"Don't Mr. Lin know Mr. Ren?"

"How could it be? How famous is Ren Zong? How can Lin Dong not know him? What's more, this seminar is the result of the joint efforts of Yanghua and president Ren. The board of directors does not know Mr. Ren? Isn't that funny? "

"I think... It's mostly Dong Lin who is joking with president Ren."

"It should be..."

"it's just that the joke is a little cold."

People whispered.

Any rule is a tight frown, a trace of displeasure on his face.

"Mr. Lin, this is Ren GUI, chairman of Hengyuan group. I mentioned it to you." Ma Hai introduced simply, the voice is not cold or hot.

"Oh, that's it

Lin Yang nodded.

"It seems that Lin Dong doesn't know me well, but it doesn't matter. Let's have a good chat and get familiar with each other." Ren GUI said with a smile.

Although he was upset, he couldn't get angry at the moment.

"I don't know much about you, but I want to ask you, who let you in?" Lin Yang stares at Ren GUI Dao without expression.

Ren GUI stayed on the spot.

Slightly boiling scene also in an instant no sound.

People all stare at Lin Yang with their eyes wide open.

No one thought that Lin Yang would say such a thing...

now... It can't be a joke!

People stare at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and their breath is frozen.

What is Lin Dong doing?

He is clearly deliberately creating difficulties for any rules!

This is to make fun of any rules!

What does he think of Ren GUI?

Isn't Yanghua in close business cooperation with Rengui? Why does Lin Dong directly want to brush the face of Ren GUI today?

Couldn't he tell what occasion it was?

Countless people's minds are in a mess at the moment, totally unable to understand the current situation.

The hall was silent.

The reporters who were stopped by the security guards at the door also cocked up their ears.

They are not allowed to enter this kind of private meeting, but they can interview one by one after the meeting.

At this moment, sharp reporters smell a big news.

They believe something must have happened inside.

"Lin Dong, I don't understand what you mean by that!"

Ren GUI recovered from the shock and looked at Lin Yang with a frown.

"What I said was not straightforward enough? Or is your IQ unable to understand what I'm saying? I said, why do you interrupt? Did I ask you to speak? " Lin Yang looked at Ren GUI Dao lightly.

"You... Lin Dong! You've been deceiving too much! "

Ren GUI suddenly slapped the table, stood up, pointed to Lin Yang and said, "I don't know where I offended you! But you don't have to bully people like that, do you? Don't tell me straight! You don't have to be weird! "

Ren GUI's temper is not irascible, but Lin Dong scolded him directly in front of so many people, which did not intend to save him any face at all.

How can any rules be tolerated? If you don't get angry, how can you still mix in the domestic business community?

"What words do I have in mind? Mr. Ren, if you have any complaints about me, I suggest you leave here now! " Lin Yang said without expression.


Ren's face is red.

This is to drive him away!

If he goes away like this, so many people in the news media outside will surely make a lot of reports. He will not only be shameless, but even his own company will also be affected.

Ren GUI refused to leave like this.

Even if you want to go, at least you have to keep a little face, there is a step down!

Ren GUI's mood is extremely complicated at the moment. He doesn't know what's wrong with him. Why does Lin Dong have to be so hard on himself.

Is it... The party last night?

But last night's party didn't do anything to Mr. Lin, right?

Ren GUI is confused.

"Mr. Ren, please forgive me for any offence you have made. After all, we are friends. We will never see you again. What's more, we are all business partners. There is no need to do this!"

Finally, some people can't see, and quickly get up, want to be the peacemaker.

Lin Yang glanced at the man and said without expression: "who are you?"

"Lin Dong, I'm chuhao of Michael. We met before." The man was stunned.

"Chu hao?" Lin Yang nodded and asked, "are you preaching to me? Or are you teaching me a lesson? "

"This... Lin Dong, I didn't mean that. I just think... We are all friends. There is no need to hurt our feelings for such a small matter. " Chu Hao is busy again.

"Good!"Lin Yang nodded and looked at Ma Hai.

Ma Hai understood and immediately took out a contract and put it on the table.

"This is all the project agreements and contracts between Yanghua and Maike. Now I declare that Yanghua unilaterally cancels all the cooperative relations with Maike. Mr. Chu, now that we are not friends, we should no longer worry about hurting our feelings, right?" Lin Yang said without expression.

Chu Hao was stunned.

All the people on the scene were also dumbfounded...

Lin Dong... What's the matter?

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