, it is also a relief for Lin Yang.

Just, have to think of a way to let Su Yan guarantee to be able to keep his identity secret.

After all, this is not the protection of Linyang, but the protection of Su Yan.

Buzz... Buzz...

at this time, the phone rings.

At first glance, it was ma Hai!


"Mr. Lin, are you all right?" Ma Hai's voice came out.

"Who let you make a good stand and pull such a lie for me?" Lin Yang said without expression.

Ma Hai was stunned and quickly explained: "Dong Lin, I don't think it's convenient for you to disclose your identity, so... That's why I prepared this excuse to rescue you. Don't you like it...

" I wanted to disclose my identity... Although it's not the time... Ah, forget it, since it's such a thing, it doesn't matter. " Lin Yang shook his head and sighed.

"Mr. Lin, what are you going to do with the people who are here today?" Ma Hai asked.

"Processing? What do you mean? "

"Tomorrow afternoon, we will hold a business seminar in the large conference hall of Yanghua group. Almost all the people at the banquet today will attend! This seminar is organized by Yanghua group and Rengui. If you are not satisfied with these people, I can cancel this seminar! " Mahaido.

"Just cancelled?" Lin Yang drank coldly.

Ma Hai shivered and said, "Dong Lin, most of these people have cooperative relations with Yanghua. I think it's OK to let them realize their mistakes. If they are too radical and affect the cooperation, they will cause great losses to Yanghua..."

"do you think I care?"

Lin Yang said coldly: "Mahai, my original intention of establishing Yanghua has never been profit-making!"

"Mr. Lin, do you mean...

" help me get all the contracts with us from these people tomorrow. " Lin Yang said hoarsely.

Ma Hai said, "yes, Lin Dong..."

"please contact me if you have any questions."

With that, Lin Yang Hung up.

"Who is it?"

Su Yan came out of the wash room with her wet hair.

Lin Yang, no one laughed"Oh..."

Lin Yang went to bed after taking a bath.

And the banquet hall, as if it had wings, spread all over the city.

Although Ma Hai deliberately blocked the news, he still couldn't stop the fire of gossip and the eyes of paparazzi.

So early in the morning.

Dong Dong...

the knock on the door immediately wakes up Lin Yang and Su Yan in their sleep.

Lin Yang walks out of the room and opens the door with a sleepy face. However, he sees Zhang Qingyu standing outside the door with Su Guang.

"Lin Yang!"

Zhang Qingyu rushed in and yelled at Linyang.

"What can I do for you?" Lin Yang, sleepy, frowned.

"How dare you! Won the grand prize and won't tell your mother? Do you still have my mother-in-law in your eyes? " Zhang Qingyu patted the table, pointed to Lin Yang's nose and yelled.

Lin Yang was already very angry about what happened last night. Now he was woken up by Zhang Qingyu in the early morning. He was in a bad mood. How could he stand the accusation of Zhang Qingyu?

He was expressionless, staring at Zhang Qingyu coldly and said, "no!"

"What do you say?" Zhang Qingyu was stunned.

"If you think I'm not worthy of being your son-in-law? Yes, I can divorce Su Yan now! Are you satisfied? " Lin Yang stares at Zhang Qingyu and drinks coldly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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