Kang Jiahao rushed to the restaurant.

It can be said that the law firm has been busy for a long time. In a reasonable sense, he can't get away from it.

But since it's Lin Yang's request, even if he is busy, he must take time to come over.

As soon as I entered the restaurant, I saw Ma Hai sitting there and accidentally smoked.

Konka Howe was surprised.

He remembered that Mahal had been smoking for a long time.

"What's going on?" Kang Jiahao asked.

At the moment, Wang Xiao and Wang Zixiang have been sent back to Wang's home.

The boss was sitting on the chair, sweating.

Ma Hai looked up at Kang Jiahao and said something roughly.

Kang Jiahao looks tense.

"I don't understand why Lin Dong wants to do this. Yanghua is in a precarious situation. There may be big problems at any time. We should bear with it at this time! It's too late to deal with Wang's family after settling down Ren GUI's Tian Heng! Well, in this way, we must be unstable in Yanghua. I'm afraid we will give Rengui a chance to take advantage of it. "

Ma Hai put out his cigarette butt and sighed.

"Mr. Ma, if you think so, you obviously don't know our Lin Dong." Kang Jiahao said with a bitter smile.

"Oh? What do you mean Ma Hai looks at him.

"If Mr. Lin dares to do so, he must rely on him! I think Mr. Lin must have made a good plan now! "

"Plan? Kang Jiahao, do you understand our present situation! Do you think we're dealing with a rule of thumb? You are wrong. We are facing hundreds of domestic enterprises with great strength, numerous contacts and energy all over the country! As far as I know, Zhenghua, who lives in Nanan, has also stepped into the attack against Yanghua. At present, we have not only broken the supply of goods, but also many talents in the company have been maliciously recruited by the other party! Do you think a specific drug for diabetes can save Yanghua? I'll tell you Kang Jiahao, now the special medicine hasn't come out, all this is hard to say! "

Ma Hai pats the table and stares at Kang Jiahao with bloodshot eyes.

Kang Jiahao was stunned and shook his head.

He knew that Mahai had always wanted to say these words, but he did not dare to say them!

Because that's Lin Dong! It's Dr. Lin!

It's his immediate boss! It's the existence that can cure his life and death.

So these words... He only dare to speak to Kang Jiahao.

In fact, the position of Mahai is not easy to do!

He has his pain.

He also has his concerns.

But he had nothing to do.

He can't get away from it!

At present, Yanghua has also paid a lot of hard work.

He didn't want to let his efforts go to waste.

But Lin Yang's actions have made him have a sense of crisis.

Although Dr. Lin did create many miracles in the past, this time... He really didn't know whether Dr. Lin could get Yanghua through the difficulties...

"do you believe in Lin Dong?" At this time, Kang Jiahao asked.

"Of course I do. I just... Don't believe in the situation." Ma Hai is hoarse.

"In that case, you should do your own, that's enough! If he can build a Yanghua from scratch, he can build a second and a third. I think he must be well prepared! Without enough preparation, he won't be like this! We'll see and see! "

"What about the Wangs?"

Ma Hai asked hoarsely.

Kang Jiahao smiles, but doesn't answer him. Instead, he looks at the boss.

"How do you know about the two female college students forced by Prince Xiang to jump into the river?"

"I... I saw it with my own eyes. Of course, I know. That day, Prince Xiang came to charter the venue and invited several college students to join the party. As a result, he drank too much and wanted to win over one of the girls. The girl's boyfriend refused and was beaten to paralysis. The female college student ran out and jumped into the river."

"Then why don't we know? It's not a small matter. Isn't it a big deal? " Kang Jiahao asked.

"The woman didn't die, but was rescued, and the Wang family also paid for it and reached a settlement with them. It's not over, but...

" but what? "

"But I heard that Wang Zixiang took revenge on the girl and arrested her! But it's just what they said at a party. I don't know what's going on behind The boss shook his head.

Ma Hai frowned.

Kang Jiahao took a deep breath, took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"What are you doing on the phone?" Ma Hai asked in amazement.

"Call the police!" Kang Jiahao said.

Ma Hai was stunned.

"Lin Dong left me a very useful clue! In that case, we have to cut through the mess quickly! Ma Hai, if we want to move the Wang family, we have to take advantage of the present, when no one knows that there is going to be a problem inside Yanghua. Only when the enemy doesn't react, we can quickly calm down the internal problems. Then we have won half of the battle! Do you understand? "Kang Jiahao said with a smile.

Ma Hai breathed heavily, vaguely as if he understood something.

Soon, several cars whistling toward the Wang family's villa www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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