He is also a famous figure in China. How ever has he been insulted like this?

Hearing Lin Yang's words, Ren GUI was angry, his face flushed and his whole body shivered.

"Good... Good! Lin Dong, since you said that, then, we won't say anything. Let's wait and see who can laugh to the end! "

Ren GUI clenched his teeth in a low roar, and then shook his hand, he was about to leave.

But after a few steps, he looked at the small bosses who were still sitting in the hall.

"Are you going? Do you want to cooperate with Mr. Lin? "

It's a naked threat that everyone can hear.

The small owners trembled all over, and their faces were extremely pale.

"We always want to be busy. We don't mean to get up.

"It's not that. What can it mean? In a word, you can do it yourself! And Mr. Lin, I hope you won't regret what happened today

Ren GUI said coldly and turned out of the conference hall.

The people in the room are dead.

Those small bosses were scared out of their wits. Some wanted to get up and leave, but after seeing Lin Yang, they didn't dare to act rashly. They were particularly entangled.

As for Ju Zhiqiang, he began to think about it for a while.

"Mr. Lin, I think we don't want to see what happened today. Since Mr. Lin is not in the mood to discuss the South Bank of Jiangcheng today, Zhiqiang will come back to visit him some other day. Mr. Lin, Zhiqiang will leave first."

Ju Zhiqiang bowed slightly and left.

"Stop!" Lin Yang drank lightly.

Ju Zhiqiang and her partner Yi Ping are shocked.

"What else can I do for you, Mr. Lin?" Ju Zhiqiang inquired with care.

"Did you cut the dress last night?" Lin Yang asked.

This word falls, Yi Ping and Ju Zhiqiang suddenly come to the spirit.

"Yes, Lin Dong, that useless son-in-law, actually took the dress from you to hook up with Miss Su Yan. We were so angry that we gave him a lesson!" Ju Zhiqiang said with a smile.

"That is to say, the dog dares to rob a woman with Lin Dong, even though he doesn't see what kind of virtue he is! Mr. Lin can rest assured that the monitoring of the hotel last night has been closed, and the people present will not testify for the waste. Now, even if the waste is brought to court, we are not afraid of it! We're not going to pay that crap a cent Yi Ping said with a proud smile.


Lin Yang nodded, then side head to Ma Hai way: "all recorded?"


Ma Hai nodded.

"Well, send it right away."

"Yes, Lin Dong."

Ma Hai nodded and left the meeting room.

Ju Zhiqiang was stunned. He looked at Ma Hai and Lin Yang strangely. He asked inexplicably, "what did you record? What can I send you? "

"Nothing, just what you said." Lin Yang road.

"What I said? What did I say just now Ju Zhiqiang was stunned.

"Don't you remember what you said? You're forgetful, but it doesn't matter. If you go to court later, you'll remember. "

"You... Lin Dong, do you record what I said just now and give it to Lin Yang?" Ju Zhiqiang is shocked and looks at Lin Yang in an incredible way and shouts.

"That's right."

"Isn't Lin Yang your rival in love? You... Don't you like Su Yan? We are helping you! Lin Dong, why did you help him deal with us? Are you crazy? " Ju Zhiqiang shouts at the top of his voice.

However, Lin Yang is close to a few minutes, cold stare at his eyes and ask: "when did I say, I like Su Yan?"

Such a simple inquiry, instantly let Ju Zhiqiang no voice.


from beginning to end, Dr. Lin never said that he liked Su Yan.

All this is just the speculation of news gossip and countless good people.

Ju Zhiqiang is totally stupid.

"What I don't like most is to be speculated by others! I hope you understand that. "

Lin Yang straightened his collar and walked out of the conference hall.

Ju Zhiqiang was sitting on the ground, his face was like ashes...

not long after Lin Yang left the conference hall, what happened here quickly spread to the Internet, countless news media scrambled to report, and the whole network had already exploded.

More than 20 tycoons from all walks of life are involved in various scandals and even illegal incidents.

Some people speculate that this may become the fuse of the commercial war between the two super consortia.

Of course, it's just a sequel.

The most powerful thing is that Yang Hualin suddenly overturned the behavior of dozens of industry leaders, which completely scared other domestic business giants.This is not good news for many people in the circle!

You are a young man. No one cares whether you are a doctor or a business man. But you suddenly turn your back on someone and become a business inspector. That's a problem.

On the day after the incident, almost half of the Chinese business community issued a statement condemning Mr. Yang's misdeeds.

For a while, Yanghua became the target of public criticism.

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