
See Su Yan hang up the phone, Prince Xiang here can't help but sneer.

"It looks like the horse will be here soon." Wang Hao, a middle-aged man, said without expression: "it's only 20 minutes' drive from Yanghua head office. It's still time. Boy, if you are willing to kowtow and apologize to my son, maybe I can consider dealing with this matter lightly. After all, I don't want to trouble Mr. Ma! What do you think? "

"Not so much." Lin Yang shook his head.

"Cerebral palsy, are you toasting or not? If Uncle Ma comes, you will evaporate directly from Jiangcheng! " Prince Xiang angrily scolded.

"Evaporation? That's not true. Even with Miss Su Yan, Ma would not have killed him, but we must suffer a lot. We, Lin Dong, are worried that we have no excuse to attack you. Now that you offend us, we can't blame us. " The middle-aged man snorted coldly.

"Is it? Then wait for Ma hai to come. " Lin Yang seems reluctant to talk to these people.

"I don't know. There are 19 minutes left. You can think about it slowly." The middle-aged man hums coldly.

"No, in fact, it only takes nine minutes for Mahal to arrive." Lin Yang looked at the time and said calmly.

"Nine minutes? Do you always fly as a horse? " The middle-aged man glanced at him.

"He can't fly, but I think he can speed."


Everyone did not know what Lin Yang meant by this.

Su Yan is confused.

For some reason, she thinks that today's Lin Yang is strange...

it's like a changed person.

It's no longer the reticence of the past.

No longer as afraid as before!

The main thing is... He has an unprecedented confidence!

Yes, confidence!

He didn't seem to be afraid of the sky.

In front of this Wang family father and son... He did not pay attention to!

Why is this so...

can we say that after winning the prize, Lin Yang has given him incomparable confidence?

It seems that the old saying is true.

Money is the foundation!

But even if you have money, you shouldn't be so arrogant!

Is the other party short of money?

And the other party is not only rich, more contacts, is the high-level of Yanghua! Why did Lin Yang fight with each other?

Su Yan is impatient, but things have developed to this state. Even if she wants to persuade, she can't persuade him...

it's all.

Watch it change.

Su Yan sighed with helplessness.

The minutes passed by.

The store is very quiet.

The door has been closed by the boss.

Since Wang Hao has appeared, it is natural not to make trouble to the police. It is most appropriate to solve this kind of matter in private.

Su Yan felt that every minute was as long as a year.


Bang Dang!

The door was pushed open, and Ma Hai rushed in panting and sweating.

"Uncle ma?" Wang Zixiang exclaimed.

"Mr. Ma, are you here?"

Wang Hao was shocked and looked at Rolex on his wrist.

Really... Just nine minutes!!

What's going on?

How could that be... Why is he so anxious? Does he really exceed the speed?

Does Mahai care so much about this? So fast??

A kind of ominous premonition came out of Wang Hao's heart.

"Hello, uncle Ma!" Wang Zixiang quickly went up to say hello.

Ma Hai trotted over and quickly bowed to Lin Yang: "Lin..."

but the word Dong has not yet been said. Ma Hai seems to have realized something and quickly straightened up, only to see Su Yan standing on the side, staring at him in a daze.

Oh, no!

Ma Hai was frightened and said, "Hello, Mr. Lin!"

With that, he stretched out his hand.

But... Lin Yang didn't grasp it.

Ma Hai's heart broke when he was stunned...

Lin Yang didn't shake hands... Obviously, Lin Dong was very angry at the moment.

Ma Hai suddenly turned around. He had no more scruples in his heart. He looked at the restaurant with disordered eyes, and then looked at Wang Hao and his son. He said in a low voice, "Mr. Lin, send Miss Su Yan back first."


Lin Yang nodded and turned to Su Yan, who was still in a sluggish state: "Xiaoyan, I'll send you back first."

"Ah? This... Go back? "

Su Yan stares at him, the brain still has some reaction not come over.

Can we go?

So easy?

No trouble?

Isn't Ma Hai on the side of Wang Hao and his son?

Wang Zixiang was also confused and said in a hurry, "Uncle Ma, you can't let this dog go!""Shut up!"

Don't wait for Ma hai to talk, Wang Hao is already low to drink out the sound.

Wang Zixiang shivered and looked at his father in an incredible way.

At this moment, he noticed that his father's face had been extremely pale, and even his body was shaking gently.

How could this happen?

Wang Zixiang's brain boom, a blank.

He's not an idiot. He realized that something was wrong!

When Ma Hai came here, he said hello to Lin Yang! And... Also offered to let Su Yan go back first!

Obviously, Mahai is not on their side, but on the other side of Linyang!

The whole Jiangcheng, who can make Mahai like this?

There is no one but Lin Dong!

But... This man is Lin Yang! It's not Lin Dong!

Wang Zixiang's brain is like paste, and people can't think at all.

At this time, Lin Yang has already taken Su Yan's hand and walked outside the gate.

Su Yan is a bit dull, mechanically let Lin Yang pull and leave the gate.

As soon as they left, Ma Hai's face collapsed.

"Who the hell is that man?"

Wang Hao's voice was hard, as if he had squeezed such a few words out of his throat.

Ma Hai took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

Silence for a long time, just slowly spit out two words.

"Lin Dong!"

As soon as the words fell, Wang Hao stepped back and almost fell to the ground.


Wang Zixiang quickly helped Wang Hao.

Wang Hao stabilized his body, but closed his eyes and laughed.

It was a bitter smile.

It's a desperate smile.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha..."

the silence of the restaurant left only Wang Wai's smile.

Wang Zixiang finally realized that he was in trouble and cried, "father, are you ok? Don't scare me! What's going on here? Who did I offend? "

However, Wang Hao didn't answer him. He just whispered in despair.

"Who would have thought that the so-called biggest green hat king in Jiangcheng! The son-in-law whom everyone looked down upon was actually the first person in Jiangcheng, the supreme Lin Dong of Yanghua. Who could have thought of that? Who could have thought of it? "

"Lin Dong... You're so deep in hiding!"

Wang Wai murmured. At the end, it was a roar, and his eyes were red with blood.

"Yes, who would have thought? You know, when I met Lin Dong, he was really just a son-in-law! It's not Dr. Lin or Mr. Lin! "

Ma Hai also has a bitter smile.

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