"Oh! Mr. Ren is here

"Mr. Ren! Hello, Hello

"You are here. We have been waiting for you for a long time."

People in the conference hall gathered around one after another, smiling and enthusiastic.

Ren GUI also warmly followed the crowd to say hello one by one.

"It's almost time. Please take your seats. After a while, the horse will come. I'm sure you will not be happy to see the scene in chaos! Come on, come on, sit down! Sit down and talk Ren GUI said.

People took their seats in turn.

Ren GUI has a special position and naturally sits in the front.

At the same time, last night's Changfang, Ju Zhiqiang and several other industry leaders all sat in the front row.

People whispered, excitedly discussing what.

"Uncle Ren, what is the purpose of this seminar? Is it really so simple to exchange some experience? " Ju Zhiqiang felt very boring and couldn't help but take a look at Ren GUI.

"What do you think? You think too much! All the people sitting here are businessmen! What else do you expect a group of businessmen to share with you? In the eyes of the people here, everything else is bullshit except interests! " Ren GUI chuckled.

"What are we doing here?" Ju Zhiqiang asked.

"What? Didn't your father tell you? " Ren GUI looks at him curiously.

Ju Zhiqiang shakes his head.

"Ha ha, it seems that your father is a busy man! Even if you don't care about this kind of thing, your family business is getting bigger and bigger! " Ren GUI laughs.

Ju Zhiqiang is more and more confused.

"Well, I'll give you a simple explanation! There are two purposes for this seminar today. One is to use the seminar as a starting point to get on line with Mr. Lin! 2??? We have to cooperate with Mr. Lin to develop several major projects in Jiangcheng! " Ren GUI said with a smile.

"Big projects?"

"On the 18th, several documents were issued to focus on the development of the South Bank of Jiangcheng. The initial investment was 7 billion yuan. Many owners wanted to take a bite of this cake. But if they want to eat this cake with their own strength, it is no doubt a dream. Therefore, this seminar is actually a group meeting. Everyone wants to take Mr. Lin as the banner In groups, swallow this cake! You know, it's not only the people in this chamber who are staring at this project, but also a lot of eyes. All the domestic forces want to bite it hard! "

Ren GUI said with a smile.

When Ju Zhiqiang heard this, they all took a chill.

The initial investment is 7 billion yuan. How much is the total investment?

This is a big project!

No wonder there are so many big men gathering in Jiangcheng for no reason. The old foxes still come after smelling the fragrance...

"your father asked you to come. I think 80% of them want to experience you! You have to behave well. After all, Zhenghua group will be handed over to you in the future. " Ren GUI said meaningfully.

"I see!" Ju Zhiqiang suddenly realized and said, "thank you for your advice!"

"You still have a long way to go. Do a good job. I'll take good care of you! Ha ha... "

Ren GUI laughs.

Ju Zhiqiang smiles slightly, but there is a glimmer of sharp light under his eyes.

If the father really handed over the family property to him, then in his opinion, Ren GUI is the biggest enemy.

But now, he has to learn more from Ren GUI.

Know yourself and know your enemy, and win every battle!

At this time, the meeting hall suddenly became quite quiet.

The crowd was anxious to see several figures coming in from the door of the conference hall.

At first glance, it was ma Hai and others.

In front of them, there was a handsome man who looked like a God. He wore a black suit with a cold and dignified look.

Seeing this man, all the big men who were present stood up and looked at him with burning eyes.

Even Ju Zhiqiang and Yi Ping, the female companion, have locked their eyes on him tightly and never left for a moment.

"It's Lin Dong!"

"Here comes Lin Dong!"

"My God, Lin Dong is really handsome! More handsome than on TV

"Yes... I really envy Su Yan that girl!"

"I don't know why Su Yan's fool is still guarding her wimp husband!"

"If I can get the favor of Lin Dong, I would rather give up everything."

A lot of girls on the scene couldn't help but sigh. Rao is the female entrepreneurs who have seen the big waves, and they can't stop their heartbeats at the moment.

"Lin Dong!"

"Hello, Mr. Lin!"

"Good to meet you, Lin Dong!"

Some big men in the front row got up one after another, greeting warmly.

Lin Yang smiles and greets these people one by one.

Seeing this, those people were more excited.Lin Yang got on the stage, stood still and cleared his throat.

The crowd immediately quieted down.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm very glad that you can come here and attend this seminar. Welcome to Yanghua!" Lin Yang said with a smile.

The scene immediately burst into thunderous applause.

"I don't think we need to introduce my identity. We should all be familiar with it. So let's enter into the theme. The purpose of this seminar is to share your successful experience and exchange your experience. If we can achieve cooperation, it will be great. I think we can make your career better by combining the strong and the strong." Lin Yang said with a smile.

"Good," said Dong Lin

"Dong Lin really knows us so well!"

"That's good advice!"

The crowd echoed, and the scene was quite boiling.

A successful businessman is a successful businessman. He can only say nothing bad. Although what Lin Yang said is nonsense, they will always be a smiling face.

"In this case, Mr. Lin would like to communicate with us about the development project on the South Bank of Jiangcheng? Ha ha, Lin Dong, I like your quick and straightforward personality! If you don't mind, we can talk about it now! I think you can't wait to do it! They said, "isn't it?"

Ren GUI stood up and said with a smile.


Many people at the scene immediately agreed with a smile.

There was a lot of noise.


Ren GUI's words made Lin Yang squint.

He stopped speaking.

Ren GUI looks at Lin Yang again.

Seeing Lin Yang say nothing, I feel something wrong.

But see Lin Yang slowly turned the line of sight, indifferent looking at Ren GUI.

"Who are you?"

The simple three words made the smile on Ren GUI's face froze in an instant...

"Mr. Lin, are you kidding? I'm in charge of the rules! Do you know? If you make such a joke, it's boring! "

Ren GUI tried to keep smiling and said with a smile.

However... Lin Yang or that pair of indifferent appearance, on the contrary is looking at Ma Hai: "do you know him?"

The whole audience was in uproar.

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