Lin Yang's words completely frightened the Wang family and his son.

Wang Zixiang trembled.

Wang Hao's eyes widened.

Ma Hai had no choice but to sigh and wave his hand.

Those who stand at the door of the Mahai immediately stride towards this.

"Dad! Dad! Help me! Help me

Wang Zixiang cried out bitterly.

"Mr. Lin! You're... You're cruel

Wang howled.

"I'm more ruthless, you may not have seen it!" Lin Yang's fingers beat the table with rhythm, and his expression was gloomy to the extreme.

A bodyguard went directly to the front and dragged Wang Zixiang.

"Stop it for me!"

Wang Hao couldn't help it any longer and called his own people to rush to him.

"If you want to move, today, you will be like your son!" Lin YANGSEN looked at him coldly.

"Lin! Do you dare? "

Wang howl suddenly stood still, his heart was empty, but he still held up the courage to shout.

"If you don't believe it, you can try it."

Lin Yang hoarse way, finger is to grab the general steel knife on the table, gently grasp.


The knife was bent like noodles.

The people on Wang's side immediately gasped.

Is this something that people can do?

Is this Lin Dong... A monster?

"Wang Hao, I advise you to be honest. Lin Dong himself is a martial arts master. These people behind you may not be able to deal with a finger of Lin Dong." Ma Hai said without expression.

Wang Hao gnashed his teeth, and all the people behind him were afraid of going forward.

And Ma Hai's people dragged Wang Zixiang over and put it on the table.

"Dad! Help me! Help me, Dad Wang Zixiang roared and struggled madly.

But his thin arms and legs, how can he deal with these three big five thick bodyguards? It's like a lamb to be slaughtered.

"Zixiang, you have to bear it, you have to bear it! Dad won't let you suffer in vain Wang howl cried out in pain. He was full of tears.

A bodyguard picked up a wooden stick from the ground, straightened Wang Zixiang's leg and tried to knock it down.

But at this time, Lin Yang opened his mouth: "wait a minute!"

They all looked at Lin Yang.

Wang Hao was stunned.

Do you mean that Mr. Lin is going to change his mind?

However, it turns out that they think too much.

But Lin Yang stood up and broke off a steel pipe from a steel chair beside him and pinched it in his hand.

This kind of power can be called a strange force.

Those bodyguards look at Lin Yang in the wrong way.

"Let me do it!"

Lin Yang walked past holding the steel pipe.

Wang Hao almost didn't vomit blood.

The bodyguard immediately backed away.

But Lin Yang pinched Wang Zixiang's leg and struck him violently.


A shrill scream rang through the dining room.

Wang Zixiang's leg was a smashed fracture. It was as soft as mud. There was no hard leg.

Lin Yang ignored Wang Zixiang's scream, and then directly waved the steel stick and smashed it at his other leg and hands.




Three clear sounds came out.

Wang Zixiang immediately fainted in pain.

However, this does not seem to be over.

Lin Yang took out a needle bag from his waist and spread it on the table.

Wang Hao breathed and trembled: "Lin Dong, what are you doing?"

"I suddenly felt that I should not let you go like this!" Lin Yang calm way, and then a needle directly into Wang Zixiang's neck.

In an instant, the prince who fainted suddenly opened his eyes and trembled wildly like an electric shock.

After shaking for a long time, he fainted again and was unconscious.


Wang howled and yelled, his eyes red, and then rushed to Lin Yang recklessly.

"Lin, I'll spell it with you!"

He yelled, his teeth and his claws.

But the bodyguard next to him held him down.

Lin Yang, holding the silver needle, walked up to him and looked at him faintly.

"Wang Hao, you may not know me very well, but Ma Hai knows me. I am not a good person. If others want to deal with me, I will definitely do it in advance! Since your idea is to withdraw capital from Yanghua and deal with Yanghua, I don't need to be merciful to you! " Lin Yang said hoarsely.

"You... What do you want to do? I told you Lin! If you dare to do harm to me, my Wang family will definitely retaliate against you. Even if we are doomed, we will not let you live! ""In this case, I have no need to be merciful."

Holding the silver needle, Lin Yang leaned against Wang's head.

"If this needle goes on, you will become a vegetable directly. I don't think you can express this meaning even if you want to withdraw capital?"

The people around him were frightened and sweating.


How cruel!

But... No one doubts what this man says!

Because he is not only the director of Yanghua! He is the famous doctor Lin!

His medical skills! none such under heaven!

"No... no! Lin Dong! No! I know it's wrong! I am not rebellious against Yanghua. I am willing to serve you. Please let me go Wang howled sadly. At this moment, he was too lazy to pay attention to Wang Zixiang's life and death.

He doesn't want to be a vegetable!

It's better to kill him.

But Lin Yang didn't seem to stop.

"Today's events can't be suppressed. They will surely spread out. Once you two are sent back to the Wangs, the Wangs will surely know that I did it and the Wangs will retaliate against me! In that case, I can only do it first! "

Finish saying, Lin Yang directly a needle to go down.

Wang howl was like Wang Zixiang, shaking violently.

A moment later, he fell to the ground and there was no movement.

Lin Yang wiped down the silver needle and put it back into the needle bag.

The crowd trembled.

Even those bodyguards were trembling with fear at the moment, looking at Lin Yang like a devil.

"Immediately liquidate all the shares of the Wang family in the company, drive out the company, and collect all the evidence of crimes committed by the Wang family in these years and send them to the police." Lin Yang wiped his hands and said without expression.

Ma Hai's eyes were shocked and said, "yes, Lin Dong..."

"do you have any worries?" Lin Yang glanced and Ma Hai asked.

"That... Lin Dong, if we do this, will it be too great..." Ma Hai hesitated.


Lin Yang snorted coldly and waved to the boss who was hiding under the bar: "come here."

The boss shivered all over, but he didn't dare to disobey him. He trembled, and his legs swayed.

"Tell Mr. Ma, the prince Xiang! How many times have you come to your shop? " Lin Yang light road.

"Since opening, I have come to... 18 times..." the boss shivered.

"What has been done?" Lin Yang said again.

Naturally, the boss understood the meaning of Lin Yang's words, hesitated and said in a low voice: "two... Two female college students because he jumped into the river..."

MA Haidun was shocked.

The bodyguards were silent, too.

This scum... Deserves to die!

"Call Ji Wen and Kang Jiahao. The boss should be able to provide a lot of useful information."

Lin Yang light road, then toward the door. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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