
Gallardo's engine roared all over the road.

Inside the car, Lin Yang drove silently.

Su Yan lowered her head, as if she was thinking of something. Her hands were constantly twisted together, and the whole person seemed very tangled.

Obviously, she couldn't straighten out the whole thing.

"What's going on? Why is Mahai so respectful to you Finally, Su Yan raised her head and questioned.

Although Ma Hai did not bow down, he stretched out his hand to Lin Yang.

Can let Ma Hai such a person take the initiative to reach out, the entire Jiangcheng is very few.

"What do you think might be the reason?" Lin Yang said quietly.

"I don't know." Su Yan shook her head.

"The answer is simple."

"What's the answer?" Su Yan immediately twisted his neck and looked at him tightly.

"Because, I'm just Lin Dong!" Lin Yang said with a light smile.

If he didn't smile, it was ok, but Su Yan didn't believe it.

It's just Ma Hai's performance before, which is too abnormal...

How can su Yan think of it?

"I see!" All of a sudden, Su Yan seemed to realize something and called in a low voice.

"What do you think of?" Linyang side head.

"Have you invested that money in Yanghua Su Yan asked coldly.

"Er..." Lin Yang almost didn't slow down.

Can su Yan even think of this possibility? I have to admire her imagination!

Unless it is hope that Shuanghua all compensation to Linyang's hands, Linyang is likely to become a shareholder, and even if Linyang is a shareholder, Ma Hai doesn't need to respect him so much, right? To know, Mahal's own value is also very huge, why so respectful to a small shareholder?

"No, I hope Shuanghua's money has not come down, and the lawsuit has not been filed yet... What's the matter?" Su Yan racked her brain and thought about the reason.

Lin Yang hears the car on the side of the road, takes out his mobile phone, turns on Douyin, and turns on a recent hot video for her to see.

In the video, a man with glasses and a sloppy look is doing a convulsion on the screen. When the music turns, the man suddenly changes. His whole suit is a suit and his hair is black and his skin is white. He becomes particularly handsome.

"Do you understand?" Lin Yang asked with a smile.

Su Yan was confused: "I don't understand."

"All right."

I can't explain it.

It seems that Su Yan is afraid to connect Lin Dong with her husband Lin Yang all the time...

it's also true that the gap between the two seems too big, and Lin Dong's appearance is not changed by beauty and filter.

Lin Yang shook his head and was too lazy to say more and continued to drive.

Soon, the car stopped at the downstairs of Yueyan international.

"You go up first, and I'll go back. The matter is not finished." Lin Yang opened his mouth.

"Horses don't embarrass you, do they?" Su Yan asked anxiously.

"Don't worry, don't you forget? I am a shareholder of Yanghua! " Lin Yang said with a smile.

As soon as Su Yan heard this, the confusion in her eyes appeared again.

It seems that she has to take care of it, which obviously can't get her business mind to straighten it out.

That's it. Forget it!

Su Yan sighed and shook her head to Yueyan international.

Lin Yang stepped on the gas again and drove towards the restaurant.

On the way, his other number rang.

Lin Yang was stunned.

The caller ID is Su Yan.

You know, this number is Lin Dong's number.

She would hardly take the initiative to dial this number!

Lin Yang glanced at the screen and seemed to be aware of something. With a faint smile, he connected.

"Hello, Lin Dong!" Su Yan's voice over the phone seems very nervous.

"What can I do for you, Miss Su?" Lin Yang made his voice more magnetic.

"It's like this, Lin Dong..."

Su Yan quickly explained the restaurant's affairs, and then said, "Mr. Lin, I think there should be some misunderstandings between you. I hope you can hold your hand high... Let my husband go..."

hearing this, Lin Yang's heart is not warm.

Although Dong is as perfect as the man in the heart, it is like a God.

But... Su Yan is still doing herself, still doing her duty as a wife, and still trying to protect her husband.

No matter how incompetent he is...

"I know."

Lin Yang took a deep breath and said with a light smile: "I will ask Ma Hai about this matter. Lin Yang is... Very good. You don't have to worry about it."

"Then I can rest assured. Thank you, Mr. Lin!" Su Yan was obviously relieved."You're welcome..."

Lin Yang hangs up.

But the eyes are deep.

"It's a pity that... It's so close to the conference that I... Should go..."


galado stops at the door of the restaurant again.

At the moment, the restaurant door is closed.

The Mahai crowd is still inside.

The restaurant is extremely quiet, even the boss, shivering squat in the bar, dare not stick out his head.

Lin Yang got out of the car and made a big stride towards the inside.

Bang Dang.

He opened the door and came to Wang Xiao and Wang Zixiang with a gloomy face.

"Lin Dong!"

Ma Hai bowed his head and cried respectfully to the extreme.

This sound, let the people on the scene completely froze. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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