No one expected that Lin Dong would be able to do this! Actually, he directly terminated all cooperation with Maike...

is Lin Dong crazy?

This is too much fun!

You know, Maike is the biggest channel seller in Yanghua's mobile phone industry. If you cancel the contract with mecco, you will not only compensate mecco with a large amount of liquidated damages, but also be regarded as breaking an arm and destroying its biggest sales channel!

But no one with a little brain would do such a stupid thing, would he?

But he did not hesitate.

Chu Hao was stunned. But soon, he shivered, calmed down, and said in a deep voice, "Lin Dong, are you sure you want to do this? As far as I know, the latest mobile phone launched by your Yanghua company has been in the warm-up state, and will be ready to be sold in the market. If you cancel the cooperation with me at this time, I'm afraid your new product sales will suffer Waterloo. At that time, the industry will be in uproar, the company's reputation will be damaged, and the stock market will be in turmoil. The consequences caused by this series of impacts must be in the hundreds of millions of dollars Didn't you think about that? "

This remark has attracted many people's approval!

A successful businessman will never allow such things to happen.

But the next second, Lin Yang's indifferent voice came out.

"Am I short of money?"

The simple four words made Chu Hao silent in an instant.

Yes. Is Mr. Lin short of money?

Yanghua's current total market value has already exceeded 100 billion yuan, and the potential is infinite. How can he be short of money?

Any new drug he developed would last a lifetime.

How did he care?

But no matter how rich you are, you can't be so willful!

"I can see that Mr. Lin didn't come to discuss cooperation with us sincerely." Ren GUI snorted coldly and said aloud.

"I'm just not interested in cooperating with people who don't behave well and don't understand etiquette." Lin Yang light road.

"Lin Dong, I know that you are very capable and powerful now, but you should know that in this country, you are not the leader, you are not the most powerful one!" Ren GUI cheered.

"I don't need to be the best. I just need to be better than you." Lin Yang squinted at him.

Ren Guiqi's whole body was trembling, and he was so bold that he called out to the people at the scene: "everyone, this man is so arrogant! There is no sincerity of cooperation at all! What are you doing here? If any of you think highly of anyone, go out with me now! Ren believes that without him Yanghua, we can also make a great success! The cause goes further! I promise to give you better projects! What do you think, gentlemen? "

This speech, the scene of the people are all stunned, look at each other!

Ren GUI is following Lin Yang Mou! Forcing the people present to make a choice!

It's Lin Yang! Or choose him as the rule!

They were all tangled up and did not dare to speak.

Ren GUI suddenly felt shameless, gritted his teeth and said, "OK, it seems that anyone's face is just like this! In this case, well, let someone leave, but this matter will be remembered! I hope we can cooperate well in the future

Ren Guisen said coldly that he wanted to leave the conference hall.

"Mr. Ren, wait a minute!"

At this time, a voice sounded.

People have looked, only to find that the person standing up is juzhiqiang!

Countless pairs of eyes focused on him.

Ju Zhiqiang looked at Lin Yang and said, "Mr. Lin, there must be a reason for something. You must have misunderstandings about Mr. Ren. It's not what you want to see now. If you have any dissatisfaction, can you speak it out directly? If it's our fault, we will take the initiative to apologize to you. We are all seeking money. There's no need to take the matter into consideration It's like this...

"is it? But if it wasn't your fault? " Lin Yang stares at Ju Zhiqiang and asks lightly.

"Lin Dong is too deceiving. Although your Yanghua is powerful and famous at present, it does not mean that we have to compromise with you! We also have dignity! If something goes wrong with Lin Dong, we'll have to leave early! "

Ju Zhiqiang drinks in a deep voice and then suddenly gets up.

Many people at the scene got up in succession.

Obviously, they have the same meaning as Ju Zhiqiang.

Lin Dong's action was so rude that they couldn't see it.

They don't want to be so arrogant and so lofty.

In that case, they are afraid that they can't take advantage of it when they share the benefits.

He was overjoyed at what he saw, and his eyes toward Ju Zhiqiang were also full of admiration.

"Children can be taught, children can be taught!" Ren GUI nodded with a smile and looked at Lin Yang.

Ju Zhiqiang's words stimulated everyone's mood.

Now most people are standing up to put pressure on Mr. Lin. no matter how crazy he is, he has to compromise?"Now, how can you get down the steps?"

Ren GUI sneered.

At this time, however, Lin Yang suddenly waved again.

As if Ma Hai had prepared in advance, he piled up a pile of materials on the platform...

the people on the scene were immediately confused...

"since you want to leave, I won't leave you. Who wants to leave, come and sign the agreement to terminate the cooperation!" Lin Yang said without expression. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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