Lin Yang is really not a broad-minded person. He knows it himself.

Today, when Ma Hai took out these termination contracts, he was really selfish, out of revenge, but... Lin Yang also had Lin Yang's plans.

Since we want to be enemies, we should find out the stains of these people, and then publish them, so as to make their reputation and internal instability appear, and then let Mahai take the opportunity to buy them.

Just like chuhao's mobile phone sales channel!

Although it is a cooperative relationship, if you can master this sales channel by yourself, isn't it better than anything? Ma Hai always wanted to get Chu Hao's way.

However, Lin Yang sent people to check the foundation of these big men...

as a result, he was shocked.

It turns out that these seemingly unlimited scenery of the big man, in the back did not know how dirty.

They've done everything that's not as good as animals.

It's a small matter to forcibly demolish and forcibly levy.

All kinds of secretly walking and selling are very common to them.

Moreover, several of them have been keen on maltreatment for a long time. According to Ma Hai's investigation, many people have been abused by them. Among them, several women died in their hands directly...

looking at the information collected by the dark eagle team, Lin Yang's expression was cold and his heart was about to explode.

Maybe I'm not only going to break the contract with these people, but also let them get their due retribution.

"Doctor Lin! You... Where did you get this? What are these... What are these? What does this, this, this... Have to do with our seminar? "

A rich man pointed to the projection screen tremblingly and called out.

"What is this? Don't you count it yourself?"

Lin Yang cheered coldly.

"I... I don't know, I don't know! I don't know anything! Lin Dong, please turn off these filthy pictures! What kind of system is it! It's so ugly! That's ridiculous

"Yes, yes, Mr. Lin, you should close it quickly! Come on

Those individuals covered their eyes with disgust and fear, and seemed to hate them.

But Lin Yang shook his head and said, "what? Why don't you feel disgusted when you do these things? Don't you find hypocrisy disgusting? "

"Lin Dong, I don't know where you got these things, but I have to tell you, these... These have nothing to do with me, I don't know what you put in! I don't know anything... "

" that's right. Did you deliberately ask someone to synthesize some videos and then frame me up? "

"Lin Dong, we are innocent! What's more, I'm here to discuss and communicate with you, not to tell you these nonsense things! I have something else to do, so I won't talk to you! Goodbye

"Yes, I'll go first, too."

One after another, these people will leave the meeting room, even though their steps are shaking, they are all shaking...

however, just as the group of people is just near the door...


The gate was suddenly pushed open.

A group of uniformed men pushed aside the crowd of reporters outside and rushed into the conference hall, quickly sealing off the scene.

"Who are you?"

"What do you do?"

"Lin Dong, is this your way to treat guests?"

"Mr. Lin, what about your security in Yanghua?"

These big men were all flustered, one by one, screaming and scurrying.

But it's useless.

After a while, most of them were pinned to the ground by these uniformed men.

Only a few people stood there shivering.

No one realized what was going on...

but one of the uniformed people said: "you are arrested according to law. What's the matter, let's go back and talk about it! Take them all away

"Yes, Captain!"

Drink and shout.

Dozens of bigwigs were thrown out of the hall.

When the reporters outside looked at it, they suddenly burst into a pot.

The whole corridor screamed, boiling, and even the top seemed to be lifted up.

There were only a few people left in the conference hall.

Ju Zhiqiang, Ren GUI and several other small bosses were not taken away.

But they were obviously scared.

At this moment, everyone knows that this is not a meeting, but a verdict...

the quiet and frightening room...

"Mr. Ren, do you know what these people have done?" Lin Yang stares at Ren GUI and asks lightly.

As soon as Ren GUI's face changed, he said, "how can I know? I don't know them well? "

It's really fast to change your face.

Does Lin Yang not believe in Ren GUI, but he doesn't know?They have such a large circle. Who can hide the trivial things?

"Mr. Ren, be careful." Lin Yang said quietly.

"Am I careful? Lin Dong, you'd better think about yourself! These individuals may have to have some guys to plant, but most of them can come out. Are you sure you can send them in? If this isn't sent in, do you think they can put you? I'm afraid they will retaliate against you at all costs. Lin Dong, are you ready to face them? " Ren GUI said lightly.

"What? With these stinky fish and rotten shrimp, do you want me to face it? "

Lin Yang squinted at Ren GUI and said hoarsely, "do you know that even you, in my eyes, are not worth mentioning!"


Ren GUI was furious. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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