"Quiet! Everybody be quiet! Please keep quiet

The people keeping order on the scene immediately called out.

The boiling scene is just a little quiet.

"Please keep quiet and ask questions one by one. If anyone makes any more noise, please go out!" Ma Hai said seriously.

A few reporters who were not quite at ease were a little more honest.

"Mr. Lin, what do you mean by that sentence?"

The reporter who first asked questions immediately took the microphone to Lin Yang's direction and asked with burning eyes.

"Should I be clear about what I mean?"

Lin Yang said without expression: "I always advocate the spirit of contract. If my business partner violates the spirit of the contract and forcibly rescinds the contract, he will be listed in the blacklist of Yanghua, and we will not cooperate with him in this life."

Everyone was stunned.

Mr. Lin is really here now...

"the negotiation just mentioned by Mr. Ma Hai is just a polite remark. In fact, it is impossible to negotiate at all because the suppliers who cut off the materials of our factory have charged other people's money, so they cut off the materials. In fact, it is normal for people to die for money and birds for food. But I don't like such people Even if Yanghua is short of materials in the future, we will not choose those suppliers who violate the spirit of the contract! " Lin Yang said faintly.

Some reporters couldn't help swallowing.

They can feel Lin Yang's anger.

"Oh, you are going to fall in Yanghua, who is rare to cooperate with you?"

The boss in front of the TV couldn't help laughing.

"That is, cooperation? It depends on whether others want it or not! Make yourself like a sweet cake

"That's right."

Several other bosses laughed.

"Mr. Lin, you seem to be very confident in the victory of this commercial war? Do you think Yanghua will be able to withstand the storm? " Another reporter got up to ask questions.

"I said, I always don't think this is a commercial war. I think the domestic environment is like this. Only when the fittest survive and the company that can get good products can be accepted by the public and adapt to this cruel environment. Therefore, if Yanghua can't resist this storm, it can only be that Yanghua's own strength is not enough! That's all. " Lin Yang road.

Everyone nodded.

"It seems that the boy is very open-minded." Ju Zhiqiang smoked his cigar and said with a smile.

"After all that, there is no real dry goods. Mr. Ren, I don't think this boy can think of a way to deal with us! This time he will lose A boss laughs.

"Unless he can hit hundreds of enterprises in an instant, otherwise, it is inevitable to lose!" Ren GUI squinted and laughed.

"In this case, can we hold a celebration party in advance?"

"Ha ha ha, of course!"

"Yes, I'll do it. In Jiangcheng, we'll hold a grand dinner party to invite all the celebrities in Jiangcheng, but not the one named Lin!"

"Ha ha ha, this is a party of stinky fish and rotten shrimp. How can the famous Lin Dong come to such a party? Don't you look down on others

"Ha ha ha..."

the crowd burst into laughter.

Ren GUI holds his glass and squints at the TV.

He knew that he was close to victory!

As long as this Yanghua step on the bottom of the foot, then the entire domestic business circle, his status will be higher!

At that time, he was the real leader!

The press conference seems to have come to an end.

In addition to this blacklist, Lin Dong seems to have nothing substantive to say.

Reporters also seem quite boring, but these topics still have a lot of attention, a little bit of a good title, or broadcast some hits.

"Well, is there any other journalist friend who has any questions?"

Ma Hai looked at the news media people who were writing articles and began to shout.

But no one raised their hands this time.

Point to the sea.

Lin Yang, meeting his will, moved the microphone in front of him. After a pause, he said faintly, "gentlemen, I'm going to officially announce something."

This simple sentence immediately stopped the pens in the hands of all journalists.

All people's heads immediately raised, staring at Lin Yang.

The room was extremely quiet.

And the people in front of the TV were surprised.

At this time, what will Lin Yang announce?

"Can't it be that Yanghua was declared bankrupt?"

"Ha ha ha..."

Ju Zhiqiang is still laughing.

However, Ren GUI has a bad premonition. His eyes are still staring at the TV.

But listen to Lin Yang especially serious mouth way: "everybody, I now officially announce, five days later, our Yanghua will be on the market a new drug! This new drug will be available to the whole country and even overseas. At present, the new drug will be put into production. We have already gone through the relevant procedures. If you are interested, you can pay attention to our Yanghua official website or other developments. ""Mr. Lin, what kind of new drug is this?"

Immediately a reporter asked a question.

Lin Yang looked at him and said faintly, "the special medicine for diabetes mellitus!"

Six words fell, the scene suddenly silent to strange.

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