The weird atmosphere lasted about three seconds.



The press conference exploded at the scene.

Lin Yang picked up the microphone and jumped out of control.

And countless viewers in front of the TV set were boiling.

Countless people are out of control.

Countless people screamed.

At this moment, all people's brains almost burst!

"My God, this... This disease can be cured by Dr. Lin?"

"Great! That's great, Dad. You can be cured completely! "

"Ha ha, I don't have to avoid it any more."

"I've been suffering from this disease for many years, and I'm finally able to recover!"

Countless patients were moved to tears, and countless family members hugged each other.

They had no doubt about Dr. Lin's words.

Because Dr. Lin has done it! Previous cerebral infarction, and then rhinitis, these drugs have given countless people hope, given countless lives.

Dr. Lin's three words are already a guarantee and a kind of credibility!

People cheered.

Countless people cheered.

Many families began to sing.

For the majority of patients, this day is worth commemorating.

And for the journalists on the scene, they also understood what it meant.

"Doctor Lin! When was your special drug for diabetes developed? Can you really cure diabetes 100%

"Doctor Lin! Is this your assassin's mace to deal with the attack of enterprises from all sides? "

"Dr. Lin, did you deliberately hide the move?"

"Doctor Lin! What are your next plans? "

Reporters are crazy, one by one want to put the microphone into Lin Yang's mouth.

But Lin Yang did not answer, but got up to leave.

The security personnel are busy with the maintenance of the scene.

The press conference came to an end with the heavy news of Linyang.

As for Ren GUI and others in front of the TV, they have stopped laughing.

Everyone stares at the TV screen,

the room is quiet and frightening, and people seem to be able to hear each other's breathing sound...

as well as the violent heartbeat...

Ren GUI closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Uncle Ren, what's going on? Why did Lin Dong still have such a move? " Ju Zhiqiang showed a look even worse than crying.

"I don't know." Ren GUI was hoarse.

At this moment, he finally understood why Lin Yang dared to say such things to him.

Indeed... If this medicine is true, then no matter how much pressure these enterprises put on Yanghua, it will not help!

With this medicine, Yanghua is no longer turning over! It's God!

Others are in heaven, how can I stop them?

"No way! Fake! It must be false! "

A boss gritted his teeth and called out, "Mr. Ren, please don't panic. It must be fake! At this juncture, the surname of Lin must be out of the way, so he has no special medicine for diabetes? That's all deception! It must be deceiving! "

"Isn't it a lie? It will come to an end in three days? You think he's going to lie about it? In that case, how would he account to the public in three days? If it is false, then Yanghua's reputation will be completely destroyed! " Any rules cold road.

"Uncle Ren, what should we do now? If it does, all our efforts will be in vain Ju Zhiqiang asked urgently.

"Don't worry. Isn't this new drug on the market yet? Since it is not listed, we still have a chance! " Ren GUI squinted.

"Mr. Ren, what can you do?"

All the big men came together.

"Very simple! Immediately find someone for me to find out the production site of the new drug, and then... "Ren GUI didn't go on, but everyone understood his meaning!

"General Ren's meaning is..."

"we don't want to bury this medicine. As long as we try to drag it on for a few days, in that case, Yanghua is bound to be damaged. If we can, we can get the prescription and we can produce it. In this way, Yanghua will surely die without a burial place!" Ren GUI said with a smile.

"If we're going to do that, we'll use all the energy we have at hand!"

"Send all the people of the faction!"

"Don't leave your hands this time!"


A group of big men made a decision, then immediately took out the phone, arranged.

As for the central point of the incident, Lin Yang, has returned to the office.

Ma Haixin ran in.

"Mr. Lin, since you announced the news of the special drug for diabetes, the stock market has begun to recover and has begun to rise. Not only that, all parties have called and want to discuss with us about this special drug. This is our opportunity. We must seize this opportunity to turn over! ""Strike while the iron is hot, release news and look for material suppliers!" Lin Yang road.

"Yes, Lin Dong."

Ma Hai nodded and immediately went down to arrange.

Such a news burst, Yanghua once again became the focus of all people.

At this moment, the telephone on the desk rang.

Lin Yang glanced at the number and laughed faintly.

"After all, I still called. This time... You should have no worries?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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