Wang's villa.

The old man with white hair and goatee is staring at the two people lying on the bed with a cold face.

The medical staff at home are checking the two.

"Mr. Wang!"

At this time, a doctor came over, took off his mask and said, "the patient's condition has been roughly checked out."

"Dead?" Wang asked with a black face.

"Not yet, but their condition is very bad. According to the preliminary judgment, their brain nerves have been damaged to varying degrees! Moreover, this kind of injury is extremely strange. It directly affects the patient's brain, and has a great impact on the patient's central and brain functions. With the current medical level, I'm afraid it is difficult to cure! "

"What do you mean? Explain the white point! "

"That is to say... The two patients may have become vegetative." Said the doctor.

As soon as he said this, all the Wangs were dumbfounded.

"Not only that, Prince Wang's limbs showed comminuted fractures, which can be judged that his limbs suffered a very strong impact! It's amazing that under this kind of impact, his driving didn't cause any damage. It's so weird that it's beyond the mechanical explanation. " The doctor exclaimed again.

"Strong impact? How strong is it? " Wang Hao's younger brother Wang kangleng asked.

"It's probably the impact of a truck hitting." Said the doctor.

As soon as the people around him heard it, they would feel cold again...

if the truck had hit him, Prince Xiang would have been broken to pieces, but now his limbs are broken and his body is in peace.

So how does it work?

"Do you know who did it?" he said with no expression

"The howling master and the young master were sent from the restaurant in the seaside." Asked a man next to him.

"Who was in the restaurant before it was delivered?" Wang asked coldly.

The man hesitated, lowered his voice and said, "Ma Zong is with... With Lin Dong... Inside..."

the voice falls to the ground, and the room is silent for a moment.

The eyes of all the people were incredible.

One by one they thought they had heard wrong.

"In fact, the people who sent master howl and young master are our Yanghua people!" Said the man again.

It was like a sledgehammer, pounding hard on the hearts of these people.

"No way! It's impossible... Lin Dong he... How could he do this to brother howl and Zixiang? No way Wang Kang's eyes were wide open and he was shaking.

"Nothing is impossible! I'm afraid it was Zixiang or ah Hao who provoked Lin Dong! " Wang said hoarsely.

"It's impossible? Laozi, Zixiang what virtue we know, but big brother he... He can not be so impulsive? How much fire did Lin Dong have to be to make them like this? " Wang Kang trembled and said, a face of disbelief.

"I don't know! But Lin Dong did a great job! No matter what it is, at least we shouldn't make Zixiang and ahou like this! Did he want to kill Zixiang and ah hao? " Mr. Wang was particularly angry and clapped at the table and roared.

No one spoke.

"Master, I'll call Ma Hai! Ask about the situation! "

Wang Kang sank.

"Good! It's better to ask Mahai to give us an explanation! Otherwise, my Wang family will never give up The king roared in anger.

The people around were terrified.

If Mr. Wang was angry, the consequences would be terrible.

Even if the other side is Ma Hai! It's Lin Dong!

But just as Wang kanggang took out his mobile phone and wanted to call Ma Hai...

Ding Dong!

The doorbell rang suddenly.

The people of the Wangs were not surprised.

Wang Kang looked at him immediately.

"Open the door." Wang Laozi thought next, hoarse way.

Wang Kang nodded and ran over at once.

However, as soon as the door opened, he saw Lin Yang standing at the door without expression.

"Lin... Lin Dong?"

Wang Kang lost his voice immediately.

The people of the Wang family were all shocked.

Lin Dong... Actually visited the Wang family in person?

Obviously, it's not easy!

"Is the old man at home?" Lin Yang asked calmly.

"Yes, Mr. Lin, please come in!" Wang Kangpi said with a smile.

Lin Yang stepped in.

All the Wangs came.

"What brings the famous Lin Dong in Jiangcheng? Please forgive me for not being polite, Mr. Lin! "

Mr. Wang suppressed his anger and went into the living room.

Lin Yang did not pay attention to, directly sat on the sofa, lit a cigarette.

"You should have seen the two men in it?" Lin Yang took a puff and asked calmly."I see. Thank you so much for your kindness!"

Said the old man coldly.

"Do you know why?" Light road, Linyang.

"I don't know, and I'd like to know." The old man sank.

What is the matter, you have to abandon the two?

The king is curious.

But he saw Lin Yang play the ash, and calmly said:

he moved my woman and wanted to abandon me

As soon as this came out, the heart of the king suddenly jumped to his throat...

you think I did this too much, old man Lin Yang looked at Wang Laozi quietly and asked. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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