"Lift me?"

Lin Yang was quite astonished.

He hasn't seen such an arrogant person yet.

"Wow, brother Wang, this girl is very nice!"

At this time, Mr. Wang's companion came to see Su Yan. After seeing Su Yan, his eyes became bright and he couldn't help whistling.

"But why is this woman so familiar? I think I've seen it before? "

"I also feel like I've seen... Can it be a star?"

"What stars can we have in Jiangcheng? Besides, it's better to be a star. Brother Wang is here. Why don't you go and leave the female star and attend the dance party later A man with green hair smiles.

"That's a good idea!"

Prince Wang squinted at Su Yan and said, "what's up? Beauty, are you interested in playing with us

Su Yan's face is ugly, disgusted staring at these people, but did not pay attention, but Chong Linyang way: "Linyang, we go back."


Lin Yang nodded.

He didn't want to show such violence in front of Su Yan. He'd better send Su Yan back first.

However, as soon as he got up, Mr. Wang immediately put his hand on his shoulder.

"Brother, you can go, but the beauty may have to stay!" Wang said with a smile.

Speaking Kung Fu, his companion has stopped in front of Su Yan.

"What do you want?" Su Yan immediately exclaimed.

"What do you want? Beauty, didn't I just say that? I told you to stay with us to drink and dance, that's all A man laughs.


Su Yan was in a hurry and immediately took out her mobile phone to call the police.

But the green haired young man was quick witted and grabbed Su Yan's mobile phone.

"Give me back the phone! Give it back to me

Su Yan is anxious to get it back, but green hair is throwing the mobile phone left and right. People like a relay, constantly throw the mobile phone to each other. Su Yan not only can't get it back, but also is played by these people.

Lin Yang gets up straight, and smashes away Wang Gongzi who is pressing him. He spins up and walks over. He pushes away the person who is going to pick up Su Yan's mobile phone. He holds the mobile phone and gives it back to Su Yan, who is panting.

"Boy, I have some strength." Prince Wang squinted at Lin Yang.

"Well, let my wife go first, and I'll stay and play with you, OK?" Lin Yang said with a smile.

"Oh? This woman is your wife? I can't tell, boy, you're lucky Prince Wang's eyes burst into a burst of light. When he looked at Su Yan, he already showed a strong greed.

"Ha ha ha, brother Wang likes other people's wives! Now it's right for him

"Boy, today your wife is bound to go to brother Wang's bed, so you should know better and get out of here. In this way, maybe you can be better. Otherwise, do you believe that brother Wang can't make you stay in Jiangcheng." The green hair just said with a smile.

"It seems that you are not going to let my wife leave here?"

Lin Yang said quietly.

"If you don't get out of here, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave."

Wang shrugged.

"I see."

Lin Yang took a deep breath and looked at Su Yan.

At the moment, Su Yan is anxiously holding a mobile phone to call the police.

But who would give her a chance? Another group of people came.

"Stinky ladies, don't you want a face?"

"In this case, don't blame my brother for his ruthlessness."

"Smashed her cell phone!"

There was a cry of abuse.

A group of people reached for Su Yan's mobile phone.

Su Yan was frightened and tried to dodge.

But at this time, Lin Yang made a move.

He clasped the palm of one of the first to come, and then jerked.


The sound of bone breaking.

The man's five fingers were all broken, as if the bones were broken.


The wail resounded through the dining room.

Su Yan was stunned.

Everyone was scared.

Who would have thought that Lin Yang was so cruel...

"Damn it! This is a real dog

"Brothers, copy the guy!"

Mr. Wang's henchmen were angry. They raised tables, chairs and benches one by one, and called to Lin Yang.

"Fight me to death, mother, dare to fight against my prince Xiang? I want you to look good! " Prince Wang was also angry, and directly roared: "no matter what happens, it's my fault!"

"Yes, brother Wang!"

The crowd laughed and made more reckless moves.

Su Yan quickly unlock the alarm, but the number has just been pressed down, a man next to him rushed over, scared her to retreat, the mobile phone was also hit and fell to the ground.She is busy to pick up, can see the chaotic scene, then also do not care so much, a grasp of Lin Yang's wrist to escape.

But... She didn't pull Lin Yang!

Or... Lin Yang didn't intend to escape at all.

"Xiaoyan, you didn't ask me before. If the person standing in the Binhai Park was me instead of Dr. Lin, would I save you? Could I? I'll tell you the answer now

Lin Yang side head, smile a way.

Su Yan was stunned immediately.

However, Lin Yang stretched out her hand and pulled her behind her. Then he aimed at a strong man who was the first to rush, and raised his foot directly.


The man was kicked out in an instant, knocked over three or four tables, fell heavily on the ground, covered his stomach, and convulsed.


All the people on the scene changed color.

How strong is it to kick an adult so far...

"don't tell me that many of us are afraid of him? Fight, keep fighting! " Wang shouts.

They took a breath and rushed up again with tables, chairs and stools.

Lin Yang did not mention it. He raised a broken leg of the table next to him, and called to those people's heads or arms.

Lin Yang's speed is very fast, and his strength is even greater.

He was originally a doctor and martial artist. How much more effort should he take to deal with these rich children?

If it wasn't for Su Yan's small heart's insufficient bearing capacity, I'm afraid that he would even display Qilin transformation.






a series of strange explosions sounded.

We can see that all the bones of these people's arms were broken by Lin Yang. Some people ate a Hancheng man on their heads, their heads were broken and their blood was bleeding, and they fainted directly.

After a while, seven or eight men were all put down by Lin Yang.

It lasted less than half a minute before and after...

the restaurant was in a mess and extremely chaotic.

The rest of the women and Mr. Wang looked at the scene in disbelief.

Of course, the most surprising is Su Yan.

She knew Lin Yang had a good fight.

But I didn't expect that... Lin Yang fought so hard...

is this still her incompetent husband??

Su Yan Yiyi looks at him, in the heart head does not know why, produces a little bit unusual feeling.

She had never felt this before...

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