Lin Yang a word, so that the scene of the Wangs were in silence.

Mr. Wang hesitated, looked at Lin Yang lightly and said calmly, "it's really too much!"

If you provoke Lin Dong's head and move his woman... It's unacceptable for anyone.

But... All the Wangs protect the calf, including the king.

"But Lin Dong, even if my grandson offends you, you don't have to be so heartless, just turn them into vegetative people? They are my Wang family. If you have any problems, you can explain them to me. I will teach them lessons instead of you! " Wang said coldly.

"Will you teach them for me?"

Lin Yang chuckled: "master, I see you are not young, just so polite to talk to you, otherwise you think you are nothing in my eyes!"

"Lin Dong, you... Don't be too presumptuous

Some Wang family members could not see Lin Yang's attitude, and immediately roared.

Shut up

Mr. Wang drank low.

The man immediately stopped talking, but the anger in his eyes still remained unchanged.

Lin Yang was not angry. He said calmly, "Master Wang, in fact, the reason why Wang Zixiang is so domineering has something to do with the family style of your Wang family. If you were not the grandfather's repeated cover up, he would not have become like this. Would you teach him a lesson for me? Is it a fight? Or a little cursing? Do you think that will calm my anger? "

"So, Mr. Lin, do you think it is reasonable to abolish them?" Mr. Wang asked angrily.

"Unreasonable?" Lin Yang asked.


"What does Mr. Wang mean?"

"Mr. Lin, you are not only the president of Yanghua, but also the famous doctor Lin! I hope you can do something to cure my son and my grandson. As long as you are willing to cure it, I can treat it as if it didn't happen! "

"But I can't think it didn't happen!"

Lin Yang's eyes were cold and he said in a deep voice.


Wang Kang and others couldn't bear it, so they all stepped forward.

But he was stopped again by the king.

"Mr. Lin, you should know that I am not consulting with you or begging you! It's an order! Do you understand? " Mr. Wang drank cold.

"Command me?"

Lin Yang raised his head slightly and looked at him quietly: "I'm so big that no one has ever ordered me!"

"Now there is!" The old man Wang's eyes were deep.

"Then, why?" Lin Yang smiles.

"I can keep your new drug out of production so soon! I have mastered a lot of Yanghua's key secrets, which can be handed over to Tian Heng's Ren GUI! Lin Dong, you have to see the current situation clearly! You have to understand where you are now! It's unreasonable for you to find trouble with our Wang family at this critical point! Do you understand? "

Mr. Wang approached and said hoarsely.

This word, let the Wangs on the scene all laugh.

This is the support of the Wang family.

At present, several pharmaceutical factories in Yanghua are provided by the Wang family.

If Lin Dong and Wang family fall out, Wang family can take back these pharmaceutical factories in an instant.

At present, Yanghua urgently needs special medicine for diabetes to cope with the current predicament. If the Wang family stabs Yanghua in the back at this time, Yanghua's condition will enter a very critical situation.

But those who have a little brain will choose to endure at this time.

Mr. Wang naturally believed that Lin Dong was not a fool.

Sure enough.

Lin Yang fell into silence.

He seemed to be thinking about something and lit a cigarette again.

"Mr. Lin, I'll give you time to think about it. Of course, time doesn't wait for you. My son and grandson are in bad condition. I hope you won't delay too long!" Wang Laozi light smile, then wave a way: "come on, give Lin Dong tea."

"Good Lord."

The servant trotted down.

"No need!"

At this time, Lin Yang flicked the ash into the ashtray, raised his head slightly, and said hoarsely, "in fact, you don't have to give me time to think about it, because since I entered this door, I have already thought it out."

"Oh? What does Lin Dong mean

"I won't help."

Lin Yang almost did not hesitate to say these three words.

In an instant, the atmosphere of the scene suddenly cooled down.

All the Wangs glared at Lin Yang.

Mr. Wang looked at him without expression. After a long time, he shook his head. He said hoarsely, "Mr. Lin, this decision is so stupid! Very stupid! Do you know what you're doing? You're joking about Yanghua's future, and you're betting on all your hard work

"I can afford it." Lin Yang road.

"Oh, Mr. Lin, I admit that you are really excellent. You are young, you have unparalleled medical skills, and you have created such a huge foundation as Yanghua. This is something that many of your peers can't do. However, there is another drawback that you can't avoid, that is, you are too young, like those young people, you are so young... This irrational decision! It really shouldn't be something you can do. ""Really... So, are these your attitudes?" Lin Yang said quietly.

"If you don't save my son and grandson, take Yanghua to bury with you!" Wang said coldly.

Obviously, he has also made a decision.

Moreover, even if Lin Yang compromised, he was bound to leave Yanghua.

After all, Liang Zi between Wang's family and Lin Dong was finally settled.

Mr. Wang would like to rush over and fan Wang howl and Wang Zixiang. But this is not the time to get entangled. How should we deal with Lin Dong and let him help them.

But, after all, Mr. Wang is too naive.

"As I said, I won't save Wang Hao and Wang Zixiang, and I'm not here to negotiate with you."

Lin Yang stood up.

"What are you doing here?" Wang Kang next to him can't help asking.

"I just want to know your attitude." Lin Yang said hoarsely.


All the people in the Wangs were stunned.

Mr. Wang frowned.

Just for this, do you have a trip in person?

Is Lin Dong too idle?


Mr. Wang suddenly thought of something and his face changed.

"Lin Dong, you..."

however, before he finished his words, there was a burst of whistle outside.

Then a group of uniformed scouts rushed in!

"Don't move

The shouts resounded.

Wang's family were all in a daze.

"Comrade, what is this for?" Wang Kang looked at these people stupidly and asked in a trembling voice.

"Ah Kang, don't you know..." Mr. Wang took a deep breath, then turned his head. His eyes were filled with endless anger, staring at Lin Yang: "Lin Dong, start to clean up our Wang family!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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