Lin Yang's words, like thunder, shocked Zhang Qingyu.

Su Guang, who follows in next to him, is also silly. He looks at Lin Yang in disbelief and thinks that his ears have been wrongly heard.

When have they seen Lin Yang so tough, when have they seen this weak door-to-door son-in-law so overbearing?

"You... You... What do you say?"

Zhang Qingyu pointed to Linyang, his lips trembling, his eyes round and trembling.

"What? Shall I repeat it? " Lin Yang hums coldly.

"You, you, you... Good, Lin Yang! You're against God! I can see what you're like! You were not like this before! What's the matter? You won the grand prize and you have money! You start to stop treating me as your mother-in-law? You white eyed wolf! You're a thousand dollar thing! You are ungrateful... "Zhang Qingyu got angry and directly scolded Lin Yang's nose with one hand on his hips.

It's a total woman abuse.

The mouth is like Gatling, all kinds of filthy words come out constantly.

Lin Yang, however, looked gloomy and said nothing.

"Mom, what's the matter?"

Su Yan, a sleepy Pajama, came out of the room. Seeing the posture, she rubbed her eyes and asked.

"Daughter, look at your husband, look at him, the wings are hard! Money! Began to float, even mother-in-law are not in the eye? it ticks me off! I'm so angry Zhang Qingyu's face was flushed with anger and roared eagerly.

Su Yan was stunned, and immediately realized why Zhang Qingyu was like this. She sighed and said helplessly: "Mom, OK, OK. You can calm down. Lin Yang didn't mean to. How can he say that he is also my husband. How can you respect him? How can he not respect you?"

"But..." Zhang Qingyu also wanted to say something, but Su Guang grabbed her arm and kept winking at her.

Zhang Qingyu saw this and pressed down his anger.

"Forget it, I won't care about this guy!"

Zhang Qingyu took a deep breath and said coldly.

"Mom, don't say that. What's the matter with you coming here early in the morning?" Su Yan asked.

"Well, what's the matter? Of course, it's about your dress! " Zhang Qingyu hugged his chest in both hands and snorted coldly: "your husband is very powerful! If you don't tell us about such things, he's really promising

"Mom... Lin Yang, he doesn't mean that, he just wants to... Just wants to..." Su Yan still wants to say two good words for Lin Yang, but when it comes to the mouth, he doesn't know what to say.

"Well, don't say good words for him! You have such a disposition, like me, with a sharp mouth and a heart full of bean curd! I'll take it as if it didn't happen! But I don't think the dress didn't happen! Lin Yang, say it, how much do you intend to pay to your father-in-law and your mother-in-law after the money is paid? " Zhang Qingyu cast his eyes to Linyang, not cold or hot said.

"Filial piety?" Lin Yang looked at him curiously.

"What's the matter? You don't like it?? You've been eating me, living with me, using mine. If I hadn't raised you, you would have starved to death in the street! Now that you're rich, you want to kick us out? You think so Zhang Qingyu snorted coldly.

Lin Yang looked at her without expression.

Su Yan said, "Mom, Lin Yang doesn't mean that... It's just that there hasn't been a reply for us, and there's no exact number for how much the clothes have to pay. If you ask this question now, we can't answer you either!"

"The numbers don't matter, it's the attitude that counts!" Zhang Qingyu snorted coldly.

"Attitude? What do you mean, Ma

"It doesn't mean much! Well, I've been ready in the morning! As long as your husband is willing to sign this, he is still my good son-in-law! "

Zhang Qingyu said as he turned out a piece of paper from his bag and slapped it on the table.

Su Yan immediately took it up and had a look. After a moment, her face changed.

"Mom... You're... You're going too far!"

"Too much? What's too much? I'm just asking for it! What's too much? What's the matter with you, daughter? Why are you turning your elbow out? I'm your mother! What's the matter with you? " Zhang Qingyu was displeased and glared at Su Yan.

"But... Mom, you can't do that either! Lin Yang finally won a special prize. You want him to transfer 80% of the compensation to you? You're... Too much to say! " Su Yan was a little angry.

"I have reserved 20% for him! Daughter, what virtue is your husband? You don't know! He took so much money. What should he do if he was cheated away? Put it here for me, and I can keep it for him. " Zhang Qingyu was busy.

"But..." Su Yan also wanted to say something.

But Lin Yang, next to him, has already opened his voice.

"Zhang Qingyu, I won't give you any of these money!"

"What do you say?" Zhang Qingyu was surprised.Su Guang was not stunned, but turned to produce an airway: "Xiaoyang! What's the matter with you? Why not so big or small? How dare you call your mother-in-law's name? "

"Mother in law? Did she take me for her son-in-law? Let me ask you, am I really your son-in-law? What's your attitude towards me since I joined the Su family for three years? Can't I see? I've been sleeping on the sofa for three years, and I have to endure your sarcasm every day! Now that I've won the prize, you come here early in the morning and ask me for money! If you have a better attitude, maybe I will give you some. But since I opened the door, did you have a good word in this sunny rain? So I'll give you the money? Do you really think I'm a soft persimmon? Is he a boneless loser? " Lin Yang said coldly.

"You... You..."

Zhang Qingyu was shivering and his face was red.

Su Guang, an honest man, couldn't listen any more. He said angrily, "Linyang! You have gone too far

"Lin Yang, come on, stop talking!"

Su Yan also felt that the situation was bad, immediately pulled Lin Yang's arm and winked at him.

I don't know why, she feels that Lin Yang today is not so strong...

is it really because of the money of this dress that he becomes hard?

Su Yan Liu eyebrows can not help a frown.

If so, she would look up to Lin Yang.

Originally, Su Yan made a great change to Lin Yang for what he had done last night, and she also had a lot of good feelings for him in her heart. However, if Lin Yang changed because of money, she felt that this man was still a layman, just like others.

However, Su Yan understood that Lin Yang's words had thoroughly ignited Zhang Qingyu and Su Guang's husband and wife...

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