"Is that all?"

Lin Yang glanced at the people lying on the ground, whining or fainting. He looked at the king with his broken leg.

The prince's face was extremely ugly.

Like Su Yan, he never thought that this man could fight so well.

And many people didn't seem to notice that although Lin Yang seemed to be trapped in an encirclement during the previous fight, in fact, the people on the ground did not touch his body.

"Boy, you can fight, but what's the use of it? You hit several of them. Did you play a professional hitter? Can you put them down, a hundred, a thousand? " Prince Wang hummed coldly.

"What? Can you call so many people? " Lin Yang looks at him quietly.

"I can't, but my father can! You may not know where I came from! I tell you, there are some people in the world that you can't provoke! And I am one of the people you can't provoke

"Really... I'll try to provoke you today."

Lin Yang's face is expressionless way, finish saying, it is to start.


All the women around him screamed and fled.

Mr. Wang's face turned white.

Look at Lin Yang's momentum and expression... Can't it be true?

Are there really people who are not afraid of death?

Prince Wang shuddered all over, and he subconsciously stepped back two steps.

What he fears most is Lin Yang, who is not afraid of death! Although you can find it after the matter, but if he was eliminated, that after the other party's dismemberment, it is not helpful ah!

"You... You, you... I tell you, don't come here! I tell you, if you dare to hurt me today... I promise, our family will not let you go. No matter who you are, our family will let you pay the price... "Prince Wang said eagerly.

But Lin Yang seemed to turn a deaf ear and did not mean to stop at all.

Prince Wang retreated wildly, his legs swinging.

And the restaurant owner over there has realized that it's not right. He takes out his mobile phone and dials a number.

However, when Lin Yang went to the king's son, a figure suddenly came and stopped him.

Lin Yang was stunned.

The one who stops her is Su Yan...

"Xiaoyan? What are you doing Lin Yang asked.

"Lin Yang, forget it... Let him go!" Su Yan murmured under the cherry lip way.

"Let him go?"

"He should be very powerful. We can't afford to provoke him. It's better to have less than one more thing, or else his family will retaliate in the future, and we will be in trouble." Su Yan said.

Although Su Yan and Yanghua is a cooperative relationship, but there are not 100 or dozens of companies cooperating with Yanghua at present! Maybe Yueyan international is special, but she really doesn't want to ask the so-called director Lin because of this.

Mr. Wang was not flustered and said with a grin: "yes, this beautiful woman is right. We should have more than one thing, isn't it? Why make things so rigid? We all come out to play. It's hard to avoid some misunderstanding. Let's just forget it...

"forget it?"

Lin Yang raised his mouth and said with a smile, "I'm afraid not! If you just offend me, I'm a good person to talk to, but you're provoking my wife this time. Then this time, I can't help you when I'm here! "

With that, Lin Yang pushed Su Yan aside and walked toward Prince Wang.

Su Yan couldn't help but stare at Lin Yang.

But this time she did not stop, but looked at him with complicated eyes.

The strange feeling in my heart is warm.

There are also some fears.

And there was an unprecedented sense of security all over her.

She has never experienced this feeling in Lin Yang...

"has he been changing for me?"

Su Yan looks at Lin Yang's back, and her brain stops thinking at this moment.

At this moment, however, a cold voice sounded.

"Stop it!"

The sound fell to the ground, and Lin Yang and Su Yan could not help looking at the sound source.

However, a middle-aged man with white hair and a beard walked into the restaurant, with several men in black behind him, full of style!


Prince Wang is very happy.

The middle-aged man with a serious face walked in, glanced at the wailing man on the ground, looked at his son again, and asked coldly, "are you ok?"

"It's OK, Dad. You're here at the right time." Wang Zixiang said excitedly.

"I'll be fine." The middle-aged man turned his head and turned his eyes. Lin Yang said coldly, "young man, I can't help him. Maybe he can help him! What do you think? ""Oh... Are you his father? That's right. Your son scared my wife. What should I do for this account? " Lin Yang's face was expressionless, but his eyes were full of confusion.

Is this man really a senior member of Yanghua? Why didn't he see it?

"Reckon? Hum, young man, are you brave? Dare to settle accounts with me! that 's ok! You say, what do you want to do with this account? " The middle-aged man drank in anger.

"Tell your son to kneel down and kowtow to my wife and apologize. That's all." Lin Yang spoke straight.

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