Lin Yang picked up the phone and pressed the connect button.

"Commander Zheng Da! Can I help you? " Lin Yang said with a faint smile.

"What's the matter with you? You don't want to say that even if you don't want to do that? I almost didn't die of you! " There is Zheng Nantian's voice of slight blame over the phone.

"I am also forced to be helpless. If I disclose this matter in advance, it will be extremely unfavorable to my later plans." Lin Yang shook his head.

"All right, you boy, you are becoming more and more devilish!" Zheng Nan Tian said with a smile.

"Commander Zheng Da, are you just chatting with me on this phone?" Lin Yang asked.

"Of course not, boy... I just want to tell you that your medicine will certainly benefit many people. The new drug can't be delayed for a moment. It's a great event for the country and the people. Many big people will be watching, so I want to help you and try to provide convenience for you." Zheng Nan Tian laughs.

Lin Yang understood Zheng Nantian's meaning.

With this new drug, he can intervene in the current situation of Yanghua. After all, it can make too many people compromise.

In the past, Zheng Nantian didn't dare to move because there were supporters behind Ren GUI, but now it's different. This new drug can give Linyang more backing, and Zheng Nantian has a reason to do it, so he has no scruples.

"How are you going to help me?" Lin Yang asked.

"What can I do for you?" Zheng Nantian returned the problem.

Lin Yang thought about it and said in a low voice: "there may be problems in some of my pharmaceutical factories. I want you to send someone to look at it for me."

"Pharmaceutical factory?"

Zheng Nantian was stunned and furious: "how brave they are! Do you dare to move this life-saving medicine? Are they lawless? "

Lin Yang shook his head: "never underestimate people's hearts, especially at this juncture!"

Human heart is the most incomprehensible thing in the world.

Even if you guess right sometimes, you have to pretend you don't know.

"Come on, boy, which of your factories needs people to watch? I'll transfer them now! "

"Naturally, it's a pharmaceutical factory! I have set up three pharmaceutical factories for processing special effects drugs, and the workers are ready to wait for the instruments to be in place. I think those people in Rengui do not want me to let new drugs go on the market as smoothly as I do! It is bound to destroy me, and they want to crush me completely, and if they don't take away my trump card, it's impossible to break me down, so I think they may take some drastic actions! "

"You mean... They'll pay attention to the prescription?" Zheng Nan Tian Ning asked.

"It's hard to say, but guard against me!"

"Where is the prescription now?"

"Naturally, it's in my place, but some steps in the factory can make people analyze a summary. After all, pharmaceutical industry is also carried out according to the steps of prescriptions!"

"Well, I'll send someone over now! You're a new drug, I'm sure

Zheng Nantian sank and hung up the phone.

Lin Yang put the phone down and was relieved.

With Zheng Nantian's hand, everything will be much easier.

Now, it's just a matter of course.

Buzzing... Buzzing...

at this time, the mobile phone vibrated again.

Lin Yang took a look and frowned slightly.

It's su Yan.

"What's the matter?" He pressed the connect button.

"Where is it? Have dinner with me There is Su Yan's hoarse voice over the phone.

Su Yan's voice doesn't sound right...

Lin Yang looked a little bit and asked, "where are you?"

"The intersection of Gaoxin Avenue."

"Wait for me!"

Lin Yang light road, then casually took the key of a Lamborghini galado on the table and drove to high tech Avenue.

Su Yan dressed in ol, standing there, just like a beautiful scenery, people are particularly intoxicated.

Passers-by are always looking sideways.

Of course, with the sound of Linyang sports car engine, many passers-by also look at it.

When gailato stopped by Su Yan, many people spat.

"Money girl!"

"Damn it, it's good to have money!"

Su Yan didn't hear these gossips, but looked strangely at gailaduo's window and saw Lin Yang sitting in it.

"Lin Yang?"

Su Yan was surprised.

Lin Yang is stunned. Seeing Su Yan's eyes, he realizes that he seems to be driving the wrong car.

How can he afford to drive such a car?

This is also a rush to leave, there is no time to respond.

It seems that there are too many things recently...

Lin Yang is very calm and waves: "get in the car!"

Yan sat down and hesitated.

"Where to eat?" Lin Yang stepped on the accelerator."Look for a shop." Su Yan said.


Lin Yang nodded, thinking that the last time to listen to Luo Qian said a new restaurant near the river, he opened to the river.

"Where did you come from?" Su Yan asked.

"This..." Lin Yang thought, thinking about what excuse to reply.

"Don't lie to me!"

Su Yan suddenly looked at him very seriously and seriously.

Lin Yang is not from a Zheng, silent for a moment, light said: "I bought."

Su Yan suddenly looks back and looks at him in disbelief.

After a long time, he gritted his teeth and asked: "the lawsuit has not been settled. Ju Zhiqiang and Yi Ping haven't paid their compensation yet. Where do you get the money to buy this kind of car?"

Lin Yang said nothing.

He didn't know how to explain it.

"Did you borrow money to buy a car like my aunt?" Su Yan asked coldly.

"No Lin Yang shook his head.

"I don't admit it. It's impossible to get this kind of car without millions. Lin Yang, I know, compared with those two suits, the millions are really small money. But... If Ju Zhiqiang and they don't compensate us, how can you repay the money? You know!! Ju Zhiqiang is also a powerful man in China! You think this lawsuit is going to be so easy? You're sure to get that much money? " Su Yan scolded solemnly.

Lin Yang didn't get out of the car in a hurry. Instead, he held the steering wheel in both hands and hesitated. He spoke faintly: "Xiaoyan, in your mind, what kind of person am I?"

Su Yan heard the voice, not from a Zheng, spin and cold hum: "you ask this why?"

"Do you think I'm a waste man?" Lin Yang asked again.

Su Yan looked at his face quietly and shook his head.

"Maybe it was, but not now."

"I see."

Lin Yang took a deep breath and said calmly, "let's go and eat."


Su Yan didn't want to say more, and got off the car with Lin Yang.

But not to the restaurant, Su Yan suddenly opened a cavity.

"You've changed a lot lately, you know? Maybe I shouldn't look at you the way I used to. "

"Is it? And what should you look at me? "

Looking back, Lin Yang asked with a smile.

Su Yan is silent. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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