Lin Yang's tough attitude made everyone unexpected.

They widened their eyes and looked at Lin Yang with consternation. One by one, they thought that their ears were wrong.

A moment later, people moved their eyes to the paper on the platform in front of Lin Yang.

Who can imagine how complicated their current mood is.

"Mr. Lin has come here prepared."

Ren GUI took a deep breath and said hoarsely.

"Why does he do this? Mr. Ren, what is he doing?" The man next to him trembled and asked.

Ren GUI shook his head: "I don't know. This man is unique. No matter he is crazy or crazy, no one can guess his mind. If Yanghua can achieve today's success, it is not only relying on his medical skills!"

"Mr. Ren, what should we do now?" Ask again.

Ren GUI took a deep breath, turned again, and went towards Ju Zhiqiang and others.

"Mr. Lin, it seems that you didn't ask us to come here to discuss and discuss cooperation today, but to tear our skin off with us! Otherwise, you wouldn't have prepared the contracts in advance, would you? "

Ren GUI walks up to the crowd without any expression and stares at Lin Yang.

How is he quiet, looking at him

The crowd was boiling.

"Lin Dong, you are too much."

"We... What on earth have we offended you about?"

"Why do you have to? Is it necessary for everyone to look up and not to look down? "

People were surprised and angry, and they couldn't understand.

"I work for someone, and I never need to explain to anyone. If you feel aggrieved and unwilling, you can come and sign him. If you want to continue to cooperate with me, just sit down and listen and watch! Do you understand? " Lin Yang cold road.


the big men on the scene all trembled.

"Crazy, it's crazy! We don't come here to serve as slaves to this Lin surnamed man! Look at his manner of speaking! He didn't really cooperate with us at all! "

"Such a person is too crazy and disobedient. If he does many unjust deeds, he will die! Look at it, Yanghua. It won't be long! "

"Well said! What is the most important thing in business? Amity makes money. Many friends have many ways. But if you look at Dr. Lin's posture, ah, he can't do business at all. "

People point and swear.

Only a small number of people sat down and said nothing.

These are the small owners in this, or the people who have just started their own businesses. They have no right to direct them.

Even though they were upset.

"Everybody, you dare to go over and sign the termination contract with Yanghua. Don't worry, we can't live without Yanghua. I'll take you to make a world of things!" Ren GUI patted his chest and said boldly.

With the words of Ren GUI, everyone was excited.

"Mr. Ren, we will follow you."

"The man surnamed Lin doesn't know what's good or bad. Let's ignore him. From today on, Huamao officially declared war on Yanghua."

"And my Zhou group, also officially declared war on Yanghua."

"My home in stone city! Officially declare war on Yanghua. "

"And me


the big men of various industries present yelled one after another, walked over with indignation, signed and sent out hostile words.

After a while, Yanghua immediately became the target of public criticism.

From today on, the giants of these industries have no relationship with Yanghua any more, and they will begin to suppress the industries in various fields of Yanghua crazily.

After all, in business, either friends or enemies, everything involves interests. In front of interests, there are no strangers to speak of.

Ren GUI stood under the stage, looking at Lin Yang and sneering.

"Doctor Lin, is that what you want?" Ren GUI chuckled softly.


Lin Yang said quietly.

"God knows how much money will evaporate from the market value of Yanghua in this short hour. Mr. Lin, I don't understand why you want to do this, and what benefits do you have? Do you want to show authority Ren guixiao asked in secret.

"That's not true. If I want to show my hegemony and authority, I won't use this way at all, I will have a better way!" Lin Yang shook his head.

Ren GUI obviously can't understand what this sentence means.

"What is Lin Dong's purpose?" He asked.

"Banquets." Lin Yang said calmly.

"Last night's party?"

Ren GUI suddenly realized, but he was shocked: "Dong Lin, did we do anything for the party last night? We also invited you and Mr. Ma. What? Do you think I've made trouble with Su Yan, so you're angry with me? ""If that's the only reason, I'm too mean!"

Lin Yang shook his head.

"What's the reason for that?" Ren asked.

"Why, do you want me to say more?"

Lin Yang waved his hand, and Ma Hai immediately nodded to the person next to him. The man ran down. After a while, he took out a stack of information and a USB flash disk.

People are more and more puzzled.

"Do you know why I want to break up with you?" Lin Yang light road.

"How do we know?"

"Lin Dong, you are proud."

"If you have money and are not afraid of liquidated damages, we are not the same. We are just small people!"

Some people said.

Lin Yang did not say a word, just let Ma Hai plug in the U disk.

Ma Hai did it immediately.


A huge picture immediately appeared on the huge projector in the conference hall.

The picture shows a scene of demolition.

A moment later, there was another flash, and it became a trading scene.

Later, in a dark basement, a few children standing there looked at the needles in front of them in fear.


these pictures are extremely weird and terrifying, which makes people extremely depressed.

But in these crowd, several big men are full of sweat, scared to the extreme.

"Money? Who doesn't like it, but if you want to make money and get it in a proper way, Lin is not a saint and has no broad-minded mind. He will haggle over small things, but this time, it is not a small matter! "

Lin YANGSEN coldly stares at those shivering humanitarians in the crowd: "you see what you do?? Are you still human? You're counting on me and you animals! Animal cooperation

The sonorous sound directly made the scene quiet to the extreme. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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