"Mr. Wang?"

Lin Yang frowned, looked at the group and asked, "what's the origin of this prince? Is that great? "

"It's a big story! Their family, however, is a big family with its back to Yanghua. They are so rich and powerful that no one dares to provoke them! " The waiter sighed.

"Back to Yanghua?"

Lin Yang's face was cold.

It seems that this is not the first time that Mr. Wang has done such a thing. Otherwise, how can a waiter know him like the palm of his hand?

"Yes, they are all high-level backbone of Yanghua and have great influence! Who dares to provoke them in Jiangcheng? If they are annoyed, they invite Dr. Lin, who can afford it? " The waiter sighed.

Lin Yang's eyes were covered with frost.

Su Yan on the other side was not surprised.

She had never seen Lin Yang show such a look.

"What a noble man doctor Lin is! If you know that there are such moths in Yanghua, you will be very angry! " Su Yan regained consciousness and said coldly.

"Yanghua has a big family and a big business. There are many people in the company. It is inevitable that there will be moths. But how can we manage this kind of thing? Two guests, please do as you please. You can go to other places to have dinner. If Mr. Wang gets hairy and the foreman is unlucky, we are afraid that we will also suffer! Two guests, help me The waiter begged.

Su Yan sighed and said to Lin Yang, "Linyang, let's change a store."

"No, just eat here." Lin Yang light road.

"What?" Su Yan was shocked.

She didn't know when Lin Yang's temper became so strong...

"guest, are you trying to embarrass me The waiter was in tears.

"Is that Mr. Wang going to take over your shop?" Lin Yang looked at him and asked.


"well, I'll buy your store! From now on, this store is mine! " Lin Yang also took out a bank card from his pocket and put it on the table.

Su Yan was shocked at the sound.

The waiter was even more astonished.

"Sir, are you... Are you kidding?" The waiter said.

"Do you think I'm joking?" Lin Yang frowned.


"what? Not for sale? " Lin Yang light road.

"No, no, no, it's just this kind of thing. I can't decide. Wait a moment. I'll find our boss." The waiter rushed, and then ran away.

When Mr. Wang arrived, the owner of the restaurant naturally came to entertain him at the first time.

When he learned that Linyang was going to buy the store, the boss was shocked, and the impatient Prince Wang couldn't help being surprised.

"Mr. Wang, this..."

the boss left the problem to Mr. Wang.

After all, if the other party can say such things about buying the store, it can be seen that the other party is not ordinary people. This kind of person is not what the small boss can deal with. It is best to leave it to Mr. Wang.

"Brother Wang, it seems that someone will not give you face."

"Buy the restaurant? That's a big breath. Let's go and have a look? What kind of young master is it

Said the man behind him with a smile.

"Yes, brothers, go on and have a look!"

Mr. Wang shook his hand and went to the table in Linyang.

Su Yan saw it, and her face suddenly became ugly.

"Lin Yang, where did you get the money? Do you think you borrowed more than just the Lamborghini? You're... You're a mess Su Yan is in a hurry.

"Xiaoyan, I still have a lot of money."

"What if you had more money? How can you stand that? Can't you just converge? You have to keep the money to start a business! Do you really want to be forced to jump like your aunt? " Su Yang was angry.

"Xiaoyan, as I said, I have a lot of money, far more than the compensation for those two dresses! Do you understand? " Lin Yang Dao is serious.

"You..." Su Yan also wanted to reprimand him, but he could see that Lin Yang's serious eyes reached his throat and couldn't spit out again...

at this time, Mr. Wang and his party came to the table.

"What's the matter with you, brother? Why don't you give me Wang Changyang face? Yes? Is this your first visit to Jiangcheng? "

Prince Wang pressed his hands on the table, smiling at the two humanity.

When his line of sight falls on Su Yan's face, suddenly one Zheng, big absolutely amazing.

I think Su Yan's appearance seems to have been seen before, but I can't remember for a while.

I don't blame him. The rich second generation like him seldom watch the news.

"I don't like to be disturbed when I eat! Yes? Doesn't the boss agree to sell me the restaurant yet? " Lin Yang said without expression.

"Oh, brother, I don't know if the boss will sell you the store, but I want to ask you, you are determined to fight against Wang Changyang?" The man squinted and leaned down to stare at Lin Yang."Yes, so what?" Lin Yang light road.

However, the voice has just dropped.

Bang when...

a disorderly noise came out.

Then he saw that the table in front of Lin Yang and Su Yan was directly overturned by Wang Changyang.


Su Yan screamed with fright and rose abruptly.

Lin Yang did not move, but his face was cold to the extreme.

"Believe it or not, next time, I'll bring you up!" Wang Changyang smiles at Lin Yang Dao.

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